Dyslexia Scotland - Application Form
Employment AdviserPost – Full Time (35 hours)
Please complete this form in black ink or type.
Part 1 – Personal details
First name(s):………………………………………………………………………
Part 2 – Background and experience
Please note that this section will be sent to your previous employer for ratification.
Please tell us about your employment history and major achievements including any relevant volunteering experience.
Dates(and reasons for leaving) / Employer / Position held
(if in a voluntary capacity please state this) / Main achievements
Please give yourself a rating of 1 – 10 (1 is weak and 10 is strong) on your experience and abilities in the following essential and desirable work areas. Briefly elaborate in the space provided.
Work area / Rating1 - 10 / Elaboration
Experience of delivering one to one careers advice
Experience in developing and maintaining relationships with employers
Experience and knowledge of dyslexia
Able to deliver workshops on employability skills
Postgraduate Diploma in Careers Guidance and Development or equivalent qualification; OR
Extensive appropriate experience
Ability to work on own initiative as well as being a team player
Proven experience of being self motivated
Good working knowledge of IT, including proficiency with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and social media
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Good organisational skills
Empathy and patience in working with people with dyslexia
Ability to work with people from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities
Willingness to travel across
Scotland as required and towork occasionally at weekend andevenings
Experienceof working in the voluntary sector
Ability to deliver presentations to potential partners i.e. Job Centres, SDS, employers
Experience of setting up and running online forums or networks
Part 3 – Education and training
Please give information on the education you have received:
Dates / Institution / QualificationsPlease give information on any training you have received, or are currently undertaking, which you consider to be relevant to this post:
Dates / Training / QualificationsPart 4 – Personal qualities and attributes
Please tell us about the skills, knowledge and personal attributes that equip you for this post:
Part 5 – Referees
Please give details of two people who have knowledge of you in a working environment.
One referee must be your current or most recent employer.
Telephone:Work ………………………………………
Home ………………………………………
Relationship to you:………………………………………………..
How long has this person known you?…………………….
Telephone:Work ………………………………………
Home ………………………………………
Relationship to you:………………………………………………..
How long has this person known you?…………………….
Part 6 – Convictions
This post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 due to the nature of the work of Dyslexia Scotland.
This post is subject to a Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme Check.
Have you ever been formally cautioned or convicted of any criminal offence? (Please circle)
If yes, please provide details:
I agree that any offer of employment with Dyslexia Scotland is subject to satisfactory references and a Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme Enhanced Level Check.
I agree that Dyslexia Scotland may hold and use the information above under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998.
I confirm that the information on this form and on any attachments is correct and complete. I understand that giving false information or omitting to give relevant information may mean that this application is not considered and, if I am appointed, may lead to dismissal.
Signature:……………………………….Date: …………………
Please return this application form marked ‘Private and Confidential’
By post to:
Cathy Magee
Dyslexia Scotland
2nd floor – East Suite
Wallace House
17-21 Maxwell Place
Stirling FK8 1JU
Or by email to
If you have emailed your application form and are then called for interview, a signed copy of the application form must be provided at the interview.
Closing date for applications:Thursday 18th February 2016
Interviews will be held on:Tuesday8th March 2016
Dyslexia Scotland, 2nd Floor – East Suite, Wallace House, 17-21 Maxwell Place, Stirling FK8 1JU
A charitable company limited by guarantee.
Registered in Scotland No. SC 153321. Scottish Charity No. SCO00951
Email: Tel: 01786 44 66 50