Snow Day Assignments-Winter 2018 6th grade science—Tonya Gregory

10 day plan-Designing a Product (using engineering design skills)

***NOTE*** Make sure you put your name on all work and the day of the work (snow day 1, snow day 2, snow day 3, etc). This will make grading much easier! You should use your own notebook paper to complete each day’s work.

Materials needed: notebook paper, pencil, colors, article (day 4 only), and a creative imagination.

Overview: Students will be creating and designing a product to make life easier using engineering skills. These assignments should be done at home during the non-traditional instructional days and turned in upon return to school for a grade. All assignments are uploaded to my webpage at Select TCMS and then find my name under staff webpages. Student who do not have technology access received a paper packet.

This ten day project integrates science, engineering, artistic design, and literacy skills.

Science standards addressed:

MS-ETS1-1. / Define the criteria and constraints of a design problemwith sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principlesand potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.
MS-ETS1-4. / Develop a model to generate datafor iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.

Assessment: Each day will count for ten points toward a total of 100 points for the entire project.

Bonus: Build a model of your product (if you have supplies at home)This part is optional.

Day one: Eclipse Day

Day two(January 2, 2018): Brainstorm some ideas on a product that could make your life easier at home and/or at school. Choose one of your ideas and create a product you could design to help make people’s lives easier. It should be something functional that has not been invented yet. For example, it could be a kitchen tool, something you could use at school, or a piece of technology. Explain how your product will work.

Day three: Draw a schematic model of your product design. Be sure to include a layout of how it will work or the parts needed to construct it. Label the components of the model. Give your product/invention a catchy name. Color your model.

Day four: Show someone in your home your idea(s). Interview that person about your product. What is their reaction? Would they buy your product? Would they use it? Do they consider it to be practical? Why or why not? Write at least 7-8 sentences on your interview.

Day five:

Read the article called “Bot Man” (it is uploaded on the webpage)

Standard addressed:

MS-ETS1-2. / Evaluate competing design solutionsusing a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

Description: This articles addresses engineering standards we have used in class and physics laws used to bust myths. Engineer, Grant Imahara, from the show MythBusters is quoted in the article. Read the article and answer the follow up questions.

Day six: Design a flyer/advertisement for your product. How much will it cost? What is your marketing slogan? Use creativity and the elements of art in your flyer or advertisement.

Day seven: Create an app for your product. How will you integrate technology into your idea? Draw and design your app. Write at least 5 sentences to accompany your app design.

Day eight: Journaling topic…..What inventions could you not live without? Write a two paragraph summary of items you rely on and give examples of how your life would be different without them. Write at least 7-8 sentences.

Day nine: Journaling topic….Why is your invention/product important to the world of science? What contribution will it make to today’s society? Write at least 7-8 sentences.

Day ten: Journaling topic…. Engineers must follow the motto “Try, try again” when making models and testing their outcomes. What does this mean to you? Why is it important to not give up when reevaluating your design? Use the word “perseverance” in your writing.

Day eleven: Careers….Think of a STEM career you might be interested in following.

Journaling: Why are science and engineering careers important to our nation’s advancement in STEM ideas? (science, technology, engineering, and math) Write at least 7-8 sentences.

Rubric/success criteria

Upon completion of the snow work, student will be successful when:

*I can design a usable product that can conceivably be constructed.

*I can communicate the usefulness of the product by applying engineering skills to my concept.

*I can share my design with peers to evaluate its usefulness in the real world.

*I can write about my product and explain its use in the scientific field.

*I can create a marketing pitch for my product.

*I can relate my product to STEM careers.

Remember, each day will count for ten points toward a total project grade of 100 points. At least 70 points MUST be achieved to be considered a passing grade for this project. This is a SUMMATIVE assignment so take this work seriously and complete it on time. Any questions???? Feel free to email me at