SAC Meeting-3/21/17

Meeting called to order at 5:15.

I. -Ms Torres spoke on School-Parent Compact -Document that goes home at the beginning of every year.

-Agreement between parents and school as to how to support students for the current year to increase student achievement, keep students safe.

-Parent responsibilities are to help with homework, volunteer, attend meetings ie SAC, Parent Conferences.

-Reviewed current compact and asked for parent input

regarding 2017-2018 School-Parent Compact.

-Title One Survey is being passed out to students. Parents should fill out and return.

II. Mr. LaPlante spoke about Parent Survey is going home.

-It’s on a bubble page.

-Helps the school make decisions for next year.

III. Ms. Fishlock spoke as per Principal sharing

-Walk Out on Cancer on 3/23/17 at school. All students are participating. Students are asked to bring 2 dollars for American Cancer Society.

-3/23 is the end of the 3rd Quarter. Student Assessments are approaching. Vital to student promotion.

-Congratulations to 9 students who competed at Math Competition at Bethune elementary.

-Tedder students participated in a SECME Competition at Ely High School on 3/18.

-Kindergarten registration is approaching. Will be held in May. Information will be forthcoming.

-Next meeting on 5/23/17. Will be the final SAC Meeting of the 2016-2017 school year.