Effective January 2018, the Village of Cross Plains will be transitioning to monthly billing for water and sewer services.
Transitioning to Monthly Billing
This will be your last quarterly bill.Moving forward, utility meters will be read monthly by no later than the 10th of each month. Following meter reading, utility bills will be calculated using actual water usage data collected during the read process. Just like in the past, meter readings are subject to both a sewer rate and a water rate, in addition to a flat fixed charge. Water and sewer rates vary depending on the size of the meter located at your home or business; most standard residential homes in the Village have a 5/8” meter. The Village’s current water and sewer rates have been updated to reflect the change in billing cycle. The current rates for a standard 5/8” meter are as follows:
Monthly Flat Fee - $7.25
Monthly Usage Fee –First 10,000 gallons used each month - $2.44 per 1,000 gallons
Next 23,333 gallons used each month - $2.22 per 1,000 gallons
Over 33,333 gallons used each month - $1.35 per 1,000 gallons
Monthly Flat Fee - $26.00
Monthly Usage Fee - $11.75 per 1,000 gallons
Customers can expect to receive their first monthly bill after February 15th, 2018. Due to the transition from quarterly to monthly billing, the first monthly bill will be for approximately 6 weeks of usage – from December 27, 2017 (the Village’s last quarterly meter read date) to approximately February 10th (the Village’s first monthly meter read date deadline). The first monthly bill payment will have a due date of March 10th, 2018. Monthly bills received starting in March 2018 will be for 4 weeks of usage. Under monthly billing, utility bills will be mailed by the 15th of each month. Monthly water and sewer bills will be mailed to customers in a postcard format. Please watch your mail in February for a postcard that looks like below:
Electronic Bill Enrollment
Instead of receiving a postcard bill,you can sign up to receive yourutility bill electronically via email.This service is absolutely free, you will have one less piece of mail to sort through, and you will avoid mailing delays in receiving your bill. The E-bill will contain the same information that you are accustomed to seeing on your paper postcard bill. The bill date, due date, amount due and other information will remain the same.For more information and to enroll in this process please email your request for electronic billing to .
Utility Bill Payment Options
There are several convenient options for customers to pay their utility bill:
- Mail your payment to: Village of Cross Plains, P.O. Box 97, Cross Plains, WI 53528
- Pay online – the Village of Cross Plains contracts with MuniciPAY to offer the option to pay utility bills online by credit card or echeck. Please note: there is a fee associated with paying online, please see the Village’s website for more information.
- Sign up for automatic bill payment and have your payment pulled from your account via ACH on the bill due date. Email to request more information on automatic bill payment.
- Pay in person at Village Hall located at 2417 Brewery Road during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm).
- Drop off your payment any time of day in the red Utility Drop Box located at Village Hall.
If you have any questions regarding the Village’s transition to monthly billing or any general utility billing questions, please feel free to contract Bobbi Zauner, Village Finance Director, by phone (608-798-3241 ext. 106) or email ().