Supplemental material
Table Captions
Table S1Height,stem perimeter and maximal leaf area of plants harvested from thefourtreatments. Different letters refer to Duncan test p<0.05. L+AB (soil pretreated with 750kg/ha of lime and 325 kg/ha of ammonium bicarbonate); OF (soil amended with organic fertilizers);BOF (soil amended with bio-organic fertilizers); L+AB+BOF (soil pretreated with 750kg/ha of lime and 325 kg/ha of ammonium bicarbonateandthen amended with bio-organic fertilizers).
Plant Height(cm) / Stem Perimeter (cm) / Maximal Leaf Area (cm2)L+AB / 56.93±2.49b / 9.05±0.50b / 1458.33±104.47b
OF / 52.14±3.89c / 9.00±0.62b / 1469.67±76.98b
BOF / 64.86±4.06a / 9.80±0.48a / 1747.92±55.39a
L+AB+BOF / 68.43±5.09a / 9.90±0.63a / 1830.58±83.52a
Table S2Physical and chemical properties of samples collected from four treatments. Number with different letter refers to significant differences (p<0.05). L+AB (soil pretreated with 750kg/ha of lime and 325 kg/ha of ammonium bicarbonate); OF (soil amended with organic fertilizers); BOF (soil amended with bio-organic fertilizers); L+AB+BOF (soil pretreated with 750kg/ha of lime and 325 kg/ha of ammonium bicarbonateandthen amended with bio-organic fertilizers).
L+AB / OF / BOF / L+AB+BOFTotalC(g/Kg) / 11.15±0.29b / 11.97±0.21a / 11.02±0.18b / 11.53±0.37ab
TotalN(g/Kg) / 1.71±0.02a / 1.69±0.02ab / 1.66±0.02b / 1.72±0.03a
C/N / 6.54±0.12c / 7.09±0.080a / 6.65±0.05bc / 6.72±0.09b
Available K(g/Kg) / 0.33±0.01b / 0.25±0.01c / 0.32±0.01b / 0.38±0.01a
Available P(mg/Kg) / 56.16±1.94a / 54.36±2.32a / 55.37±2.27a / 54.38±3.67a
NO3--N(mg/Kg) / 54.71±0.92b / 57.10±1.18a / 54.78±1.20b / 54.86±0.69b
NH4+-N(mg/Kg) / 12.75±2.06a / 12.23±1.64a / 10.24±2.73a / 12.15±3.09a
pH / 5.89±0.12a / 5.39±0.07b / 5.81±0.14a / 5.97±0.14a
Supplemental material
Figure Legends
Fig. S1 DGGE patterns of bacterial communities of rhizosphere soilsfrom thefour treatments in pot experiments.DGGE patternswereanalyzed by quantity one. L+AB (soil pretreated with 100g of lime and 50g of ammonium bicarbonate in each pot); OF (soil amended with organic fertilizers);BOF (soil amended with bio-organic fertilizers); L+AB+BOF (soil pretreated only with 100g of lime and 50g of ammonium bicarbonate in each potandthen amended with bio-organic fertilizers).
Fig. S2Bray-Curtis distance indices of bacterial communities ofrhizosphere soils from the four treatments. Indices are clustered and plotted in a heat-map format, with dark to red suggesting increasing similarity.L+AB (soil pretreated with 750kg/ha of lime and 325 kg/ha of ammonium bicarbonate); OF (soil amended with organic fertilizers); BOF (soil amended with bio-organic fertilizers); L+AB+BOF (soil pretreated with 750kg/ha of lime and 325 kg/ha of ammonium bicarbonateandthen amended with bio-organic fertilizers)