June 21, 2011 IEEE P802.15-11-0445-00-004g

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / Task Group 4g Ballot Resolution Committee Conference Call Minutes, BRC - July 21 2011
Date Submitted / July 21 2011
Source / Phil Beecher, Beecher Communications Consultants Ltd / E-mail:
Re: / 802.15 TG4g
Abstract / BRC minutes for Comment Resolution Call June 21 2011.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

IEEE 802.15 TG4g Smart Utilities Network

BRC Conference Call Minutes: June 21, 2011


BRC members

Phil Beecher

Monique Brown

Kuor Hsin Chang

SubmissionPage 1Phil Beecher

June 21, 2011 IEEE P802.15-11-0445-00-004g


Matt Boytim

Ed Callaway

John Geiger

Hiroshi Harada

Steve Jillings

Jeritt Kent

Pat Kinney

Fumihide Kojima

Chuck Millet

Steve Pope

Clint Powell

Ben Rolfe

Cristina Seibert

Kunal Shah

Chin Sean Sum

Larry Taylor

SubmissionPage 1Phil Beecher

June 21, 2011 IEEE P802.15-11-0445-00-004g

Meeting called to order at 15:05 BST.

Phil Beecher reminds attendees of IEEE802.15 Policy and Procedure and Patent Policy and gives attendees opportunity to declare essential patent / patent claims.

No one does.

All BRC members are attending – meeting is quorate.

Phil presents Agenda:
- Resolve comments from Working Group Letter Ballot LB75 recirculation of TG4g draft.
- If resolution is complete
o Motion to approve resolutions
o Motion to approve starting next recirculation ballot

Motion to approve agenda:

Moved: Monique Brown

Seconded: Kuor-Hsin Chang

No discussion or objections – Motion approved.

Phil describes that document 15-11-0444-00-004g LB75 comments is posted and checks that everyone has had a chance to review the comments.

Phil recommend to resolve the comments 1,2,3,4in LB75 comment document with resolution:

Rejected as "Out of Scope" because they do not meet the criteria of paragraph 3.10.5 of document 15-10-235-8 (802-15 operations manual) which states:
For recirculation ballots, commenting is restricted to changed portions of the balloted proposed standard, portions of the proposed standard affected by the changes, or portions of the balloted proposed standard that are the subject of unresolved comments associated with Do Not Approve votes.
It is noted that these comments have been discussed and resolved during previous re-circulations of the 802.15 TG4g draft.

Motion to accept resolutions to comments 1,2,3,4 as proposed:

Moved: Kuor-Hsin Chang

Second: Monique Brown

No discussion or objections, motion carried by unanimous consent.

Phil describes that all the comments received were part of an APPROVE-WITH-COMMENTS vote. There were no new DISAPPROVE votes in LB75. Therefore there is no requirement for further recirculation. This is confirmed by Pat Kinney, 802.15 WG Vice Chair.

Phil will contact Bob Heile, 802.15 WG chair and ask that TG4g request for approval to move to Sponsor Ballot is included on 802 Executive Committee July meeting Agenda.

Phil will prepare the necessary supporting documentation.

We will discuss the San Francisco July Plenary meeting agenda during Thursday TG4g status call

There is no other business.

Motion to adjourn

Moved: Kuor-Hsin Chang

Second: Monique Brown

No discussion or objections, motion carried by unanimous consent. Meeting adjourned at 15:30 BST

SubmissionPage 1Phil Beecher