Direct Instruction Evaluation Form

Teacher: ______Competency Conducted by: ______

Instructions: Use a rating scale of “+” to indicate that the skill did occur and “-” to indicate that the skill did not occur. At the end of the evaluation period, tally the total number of “+” and “-” and calculate the percentage of correct responses. The shaded areas indicate critical skills; if these skills are not observed it will result in failing the competency.

Date / Remediation Date / Re-Assessment Date
Area One: Organization
Placement test has been conducted
Knows current lesson
Has practiced lesson prior to teaching
Instructional area is neat and clean
All materials needed are organized and ready
Materials needed are ready, labeled and organized based upon daily data for an unfamiliar teacher
Begins promptly/avoids wasted time
Recommendation based on previous competency:
Area Two: Teaching the Lesson
Establishes instructional control
Book is at child’s eye level (when necessary)
Speaks clearly with a natural tone of voice
Follows script
Uses clear signals (i.e., completes instruction before signaling)
Requires learner to wait for signal to respond
Pace is appropriate for learner
Most effective/least intrusive prompting procedures are used
Implements learner specific teaching procedures and/or program changes accurately
Varies elements of teaching procedures based on unique teaching situation
Area Three: Error Correction
Corrects error immediately
Does extra practice (if needed) to firm up response
Modifies error correction procedure when appropriate based on type of question or error
Date / Remediation Date / Re-Assessment Date
Area Three: Reinforcement
Delivers reinforcers immediately
Teacher controls reinforcers
Reinforces throughout lesson according to learner’s specified schedule of reinforcement
Differentially reinforces responses
Sr+ competes with Sr-/SrA+
Uses a variety of reinforcers
Pairs social reinforcement with tangible items
Area Four: Behavior Management
Correctly implements extinction procedures
Maintains composure during behavior reduction procedures
Accurately records behavior data (80% IOA)
Area Five: Data Collection
Data are accurately recorded throughout lesson (80% IOA)
Data are graphed appropriately and graphs are up to date
Mastery tests are up to date and data are graphed
Date / Correct
(+) / Errors
(-) / % Correct / Pass/Fail
Initial Assessment

Impressions: ______






















Developed by the Staff of the Carbone Clinic. May be copied and distributed with proper attribution.