EduMecca, KA3-ICT project 143445-2008-LLP-NO-KA3-KA3MP
New Educational Models that Encourage Creative transfer of Competence and Acquaintance in LL
KA3-ICT Transversal Action project
D7.1 - 3 Exploitation Report
Circulation: Public
Partners: HiST, MHtE, VuZ, IzV, UOH, HCR, Smartcom Sweden
Authors: Lubos Mraz and Sigbjørn Eilertsen
Doc. Ref. N°:
Stage: Final
Date: 28.12.2010
© Copyright 2010 EduMecca
consisting of:
- Sør-Trøndelag University College (HiST), Trondheim, Norway
- HiST Contract Research, Trondheim, Norway
- Smartcom Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden
- Hungarian Association of Welding and Material Testing, Budapest, Hungary
- VuZ –PI SR, Bratislava, Slovakia
- IzV, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.
1. Executive Summary
This report outlines the exploitation of the Student Response System (SRS) that has been developed, and the extension of the Activity based Training methodology, in the EduMecca project. The report also includes a business plan for commercialization of SRS.
Table of content
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Business strategies for the post-project promotion of EduMecca outputs towards additional target groups in manufacturing
4. Business strategies for the post-project promotion of EduMecca output towards additional target groups markets
5. European-wide adoption strategies of the proposed EduMecca harmonized skill development methodologies
6. Student response system
7. Business plan
2. Introduction
The aim of EduMECCA project is to expand learning skills by implementing the new problem based blended learning ABT methods which introduced the industrial production flow as the educational frameworkdeveloped in The MECCA LdV pilot project (05-07) in two training sectors: welder specialists and welder engineers in Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Sweden and Norway. Implementation of ABT training approach was supported by application of advanced video technology. Application of advanced IT technology also includes developing generic, innovative online solutions for sciences that offer innovative approaches for expanding theoretical learning skills dynamically, and reinforce innovation capacities by utilizing already widely available hand held devices (e.g. iPhone, iPod Touch, mobile phones…) providing so called student response/voting system.
The members of consortia have direct ties to mechanical industry in their countries (Slovenia, Hungary, Norway and Slovakia), expertise in face-to-face, distance and blended learning methods, and video technologies (HiST, Smartcom, and HCR), and information and knowledge engineering (UOH), leading to innovation of effective instructor training delivery.
ABT courses implement a training approach where welder´s/welding specialist students during the course produce or simulate acomplete/partial final product according to standard industrial production processes. ABT facilitates industrial production know-how to welding schools and higher education institutions by providing:
-on-the-job production workflow competence and knowledge discovery learning approach,
-learning by doing pedagogical model where theoretical training is followed by practical training
-advanced video technology as a catalysis for creative problem solving target “How to DO” and “How NOT to DO”
-problem based industrial quality assurance approaches where students share production knowledge by exchanging their products during a course.
Business strategy for the post-project promotion of EduMECCA is related to target groups on the market. The market for promotion can be divided into national and European one for both welding and other sector.
National market for welding sector is similar for all project members and consists of companies, individuals and also training providers in general. Project members concentrate their educational activities in welding sector and implement curriculums approved by European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF) for wide range of qualifications and also according to national standards. The following qualifications and also certificates are implemented within 29 EWF member countries:
-European/International welding engineer,
-European/International welding technologist,
-European/International welding practitioner,
-European/International welding specialist,
-European/International welder.
European welding education system also provides wide range of the following standard or special courses:
a)standard courses
-International Welding Inspection Personnel
-European Thermal Spraying Specialist
-European Thermal Sprayer
-European Thermal Spraying Practitioner
-European Adhesive Bonder
-European Adhesive Specialist
-European Adhesive Engineer
-European Welding Specialist for Resistance Welding
-European MMA Diver Welder European Welding Practitioner for Resistance Welding
-Rules for the Implementation of Railsafe Guidelines
-European Aluminothermic Welder
b)Special Course for/on
-Robot Welding at the Specialist Level
-Welding Reinforcing Bars at the Specialist level
-Weld Imperfections for Non-Destructive Testing Personnel
-Personnel with responsibility for Macroscopic and Microscopic Metallographic Examination of Structural
-Personnel with Responsibility for Heat Treatment of Welded Joints
-Risk Management in Welding Fabrication
-Laser Welding (Engineer, Technologist and Specialist levels)
The welding educational system is implemented via one national organization so called Authorized National Body (ANB). This organization is audited and authorized by EWF expert team. This team, which consists of regularly, trained experts. Subsequently ANB approves educational/training centers (Approved Training Body – ATB). ATB invites teachers from welding institutes, companies and universities. The ATB activities depend on the interest of companies or individuals.
