UNITS 6 & 7


General Procurement Notice (GPN)

The Government of Egypt has applied for loans from the following International Financing Agencies (IFAs) : African Development Bank (ADB) loan of USD 325 million, a loan from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in the amount of EURO 118.65 million, a loan from the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFSED) in the amount of Kuwaiti Dinar (KD) 60 million (two stages), and a loan from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) the amount of Kuwaiti Dinar (KD) 60 million (two stages) towards the cost of New Abu Qir Thermal Power Plant Units 6&7 “2x650 MW” Gas/Oil Fired Units, and it intends to apply the proceeds of these loans to eligible payments for goods and works to be procured under this Project. Bidding for contracts financed by the IFA will be through international competitive bidding and will be governed by the Rules of Procedure for Procurement of Goods and Works of the IFA including but not limited to the ADB Group’s Rules of Procedure for the Procurement of Goods and Works and the IDB Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works.

The principal objective of the project is to provide environmental friendly energy with a reasonable price for the investment sector (Industrial, agricultural or commercial) as well as the household sector. This objective is in line with the Ministry of Electricity and Energy policy of providing the electrical energy to all consumers in Arab Republic of Egypt. The Project consists of two 650 MW Steam Generators, and two Steam Turbines and Condensers and auxiliaries, and switchyard, etc.

The project will include the following goods and works:

I. Packages financed by IFA and by Owner (West Delta Electricity Production Company-WDEPC), and procured under International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures are:

·  Supply and Installation of Environmental Monitoring (financed by ADB/WDEPC).

·  Supply and Installation of GIS Switchyard (financed by ADB/WDEPC).

·  Supply and Installation of Steam Generators and Auxiliaries (financed by AFSED/KFAED/WDEPC).

·  Supply and Installation of Steam Turbine Generators and Condensers (financed by ADB/IDB/WDEPC).

·  Supply and Installation of Water and Waste Water Treatment (financed by ADB/WDEPC)

·  Supply and Installation of Electrical Equipment and Instruments (financed by KFAED/WDEPC)

·  Supply and Installation of Mechanical Equipment and Piping (financed by KFAED/WDEPC)

·  Supply and Installation of Intake and Discharge (financed by ADB/WDEPC)

·  Supply of Pumps and Drives (financed by ADB/WDEPC)

·  Supply of Feed Water Heaters (financed by IDB)

·  Supply of Critical Piping and Valves (financed by ADB/WDEPC)

·  Supply of Power Transformers (financed by IDB)

·  Supply of Instruments and Control (financed by KFAED/WDEPC)

·  Supply of Desalination Plant (financed by ADB/WDEPC)

II. Packages financed by West Delta Electricity Production Company (WDEPC), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Egyptian Holding Company (EEHC):

·  Wrap-up Insurance

·  Civil Works

·  Supply and Installation of Yard Tanks

·  Supply and Installation of Site Services

·  Supply of Switchgears

·  Consultancy and Project Management Services (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Supervision Services)

Specific Procurement Notices for contracts to be bid under International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures will be announced, as they become available. In case of ADB funded contract packages, the award of the contracts will be subject to approval of the Loan by the African Development Bank.

Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting the executing agency directly at the address below:

West Delta Electricity Production Company

7 Riyad Street, Gleem, Alexandria, Egypt

Attention: Head of Procurement Sector

Tel. No.: (20-3) 576 1375

Fax. No.: (20-3) 575 6722