St. Ann PTO Minutes
January 10, 2017
Carrie & Casey McLiney: (Co Presidents) We had a beautiful Christmas teacher's luncheon, the school ran an extremely successful red bag collection and our PR girls helped cover it, we had a fun PTO Christmas Social, and we had bagels and coffee with pastor and principal. Also, on behalf of PTO, the teachers' faculty lounge was successfully 'made over.' Thank you to all those who were involved in the planning and implementation of the project! Carrie passed out bookmarks. PTO gift to the students. They will be in library.
The board slate coming right up. Remember that Katie and Miles will ultimately be building the board. It is very helpful for the committee to find their replacement, but just remember to use the language like, “we love that you are interested and let me pass your name along to Katie and Miles”. This is really just in case they have a different spot in mind for them. Some committees recruit for their position and some do not. Carrie will be sending out job descriptions to make sure they are accurate.
Otherwise, we are gearing up for:
Jan. 25: Bagels and Coffee with pastor and principal
Jan. 27: Bingo Night-
-Cards at the door and can buy additional cards.
-6:30 start on flyer. 6 on website…everyone votes for 6 so should change flyer
Feb. 11: Trivia Night-
April 28: Tiger Trot!!
Jan. 29: Kick-off of Catholic Schools Week with Chris Cakes Pancake breakfast!!
Katie McCune:(Presidents-Elect) Not Present
Sid Warner:(Past President) Looking forward to Trivia Night February 11!
Christine Rolli (Treasurer): Suggests that when you are expecting a check from an outside vendor, please let her know it is coming so she can look for it. Otherwise, it can get lost. She has not seen a check for chick-fil-a spirit night so she called. Also, are we on amazon SMILE? St ANN Catholic CHURCH is already listed but there is no push to it. Perhaps we could talk to Tracy about getting that some promotion.
Mike Reilly (Principal): Would like to reiterate the thank you for the PTO hard work on the recent events. Also, thank you so much for the new teachers space. Showed pictures, and commented that it is very nice. Carrie added that funds would be used for this going forward. Also, registration started yesterday (January 9, 2017) and there are already 60 families registered. It will be open until February 10. Red Friday and donut sale is this Friday. Funds will benefit our sister school. Vertis meeting coming up for families. In the past, teachers have contacted families who they would like to meet with for third quarter conferences. This year sessions are open to all parents. We are all excited for the events of the upcoming Catholic schools week!
Meg Winne and Tisha Zimmerman (Decorating): Not Present
Francie Bradley and Carrie Reiser (Staff Activities): Not Present
Amy Collier and Jill Bleything (Spirit Night): Not Present
Shelby Ross and Christy Staker (Student Enrichment): Not Present
Amy Whitney (Monthly Fundraising): Not Present
Jen Reintjes (8th),Karie Nelson (7th)(Student Volunteers): We are going to meet with Andrew and teachers to set some parameters for student volunteer opportunities. There are so many things going on that parents think they can rely on them, which is great, but sometime they get request that will not work, for instance during school time. So we want to set these parameters so that people will know ahead of time if is appropriate or not to ask. In the past there has also, been a bulletin board that makes suggestions for things that can qualify for the service hours, in case people need more hours. We are going to start this up again. Currently, service hours information is on the Sacrament page on the website…for 7th and 8th graders. If anyone has things coming up let us know…. the sooner the better. Mike suggested a great service opportunity…Catholic Charities food truck distributes every 3rd Saturday of the month. Food distribution is 12:30 to 2:30. Sign up on line…but do it early because it fills up!
Heather Sullivan and Maria Ianni (AoK): We are preparing for 2nd semester AoK. We were going to do Giving the Basics but are redirecting for two reasons…1) Catholic School Week Toiletry drive. 2) 5th and 6th graders are taking a field trip to Giving the Basics. Aok will use some of their funds to just purchase some basics for them to take with them. Will reevaluate this for next year. Goal of AOK is not to have the parents purchasing stuff, rather suppose to have kids working to gather items...they are doing something. Other projects are Medical Mission, Heifer International, Sucker Sale, Ronald McDonald, Hope Leadership Academy, Just Like You videos. Book drive…kids will make hope book marks (with a prayer on them) which will be inserted into the books that are donated to Catholic Charities.
Stephanie Grier and Meghan Parrot (Spirit Wear): Not Present
Brooke Santa and Lisa Stuart (Program and Hospitality): Not Present
Jessica Hagg (New Parent): We will be recruiting host families soon now that registration has have begun. It is easy…really just making calls and setting up a coffee or play date.
Sarah Emerson (Major Fundraising): We have most of our committee members so we will meet with Father Keith and Mike. All going well! Tiger Trot kick off rally is March 31.
Tracy Blasdel and Charlotte Butler (Public Relations): Charlotte has photos of 5th grade Saints Day for the bulletin board. Not much in the near future but we are happy to send out If there is any thing that coming up for Catholic Schools Week call us. We will be there to take photos for Red Friday. Big bang for Red Bags! 166 bags gathered which was a record! The media was here at 6:45 AM…lot of coordination …everyone was here…. Tracy said students were all very poised and wonderful. If you ever want to show your kids just how grateful people are for the Red Bag, you can take them to the actual point of delivery that Saturday. Very moving and brings the project full circle.
Erica Creger (Parent Activities): Not present
Katie Lindmark and Emily Eckles (Parent Volunteers): Not Present
Liz Schroeder, Maggie Doolittle, Ellen Algrim, and Ani Renz (SCRIP): Not Present
Megan Schumm (Box Tops): We recently got a check that brought us up to $500 for the year. Collecting box tops really does work! We got the green light from Mike for a grade by grade competitions for box tops, winner will get an for out of uniform day. This will be announced in the bulletin this Friday. Trash bags are in the office but no real push to sell.
Annie Brown (Health and Wellness): We are posting monthly about health and wellness. Glynda posted a good post about car seats. Alysha has a good one about sleeping habits coming soon. They are not on the App yet. On the website can be found under “Wellness” tab, which has been mentioned in the school bulletin. Mike says he will help to get them on the App. There is actually room for two more squares as it is set up…should be able to use one for this!
Allie Foster (Staff Representative): Thank you for the luncheon, the gifts at the luncheon and the new staff room! We love your kids but to have all this on top of that it is really appreciated! We all feel really valued! We would love to get a photo in The Leaven for the Giving the Basics field trip. Tracy said it turns out that it is kind of hard to get in The Leaven. You need a good picture and good caption. Allie will try to get the perfect photo!
Nancy Wilkerson (Secretary)- Opened and closed with a prayer.