2015 has been a mixed year of fame and fortune.
The 1st X1 under the captaincy of Stefan, must be congratulated on again achieving promotion, for the second year in a row, after a brilliant year in the field. It was also very rewarding to see them at the League Dinner not only as champions but also to receive the umpires’ award for sportsmanship and conduct on the field. Congratulation to all players, who helped contribute to their success. The 2nd X1 narrowly missed promotion, but are looking forward to next year and the challenge once again. The 3rd and 4th X1’s also enjoyed their season, and have been particularly successful in bringing in colts to experience senior cricket.Thanks go to all captains from the Executive Committee, please read their reports on the website.
THANKS: First and foremost must be attributed to Bob who has done an amazing job this year with securing grants for the clubhouse roof, which is now in need of repair. He is always beavering away to find sources of income, as well as assisting with work on the clubhouse. The clubhouse is always in need of attention, toilets, drains, roof, electrics etc. and Peter, is constantly checking on repairs and renovations, remember, he is always in need of assistance, so if you have any building, plumbing or handyman skills and think you could help in anyway, please do let him know. Once again, Paul, Mark and Colin have given us a good square and pitch to play on, something that is often commented on by opposing teams, besides ensuring the rest of the ground is kept looking good.Mark is also a very ‘hands on’ President and we are grateful for all his input into all areas of the club. Stewart as always, has done a sterling job in the bar, but is now standing down, so we are looking for a new bar chairman. Ginny has a never ending job of balancing the books, her report will be available at the AGM. A tricky job, but once again we do need members to support club events to increase our income. The colts sections continues to thrive and Neil together with Carole Wright as their membership secretary,keep them in order, ensuring they have plenty of fixtures and training on Monday evenings. It is good to see so many people assisting with colt’s training on a Monday evening. The Kwik cricket,is also growing and a great way to increase awareness of the game to youngsters. Jamie as club representative for the league, has once again ensured that we are complying with league rules and keeps us informed of any league, changes, rules etc. Two new valuable additions to the executive committee this year have been Alison Arraiol and David Hawes. Alison is our Welfare Officer, an important member of the club, especially with the safeguarding of the colts. David is our webmaster and publicity officer, and we hope you are all checking the website for his up to date tables, reporting and notices. His 2020 vision and ideas should be of interest to everyone. Debbie Beesley for her continuing scoring and support for the first X1, Chris Watmore, who is resigning as fixtures secretary for all his support, Roger Dix who umpires for the 2nd X1, Chris Stopps and Chris Nash our auditors, and Janet Pursey and all the Bax family who produce the teas that Egham are now so famous for.
Unfortunately, we have not had a social secretary this season, and we are looking for someone to take over this position next year. Social events are an important source of generating income, and needs a person or persons (it can be a joint appointment) with ideas on how to generate interest in making the club a social and family one, rather than just a playing environment. If you are interested in any way in helping with this position, or have any ideas, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any member of the committee to discuss.
This year we sadly lost 3 Vice Presidents of the club. In March, Bernie Graham and Joe Palmer passed away on the same day, and in June Vera Warden, also our Patron, after a short illness. They all contributed much to Egham Cricket Club and our sympathies go to their families.
We would also like to welcome Keith Heal and Phil Champken (ex. club players) who are joining Chris Stopps as trustees of the club, and our thanks go to the three of them.
Finally as always I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and Healthy 2016.
Carol Few. December 2015