Minutes of a Meeting of the Codnor Parish Council

heldatPeverel House,Mill Lane,Codnor at 7.30 pm on Monday 12January 2015


Councillor P Smith (Chairman in the Chair) andCouncillors P Baxendale,Mrs C Cox, R Deans, C Emmas-Williams, A Longdon, H longdon, JR Moon,Mrs A Moon, G Whalleyand M Whittall

Also Present

Mr A Sharpe (Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer), PCSO 4425 S Duftonand4 Members of the public

1/15Apologies for absence


2/15Declarations of Interest

CouncillorsMrs C Cox, C Emmas-Williams, A Longdon and H Longdondeclared a personal interest in agenda item7 (a)and took no part in the vote (Whole Council elections – Amber Valley).

3/15Public Speaking

(a)Public Matters


(b)Police Matters

The Police representative reported that there had been no reported crime incidents from the beginning of the year to date. She was aware of problems with straying horses and referred to a new scheme that had been set up to deal with such issues.

RESOLVED that the report be noted.

(c)CountyCouncil Member Report

County Councillor Freeborn was unable to attend the meeting but had sent the following details –

(i)Codnor Primary School - Notified Site. Derbyshire County Councilhad effectively opened up the land for possible development. There were concerns about the development of this site even without considering access matters. Ground levels had been raised in the past by unlawful tipping but notwithstanding those matters, it was understood that drainage from the site already causes floods outside its boundaries, and that there was contamination from Japanese Knotweed. However, there is no planning application made at this point.

(ii)The above leaves the County Council site as is - this is the land that is actually within the aegis of the primary school governors.

(iii) Progress towards establishing a Combined Authority between the County Council and all the District/Borough Councils is good. The main political parties are all committed to greater devolution of powers (and hopefully funding) to councils which are embracing the combined authority approach. The work being done in Derbyshire should see the county well placed for early receipt of any newly devolved powers. (Note this approach does not diminish the current role or duties of any council.)

(iv) Derbyshire County Council remains on target to make the scale of cuts it needs to meet Government reduction targets. Where the County Council canthey would use "Public Health" funds - money transferred from the NHS and ring-fenced for specific uses - to ameliorate certain aspects of the cuts.

(v)On planning matters, there is a possible re-shaping of the County Council approach to planning with the re-consideration of the role in strategic planning. This would probably lead to the Borough Council re-visiting its spatial planning policies.

RESOLVED that the report be noted and that further consideration of the de-notification of the Mill Lane site take place at the next meeting.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 8 December2014 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

5/15To determine if any items of business should be taken with the public excluded

RESOLVEDthat agenda item 13 should be considered with the public excluded.

6/15Chairman’s Announcements

(a)Nottingham Road Allotments

A request had been received from the Chairman of Nottingham Road Allotments for assistance in purchasing Hawthorne Whips for planting in the spring, to tidy up the boundary of the allotments. Councillor Emmas-Willams would seek assistance from Amber Valley Borough Council on the provision of the plants.

(b)Combined Authority

The chairman referred to a consultation questionnaire received from Derbyshire County Council seeking views on proposals to form a Combined Authority for Derbyshire.

RESOLVED that the Council supports the proposals and the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman complete and return the consultation questionnaire.

(c)ACRE Network of Rural Community Councils/DEFRA

Members were informed of proposals to withdraw funding from the ACRE Network of Rural Community Councils and were asked to consider making representations to the Secretary of State.

RESOLVED that the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman send a letter to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs urging the Government to maintain funding of the service.

(d)St James Church

It was noted that St James Church would shortly have a new vicar.

7/15Parish Council – Items for Decision/Action

(a)Whole Council Elections in Amber Valley - Consultation

A number of personal interests had been recorded in minute number 2/15 and those members remained in the meeting but took no part in the vote.

Members considered the consultation by Amber Valley BoroughCouncil on the possible move towards whole council elections.

RESOLVED that the proposals be supported.

(b)Carols round the tree event

It was noted that the final total of the collection for children in need taken at the Carols round the tree event had been £170.00, which included a collection by the Codnor Primary School.

RESOLVED that the report be noted and the Clerk write to the Head teacher of the school to thank them for their support and inform them of the total collected for children in need.

(c)Footpath maintenance – Joint working update

The Clerk was to arrange a meeting shortly to further the proposals.

RESOLVEDthat the report be noted.


RESOLVED that quarterly newsletter for January 2015 be approved for printing and circulation.

(e)Quality Council Status

The Clerk reported that the Council had been accepted for ‘Quality Foundation’ membership and would receive a new logo in February. Council would then consider the upgrade process in the new civic year.

