EE462G: Laboratory Assignment 7

NMOS and CMOS Logic Circuits


Dr. A.V. Radun

Dr. K.D. Donohue (10/25/05)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY40506

(Lab 6 report due at beginning of the period) (Pre-lab7 and Lab-7 Datasheet due at the end of the period)

I. Instructional Objectives

  • Build and measure parameters of an NMOS logic circuit
  • Build and measure parameters of a CMOS logic circuit
  • Understand the advantages of CMOS logic circuits

See 6.4.4, 6.4.5, and 14.2 in Horenstein

II. Background

A simple logic inverter can be built using an N-channel MOSFET and a drain resistor as shown in Fig. 1. An alternative configuration using a P-channel MOSFET and a drain resistor is shown in Fig. 2. These inverter configurations serve as a useful introduction to transistors as digital devices, but they are no longer used in practical logic circuits. Active MOS transistors are used in place of the resistors due to their smaller size and lower power dissipation. Thus, modern logic circuits are made up entirely of transistors. Transistor-only logic circuits can be designed using only N-channel MOSFETs, in which case the circuits are called NMOS circuits. Alternatively they can be designed using both N-channel and P-channel MOSFETs, in which case they are called complimentary MOS or CMOS circuits. While the NMOS circuits are faster than the CMOS circuits, the CMOS circuits use less power and as a result have become more common.


The key to NMOS circuit designs is the diode-connected NMOS transistor. In the case of the NMOS logic inverter in Fig. 1, the transistor plays the same role as the pull-up resistor (RD) in the inverter circuit of Fig. 2. By connecting the MOSFET’s gate to its drain (VGS = VDS), as done in Figs. 1 and 3, the MOSFET transistor operates in its saturation region since unless it goesinto cutoff. The N channel MOSFET connected this way, supplies a constant current to the other transistors in the logic circuit, which serve as voltage controlled switches that directs the flow of current. If a digital high is present on the gate, current flows through the device. When a digital low is present on the gate, current cannot flow through the device and must flow elsewhere. If current is “sinked” to ground through a transistor, the output of the logic circuit is low. If current does not reach ground, it must flow out of the logic circuit, thus providing a logic high output. Examples of other MOS logic circuits are shown in Figs. 3 and 4.

Figure 1. NMOS Logic Inverter Circuit / Figure 2. NMOS Logic Inverter Circuit with a pull-up resister
Figure 3. NMOS Logic Gate Circuit / Figure 4. PMOS Logic Circuit with a pull-down resister


Complementary MOS circuits use both N-channel and P-channel MOSFETs. In the case of the CMOS logic inverter in Fig. 5, the P-channel MOSFET plays the same role as the pull up resistor (RD) in the inverter circuit in Fig. 2. Note that when the input is low (0V) the N-channel MOSFET is off and the P-channel MOSFET is on (note its VGS = -VDD) . Thus, the output is high. When the input is high (Vin=VDD) the P-channel MOSFET is off (its VGS = 0V) and the N-channel MOSFET is on. Thus, the output is low.

Figure 5. CMOS Logic Inverter Circuit / Figure 6. CMOS Logic Gate Circuit

III. Pre-Laboratory Exercises

For the N-channel MOSFETZVN3306A use the values forKp and Vtrthat you used in previous labs. For the P-channel MOSFET ZVP3306A, letKp = 2K= 0.145 A / V2, and Vtr = -2.8 V. For the N-channel MOSFET you can use values you estimated in the previous lab. Let VDD = 5 V. Let the input voltage be 0V for a logic zero and 5V for logic 1.

Truth Tables for Logic Circuits:

  1. Determine the truth tables for each circuit in Figs. 1 through 6 and indicate the logic function of each circuit.

Circuit Transfer Characteristics for PMOS logic:

  1. For the circuit in Fig. 4 choose RD so that the drain current is approximately 1mA with a logic 1 output voltage and determine the value of VDSunder this condition.
  2. Use SPICE to simulate the circuit in Fig. 4 with the RDvalue calculated in the previous problem. Use a 1kHz, 0V to 5V pulse (called pulse on B2SPICE options, but is actually a square wave) with 1s rise and fall times. Plot the input voltage and the output voltage. Also plot the current from the VDD source.
  3. Write a Matlab program to compute and plot the transfer characteristics for the circuit of Fig.4 with the RD value used in the previous problem. Hand in the plot and a printout of the commented program used to generate it.

Circuit Transfer Characteristics for NMOS logic:

  1. For the circuit in Fig. 1 determine the maximum drain current.
  2. Use SPICE to simulate the circuit in Fig. 1. Use a 1kHz, 0V to 5V pulse with 1s rise and fall times. Plot the input voltage and the output voltage. Also plot the current from the VDD source. Determine the peak (instantaneous) output power during the input pulse transitions (switching events).
  3. Write a Matlab program to compute and plot the transfer characteristics for the circuit of Fig. 1. Hand in the plot and a printout of the commented program used to generate it.