Each course for a given qualification level has defined curriculum, schedule, duration including access conditions for trainees. Access conditions define requirements concerning education received prior to the specific course. Qualification level is represented by diploma awarded after passing examination.
Welding qualifications are according to the guidelines valid for the whole life and the diploma holder usually can use the abbreviation of his qualification level (EWE, EWT etc.) Subsequent procedure in long life learning program is certification. Individuals are requested to present their working position and experiences according their qualifications. First certificate can be issued after two years experiences in the company. The certificate is valid for three years and the holder has to present not only his working activities but also the knowledge of new standards and recent development in technology.
National approach in welding education is concentrated on training/education of practical welders. Number of instructors provides training within welding schools located either in companies, vocational educational and training schools or also in private schools. There are approximately 100 welding schools in each project member country. Detailed description of activities towards target groups in manufacturing is given in Chapter 1.
EWF member countries mainly represent European market for EduMECCA project results exploitation in welding sector. EWF organizes regular annual meetings. General Assembly or project workshops are two forums for individual presentations of project activities and a suitable opportunity for dissemination of the project results. Detailed description of activities towards target groups in EWF member countries is in given Chapter 2.
National market for other sector also provides reasonable size of target groups. These groups consist of VET schools and universities. Education program of both VET schools and universities is much wider and is not concentrated on welding only. This provides an opportunity to implement ABT and IT principles into other sectors. Product oriented training supported by digital tools such as interactive digital blackboards, videos, Internet and also hand mobile devices can easily be implemented in any training. Detailed description of activities towards target groups in other sectors than welding is given in Chapter 3.
3. Business strategies for the post-project promotion of EduMecca outputs towards additional target groups in manufacturing
The EduMECCA project objectives were to develop and to test new approach in the educationof welders and welding specialists in order to increase the education quality and also attractiveness of the education and training process in welding. The EduMECCA approach is based on the application of ABT (activity/product/problem based training)supported by video records presented on interactive blackboard and the use of mobile devices (iPhone, iPod Touch, mobile phones…) for so called student response/voting system increasing attention of students during lessons.
Welding sector is known as very conservative. Old style of presentations/lectures is still used at welding courses. Such approach is not attractive mainly for young generation and also does not use new possibilities coming from development of information technologies. Less and less students enter mechanical engineering study not only due to less attractive job but also due to less attractive teaching/learning methodology.
Number of new promotional materials has been developed in order to promote different new engineering technologies used by companies/producers. These materials have been developed in order to promote modern approach and modern technological processes and of course higher quality of the products. The purpose of these materials is to persuade customers about the quality and the functionality of their products. These promotional materials seem to be attractive teaching/educational tool, which provides detailed information concerning basic principles and also practical application of specific technological processes. The application of these materials for education can improve attractiveness of lectures and also increase the interest of students to study specific subject. Recent development in information technologies (wireless internet, iPod, iPhone, iPad) provide excellent tool for fast and effective presentation of theoretical and practical aspects of individual variations of applied technologies. Welding technology has been developed in recent 50 years remarkably. Number of new joining processes has been developed. Welding technology also has influenced the development of new structural materials. New technological processes were also developed in order to get materials of better properties (higher tensile strength, better impact properties). Theoretical knowledge was applied in order to develop and further improve the level of technologies and also to increase the productivity of individual processes. Transfer of this knowledge to the personnel involved in application of new processes requires new approach and new methodology which allow understanding the main and important parameters and conditions of individual processes better and easier.
Large amount of different technological alternatives provides large possibilities for proper choice of the best solution for production of a given products, structure or detail. New technological alternatives have to fulfill quality requirements given by national, international, local standards, directives or technical documents. All these technical requirements should assure the quality e.g. sufficient lifetime and safety that no injuries can occur during service of the specific product.
High health and safety requirements for production and also for products put a strong pressure on producers who needs to follow environmental guidelines. The confidence that this aspect has been taken into account the implementation of production quality management is necessary. The part of this production management is strongly related to education and training of personnel responsible for individual steps in production.