RESOLVED that the report be noted.

(f)Business Term Deposit

RESOLVED that the business term deposit be extended for a further three months.

(g)Sponsorship letter for bonfire event

Further to discussion at the last meeting, Members considered adraft letter to be sent to Tesco and other businesses seeking support or sponsorship for the bonfire and fireworks event.

RESOLVED that the letter (incorporating amendments and suggestions made) be approved and that members inform the Clerk of suggested businesses to contact.

(h)Update on response regarding horses

It was noted that no responses had yet been received on this matter and Members expressed their concerns. The Clerk had written and e-mailed each of the Chief Constable, Police and Crime Commissioner and RSPCA on three occasions since 15 December.

RESOLVEDthat the Clerk write formally againif responses had not been received within the next week and the matter be included on the next agenda.

8/14Derbyshire Association of Local Councils



The Council considered a schedule of payments and were updated on finances.


(1)The schedule of payments detailed below be approved.

(2)The update on the budget appraisal and finances be noted.

(3)The budget for 2015/16 be approved and the precept for 2015/16 be set at £58,000.

Schedule of approved payments

Recipient / Nett / VAT / Gross / Cheque Number
Parish Warden Salary (See also below) / £799.03 / £0.00 / £799.03 / Standing order
Parish warden salary (balance by cheque) / £173.49 / £0.00 / £173.49 / 1580
HMRC / £188.09 / £0.00 / £188.09 / 1568
DCC - Pensions / £194.22 / £0.00 / £194.22 / 1569
Clerks Salary and expenses / £622.55 / £0.00 / £622.55 / 1570
B Dickson (PA) / £210.00 / £0.00 / £210.00 / 1571
E-on / £27.38 / £1.37 / £28.75 / 1572
Butler Cook (Payroll charges) / £65.00 / £13.00 / £78.00 / 1573
My Repro (Newsletter) / £47.50 / £0.00 / £47.50 / 1574
Lite / £9740.00 / £1948.00 / £11688.00 / 1575
St Johns Ambulance / £52.16 / £0.00 / £52.16 / 1576
Special Constabulary / £200.00 / £0.00 / £200.00 / 1577
3rdCodnor scouts / £200.00 / £0.00 / £200.00 / 1578
Beauchief Explorer Scouts / £200.00 / £0.00 / £200.00 / 1579
Heage Band / £150.00 / £0.00 / £150.00 / 1581

10/14Planning and Licensing


(1)that the following objections be submitted to thePlanningAuthority.

Application / Description / Decision
AVA/2014/0801 – 12 Daykins Row Codnor / 3 bedroom Bungalow detached (outline) (This is a departure from the adopted local plan) / Codnor Parish Council objection to the application as follows
1 The application submitted is to build this property within the Green Belt which is against the saved policy in Amber Valley Borough Local Plan 2006.(EN1 & EN2)
2 The application site also lies outside the built framework of settlements which is also identified in the AVB Local Plan 2006(EN5)
3. The access and egress for the current properties on Daykins Row is extremely hazardous for traffic movements and any further developments would exacerbate the situation with the possibility of extra collisions.
AVA/2014/1107 Land at 47 West Hill Codnor / Outline application for residential development. This is a departure from the adopted local plan. / Codnor Parish Council object to the application as follows
1 The application submitted is to build these 10 properties within the Green Belt which is against the saved policy in Amber Valley Borough Local Plan 2006.(EN1 & EN2)
2 The application site also lies outside the built framework of settlements which is also identified in the AVB Local Plan 2006(EN5)
3 The proposed access and egress is proposed off a point on West Hill which is at the bottom of a slight hill and will not have good visibility to fairly fast traffic.

(2) If either of these two applications are considered for approval then the Parish Council request that they be determined by the Planning Board.

(3) That the following application that had been determined by the planning authority be noted.

Application / Description / Decision
TRE/2014/0146 53 Crosshill, Codnor / Yew tree – Crown lift and Holly tree- Crown reduction. / Permitted

11/14Items for information


12/14Date and Time of Next Meeting

It was NOTED that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 2February 2015 at Peverel House, Mill Lane, Codnor commencing at 7.30 pm (preceded by presentations at 7.15 pm).

1314Exclusion of Press and Public

RESOLVED that in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted it was considered desirable that in the public interest the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item.

14/14Staffing Matters

Council considered matters relating the salary point of the Parish Warden.


(1)The action of the Clerk (in consultation with the Chairman) in ratifying that the substantive salary point of the Parish Warden was national scale point 5 be approved.

(2)The Parish Warden be placed on national scale point 11 with effect from 1 January 2015.