Circuit Transfer Characteristics for CMOS Logic:

  1. Use SPICE to simulate the circuit in Fig. 5. Use a 1kHz, 0V to 5V pulse with 1s rise and fall times. Plot the input voltage and the output voltage. Also plot the current from the VDD source. Zoom in on the current plot around a switching event and determine the peak current during a switching event.
  2. Write a Matlab program to compute and plot the transfer characteristics for the circuit of Fig. 5. Hand in the plot and a printout of the commented program used to generate it.

IV. Laboratory Exercise

  1. Obtain transfer characteristic of circuit in Fig. 4: Use the oscilloscope with appropriate setting to obtain the circuits transfer characteristic. Determine the value of the threshold voltage for VGS from the circuit’s transfer characteristic. Record the circuit’s transfer characteristic and indicate the point on your plot that you used to determine the threshold value of VGS. (Discussion: Compare to specified values used in prelab. Based on the TC curve determine good values forVOH, VOL, VIH, and VIL. Explain your reasoning.)
  2. Measure Supply current for circuit in Fig. 4: Apply a 0 to 5 volt square wave at 1 kHz and record a voltage proportional to the VDD supply current. Determine the current’s maximum and minimum values?(Discussion: When does the inverter draw the most power?)
  3. Obtain transfer characteristic of circuit in Fig. 1: Use the oscilloscope with appropriate setting to obtain the circuits transfer characteristic. Determine the value of the threshold voltage for VGS from the circuit’s transfer characteristic. Record the circuit’s transfer characteristic and indicate the point on your plot that you used to determine the threshold value of VGS. (Discussion: Compare to specified values used in prelab. Based on the TC curve determine good values forVOH, VOL, VIH, and VIL. Explain your reasoning.)
  4. Measure Supply current for circuit in Fig. 1: Apply a 0 to 5 volt square wave at 1 kHz and record a voltage proportional to the VDD supply current. Determine the current’s maximum and minimum values?(Discussion: When does the inverter draw the most power?)
  5. Observe junction capacitance effects: For the circuit in Fig. 1 record the output voltage for input square waves at 1kHz and 10kHz input voltages. (Discussion: Explain the results. Provide reasons for differences at the 2 frequencies).
  6. Obtain transfer characteristic of circuit in Fig. 5.Measure and record the circuit’s transfer characteristic and indicate on your plot where VGS of the n-channel MOSFET is equal to its threshold voltage and where VGS of the p-channel MOSFET is equal to its threshold voltage. From the transfer characteristics determine good values for the inverter’s VOH, VOL, VIH, and VIL. (Discussion: Explain why results differ from previous inverter circuits?)
  7. Observe effect of decoupling capacitor:Input a 100kHz square wave, 0V to 5V, into the CMOS inverter circuit in Fig. 5. Record Vout and Vin to demonstrate your circuit inverts the input. Especially note Voutat the edges of the transitions from high to low and low to high. Expand your scope trace around these transitions. Next, place a capacitor (on the order of 0.1µF) from the 5V VDD to ground close on your circuit board. A capacitor used this way is called a decoupling capacitor. Note that the capacitors used in your amplifiers were called coupling capacitors not decoupling capacitors. They are different and serve a different function. In an ideal circuit with an ideal DC source, decoupling capacitors would have no effect. (Discussion: Explain why Vout changes in this circuit as a result of the capacitor.) Repeat with a capacitor on the order of 10µF.(Discussion: Describe the differences between the effects of the smaller and the larger capacitors.)
  8. Observed drain current properties:For the CMOS circuit in Fig. 5 put a 10 resistor from the source of the lower NMOS transistor and ground to measure the VDD supply current. Input a 1 MHz square wave, 0V to 5V. Record the supply current waveform for one cycle (1s). Next expand your waveform around a single switching event where the output goes high and record the waveform. What is the peak current? Next expand your waveform around a single switching event where the output goes low. What is the peak current now? (Discussion: What advantage is apparent for CMOS logic circuits?)
  9. Measure propagation delay: Measure the rise time, the fall time and the delay time (average between turn on and turn off delays) as defined in Fig. 7 for the CMOS inverter with the decoupling capacitor in your circuit (any value). You will have to trigger on the positive edge and then the negative edge of the input voltage and display both Vout and Vin simultaneously. Expand the waveforms using the horizontal time per division adjust. (Discussion: What would be the highest frequency to clock your circuit at? Explain.)

Fig. 7. Definitions of delay, rise, and fall time