EERE Web Coordinator’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Attending in Person

EERE Communications –Alex Clayborne, ActioNet; Elizabeth Spencer, NREL

Education – Laura Angle, ActioNet

Vehicles – Shannon Shea; Nay Chehab, New West

DOE PA – Marissa Newhall

Attending by Phone

AMO – Natalie Rance, Hannon Group

Bioenergy – Reanna Trudell, BCS

Buildings –Nate Shelter, Energetics; Shan Osborn, PNNL; NREL; Wendy Graves, Akoya

FEMP –Joe Konrade; Courtney Fieber, DB Interactive;

Fuel Cells –Kathy Cisar, Sara Havig, NREL

Geothermal – Sam Shiffman, BCS

Solar/SunShot – Susanna Murley, Clean Energy Communications;Greg O’Brien, Hannon Group

Vehicles – Suzanne Williams, Vicki Skonicki, Argonne; Trish Cozart, NREL

WIP –Christina Stowers, New West; Kristin Swineford, New West

EERE Communications –Amy Vaughn-Liles, Alexis Powers, Amy Glickson, Adrienne Elmore, Ken Dykes,Shauna Fjeld, Monica Arevalo, NREL; Billie Bates, David Brown, ActioNet


This was the 87thmeeting of EERE’s web coordinators.

Current Business

Around the Room

  • SunShot is updating its project map this month.
  • Shannon Shea is leaving EERE for the Office of Science. Her last day is July 8.
  • We broke the 1,000 followers mark on the EERE LinkedIn Showcase page. There’s also a new record for impressions on the @Energy Twitter account.It was the first time passing the 200,000 monthly impressions mark in the account’s history. Redesign

Marissa relayed that there’s a meeting with HUGE later today to present on top-level navigation and analytics. Once they settle on a content model, they will move forward with designing the new template. There will also be an update at the rescheduled DOE Web Council meeting happening next Tuesday, June 21. Thanks to all the EERE folks who participated in stakeholder meetings.


Elizabeth gave an overview and update on GovDelivery. See the meeting slides for the stats on lists, subscribers and open and click rates. We would like to clear out old and unused listsand admins who have left EERE. We also would like feedback on updating the template.Is there a way to make this info come up more accurately in Google Analytics? GovDelivery traffic can show up as “direct.” One way to work around this is to use campaign tracking code. Is the issue with images a GovDelivery issue or a template one? Both. You can use fewer images, but there’s no ban on using them. Modern email clients are trying to save the user from spam and threats. How does GovDelivery measure whether or not the email is opened? There is some quirkiness where Outlook is concerned, as the preview window does not register as “opening” the email. Elizabeth will look further into this.

EERE Landing Pages

Adrienne discussed the EERE topical landing pages, as we are in cleanup mode in anticipation of the redesign. There is redundant content on these pages, and they may be confusing for users. The Vehicles landing page was removed in April. Contact Adrienne if you’re interested in removing the topical landing page for your office.

Updated EERE Site Map

Adrienne explained that the midyear update to the site map has been completed. The criteria for listing a site is that the content is reviewed or approved by EERE or DOE, and funded or branded by EERE. Adrienne will send out the final PDF with these meeting minutes.

Next Meeting

July21 at 1 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Mountain, in 5E-069 Forrestal and X300 Golden.