Welding process is considered as a special process according to basic quality standard ISO 9001. Special process means that the quality of such process cannot be controlled during and also after the process. Only simple tests are performed when the product is ready. This requires having skilled personnel who have sufficient knowledge and experiences to use production procedures properly. These procedures have to be verified by tests prior to on line production. The extent of testing is specified by standards for a given product/structure quality. The product quality requirements are specified according to product standards. These technical documents have to fulfill European directives implemented by national guidelines. These documents set up minimum quality requirements, which are necessary to get safe product with a minimal required lifetime specified by the national law. The fulfillment of all requests defined by technical documentation during all production time is very important.
It means that welding industrial sector strictly requires relevant qualification and skill level for specific working position in production. The qualification requirements are specified in quality management production system in welding.
The personnel are a key for the quality production assurance. There is a strategy to organize regular training and education of personnel in companies who are involved in production processes. The purpose of this regular training is to refresh the knowledge about the production details and point out on possible occurrence of defects. The tailored and flexible courses are required to fulfill this requirement. This approach certainly increases a quality of production in manufacture. There is a wide possibility to apply EduMECCA approach in training for sustainable skill growth of personnel. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical training will increase the quality of production and also provides the opportunity to compare practical experiences with knowledge given by instructions.
4. Business strategies for the post-project promotion of EduMecca output towards additional target groups markets
The ABT approach has been successfully developed and tested in welding sector of five countries.HiST, IzV, MHtE and also VUZ PI SR are professional organizations in the field of welding more than 20 years. They act as the representatives of individual country in European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF). Their position is to implement the European welding education system in own countries in order to assure the harmonized training for all levels of welder’s qualification (from welders till welding engineers). The basis of this position is to provide the training consisting of minimum hours for face-to-face training combined with practical demonstration in order to transfer relevant knowledge to persons responsible for coordination of welding in factories.
Education and training implemented by EWF member countries does not specify the quality requirement. Experienced university professors and lecturers, researchers present the lecturers from the research institutes and also experts from industry. The choice of lecturers is up to the training organization (approved training bodies – ATB) approved by national organization (authorized national body – ANB) authorized, controlled and regularly audited by EWF auditors. The exams of the students (participants of the courses) are performed by an examining body. Their members are nominated at the discretion of ANB. Basic requirements are also specified concerning technical resources for both classroom training and for practical training as well.
The educational methodology was not specified in the training guidelines in details and mainly follows the national rules and experiences of individual lecturers. It is at the discretion of ANB and technical possibilities of ATB to prepare suitable training environment. Implementation of ABT methodology supported by the implementation of IT tools provides strong innovation and change in educational program. Leading position of project consortia members in welding education and qualification in individual country provides suitable conditions for stepwise qualitative changes in welders training in their country.
Development of the EduMECCA methodology has brought new tool to education of welders and welding specialists. The main target was to change style and procedure for presentations/lectures in welding sector. The methodology has been tested and further developed. All project partners are key organizations within the countries implementing European educational and qualification system developed by EWF members and providing training, qualification and certification necessary for industry. The EWF educational system is strongly oriented towards industry, which produces different products by welding or by other related, joining processes. Numbers of specialists from industry attend education courses organized by national organization authorized by EWF for education. The curriculum of these courses follows the EWF guidelines, which set up the level of basic knowledge for a given qualification.
The experiences received in Norway, Slovenia, Hungary and Slovakia within EduMECCA project increased potential to provide training, courses or dissemination activities in wider geographical area than before.
The application of new training approach in welding sector seems to be the way for how to improve the education and training and to increase the knowledge of the welding personnel. The approach of new methodology based on product oriented presentations and combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skill training has strong effect on the relation not only among trainers and trainees but also among the trainees individually. It increases the interest and provokes the discussion during lessons and initiate new available solutions.
Transfer of practical and theoretical knowledge supported by the use progressive information technologies completely changes the environment during lectures. Generally very positive evaluation of students shows strong support for this approach. The involvement of students and subsequent discussions has made the lessons and also the whole education/training more attractive mainly for students. New approach is more difficult for teachers and instructors. They have to prepare different presentation, combination of theoretical issues and also practical examples/tests.