Age Action Alliance

together improving older people’s lives

Public Health & Active Lifestyles Working Group

‘Healthy Workplaces’ – theAAA Employment Sub-Group

Terms of Reference

Members:Future Invitees:

Dame Carol Black (Champion)Carol Baxter, NHS Employers

Denise Keating, enei (Chair)Caroline Waters, BT

Carolynne Arfield, DWP (Secretariat)Craig Berry, TUC

Chris Brooks, Age UKGraeme Henderson, DH

Dianah Worman, CIPDLynne Wealleans, Beth Johnson Foundation

David Fairhurst, McDonald’s[Marie-Claude Hemming], FSB

Dominic Johnson, Barclays GroupNeil Carberry, CBI

Duncan Tree, CSVNick Wilson, SE England Forum on Ageing

Erin Flood, ABISarah Messenger, LGA

Kate Apted, TAEN Sarah Thwaites, Financial Skills Partnership

Madeleine Starr, Carers UKStephen Howard, BiTC

Paul Wilson, DWP

The Age Action Alliance Vision

The Age Action Alliance (AAA) is informed and driven by older people themselves. We share the vision of improving older people’s lives; creating neighbourhoods where all older people are secure, valued and able to make a contribution to their local communities and wider society. See the Age Action Alliance Declaration for more information on the AAA.


The Employment Sub-Group will help employers createhealthier workplacesto improve the health and productive contribution of their ageing workforce, and offer a better quality of life to people in the workplace and their later life.

Healthy workplaces are dependent upon employers understanding that effectively managing an ageing workforce pays business dividends and includes:

  • effective health and performance management in the workplace;
  • opportunities for workers to discuss and change their working patterns, hours or job content both to meet their own needs to remain productive for the business;
  • a positive attitude to the ageing workforce.

Older people tell us they:

  • want to have choice in how long they work;
  • want work to support their finances and to help them remain active and healthy longer;
  • would have liked to work longer if they could have accessed flexible or part-time work.


The Employment Sub-Group will:

  • consult, influence and engage leading employers, other key stakeholders and representative bodies, on improving the effective management of an ageing workforce in terms of healthy productive working;
  • develop the Business Case: Drivers of Change for employers and develop or draw together practical solutions and resources for employers on managing a healthy and productive ageing workforce
  • create a network of people who share best practice, the business case and resources for employers freely;
  • develop and maintain a free resource centre of practical solutions for employers of all sizes, business advisers, partners and stakeholders, including resources that can be used with older employees.

Roles and Responsibilities

Members of the Employment Sub-Group will:

  • Be members of the Age Action Alliance;
  • Each contribute resources to the work of the Group through practical or financial input;
  • Scope the contribution that each member of the group will make;
  • Commission the development and maintenance of a website to act as a freely available resource centre of practical solutions for employers and to network information, feedback and achievements that foster momentum across partners and stakeholders.
  • Act as ambassadors and encourage engagement through their networks, peers and with wider organisations.
  • Engage in PR activity if required and to represent AAA Employment in the media.


All outputs produced by the Sub-Group, including any information and material fed into the work of the Sub-Group, will be made freely available for use by employers and stakeholders. The outputs shall not form part of a charged service or charged product to third parties.


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