Professional Journals
Assignment 3
Christina Rogoza
ITDE 7006
Foundations of Instructional Technology
Dr. Charles Schlosser
October 15, 2005
Educational Technology Research and Development
Frequency of publication
Educational Technology Research and Development(ETR&D) has been published four times a year by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). It is now moving to a new publication schedule of six times annually (J.M. Spector, personal communication, October 14, 2005).
Intended Audience
This publication is geared toward scholarly research and would be of particular interest to professors, instructors, and graduate students engaged in research and development in educational technology. A secondary audience would consist of practitioners such as instructional designers.
This journal is produced by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
Steven M. Ross, Research Editor
J. Michael Spector, Development Editor
There is also an extensive list of consulting editors for both the research and development areas (AECT, 2005).
Subscription Costs
ETR&D is included in the AECT comprehensive membership fee or through subscriptions at the following rates:
Member Price (US Delivery) $35
Member Price (Intl Delivery, Surface) $60
Nonmembers (US Delivery) $75
NonMember Price (Intl Delivery, Surface) $100
Institutional (US Delivery) $150
Institutional (Intl Delivery, Surface) $175
Guidelines for submissions
Manuscripts should be between 10 and 30 pages double spaced and formatted in American Psychological Association (APA)5th ed., 2001style. The manuscript will include an abstract of 100-150 words that will constitute a separate page.
The name(s), affiliation(s), address(es), and phone and fax number(s) should appear on a separate cover page. To ensure anonymity in the review process, names of the author(s) should not appear elsewhere in the manuscript.
Two paper copies of the typed manuscript should be submitted accompanied by a PC disk containing both word-processing and ASCII versions of the text. The discs must be labeled with the software and version number and the primary author’s name. Figures must not be embedded in text, and should be presented both in hard copy and in separate black and white EPS files with TIFF header, maximum width 81/2".
Manuscripts primarily concerned with research in educational technology should be sent to the following editor of the research section:
Steven M. Ross, Research Editor
Center for Research in Educational Policy
325 Browning Hall
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
Manuscripts that are primarily concerned with the design and development of learning systems and educational technology applications should be sent to the following editor of the development section:
J. Michael Spector, Development Editor, ETR&D
Florida State University
Learning Systems Institute
C-4622 University Center
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2540
(AECT, 2005)
Percentage of submitted articles published
The acceptance rate for submissions related to research in educational technology“varies from year to year, but is within the range of about 12-20% “ (S.M. Ross, personal communication, October 10, 2005).
The acceptance rate for submissions related to design and developmentof learning systems and educational technology applications “has varied between about 12% and 18% in the last 5 years. I usually give folks an estimate of 15% as our acceptance rate” (J.M. Spector, personal communication, October 10, 2005).
Summary of types of subjects
This journal focuses entirely on research and development in educational technology. The research section explores the practical aspects of research as well as applied theory in educational practice. An example of this in Vol. 53, 2, 2005 is “Instructor Influence on Reasoned Argument in Discussion Boards.”
The development section addresses the design and development of learning systems and educational technology applications. An example of a development article in Vol. 53, 2, 2005 is “Computer-Based Support for Curriculum Designers: A Case of Developmental Research.”Each issue also includes book reviews, international reviews, and research abstracts (Educational Technology Research and Development, 2005).
Educational Technology Research and Development (2005) Volume 53 Number 2 2005 Retrieved Oct. 12, 2005 from
AECT (2005) Consulting editors. Retrieved Oct. 14, 2005 from
AECT (2005) Submission Guidelines Retrieved Oct. 13, 2005 from