ASO’s I Want to Try That
Music Lesson Contract

Student Information:

Name of StudentClick here to enter text. Grade Click here to enter text. Age Click here to enter text.

Instrument Choice:

1. Click here to enter text. 2. Click here to enter text. 3. Click here to enter text.

Street Address Click here to enter text.

City Click here to enter text. State Click here to enter text. Zip Click here to enter text.

Phone Number Click here to enter text.

E-mail Address Click here to enter text.

Name of Student’s Parent(s) Click here to enter text.

Please Indicate which night of the week you prefer to take these lessons.

☐ Monday ☐ Tuesday ☐ Wednesday ☐ Thursday ☐ Friday ☐ Saturday ☐ Sunday

* Please note that selecting a day does not guarantee your lessons will take place on that day as a schedule must be coordinated to fit both the student and instructor.

Student Responsibilities –

  • Materials - Students are responsible for the purchase/ rental of their own books, instruments, and other materials needed for the lessons they are receiving. Our teachers will assist in referring our students to where they can obtain these items, however they are not responsible for providing them personally.
  • Practicing - Each teacher instructs how much practice is ideal for each student and will encourage students in their practicing. Nevertheless, once the instructor is gone it is up the student to do their own practicing. Progress will be made most quickly by those students who maintain the recommended practicing time. Parents are also encouraged to be involved in their students practice. Taking the to listen to your child play their weekly songs, or creating a set time for practicing in the students daily routine are good ways to become involved.
  • Attendance – Students are responsible for their time slot with ASO’s I Want to Try That program. If a student is not available for their weekly lesson for any reason it is not the responsibility of the teacher to make up the missed lesson. In addition to this, students are asked to contact their teacher or the Altoona Symphony Orchestra office a minimum of 24 hours in advance if a student will be unavailable for their lesson. It is a courtesy to the teachers to not have them drive to a lesson that will not be taking place. Please keep in mind the Altoona Symphony Orchestra requires you to remain consistent in this program. Missing more than 2 Music Lessons in a row without a proper excuse will void the contract, and the ASO will request a reimbursement of 1/2 (one half) of their expenditures to date. Also, missing more than 4 non-consecutive lessons without a proper excuse will also void the contract and the ASO will request a reimbursement of 1/2 (one half) of their expenditures to date. *The ASO has sole discretion on what is considered a “proper excuse”.
  • Student Contracts- Students or parents of students being taught through the ASO’s I Want to Try That program are to sign and hand in a student contract prior to their first lessons. This student contract ensures that both the students and the parents understand the business arrangements of how these lessons will work.
  • Lesson Contract: Students must be willing to commit to the program for all 6 months. If your child wishes to discontinue you will be asked to reimburse the Altoona Symphony Orchestra 1/2 (one half) of the investment. (Students are eligible to change instruments if not satisfied with their initial choice).


100% of lesson fees will be covered under this program. The ASO will be responsible for paying lesson fees directly to the instructor.

Student Signature ______
Click here to enter text. If sending electronically please place initials here

Parent Signature ______Date ______

Click here to enter text. If sending electronically please place initials here Date Click here to enter a date.