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Educational Details:

  • Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, 2011.
  • M.Sc. (Chemistry) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, 2003.
  • B.Sc. from Choudhary Charan Singh University Meerut, 2001.

Professional Experience:

  • Assistant Professor in Chemistry (College of Sciences) at the King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (03/ 2016 – Present)
  • Assistant Professor (Chemistry) in School of Technology, Glocal University, India (09/2014 – 03/2016)
  • Visiting Research Associate at IIT Delhi, India (08/2014 – 09/2014).
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate atUniversity of Texas – Pan American, USA (04/2013–07/2014).
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate at Michigan State University, USA (04/2011–04/ 2013).
  • Research Associate at IIT Delhi, India (01/2011 – 03/2011).
  • Junior Research Fellow at IIT Delhi, India (05/2005 – 07/2007).
  • Assistant Professor at FIITJEE Pvt. Ltd. Patna, India (10/2003 – 04/2005)

Administrative experience:

  • Head, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, Glocal University, India (07/ 2015 – 03/2016)
  • Chief Proctor, Glocal University, India (11/ 2014 – 07/2015)
  • Chair of Anti – Ragging Committee, Glocal University (11/ 2014 – 07/2015)
  • Committee Member of Library, Glocal University (11/ 2014 – 07/2015)
  • Member of Examination Committee, Glocal University (11/ 2014 – 07/2015)

Research Interest:

  • Inorganic Nanostructured Materials. Chemistry of Surfactants.
  • Reverse micellar, Hydrothermal, and Molten salt methods for Nanomaterials synthesis.
  • Controlled size and shape dependent properties of nanomaterials.
  • Electrocatalysis, Photocatalysis, Magnetic properties

Students Guided:

  • Mr. Phil Aguirre (06/2013 – 08/2013): High School Student for Summer Project at the University of Texas – Pan American, USA.
  • Ms. Mary Guerra: Undergraduate Student assigned by Dr. Mao, The University of Texas – Pan American, USA (07/2013 – 05/2014).
  • Mr. Kaled Diab: Undergraduate Student assigned by Dr. Mao, The University of Texas – Pan American, USA (12/2013 – 05/2014).
  • Ms. Daniella Concha: Undergraduate Student assigned by Dr. Mao, The University of Texas – Pan American, USA (12/2013 – 05/2014).
  • Mr. Rodrigo: Undergraduate Student assigned by Dr. Mao, The University of Texas – Pan American, USA (12/2013 – 05/2014).

Awards and Honors:

Throughout first class

CSIR Senior Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, (2009).

Best Poster Prize on Poster entitled “Stabilization of high temperature form of orthorhombic CaCO3 using reverse micelles: source of calcium oxide nanoparticles” was awarded in 17th AGM of Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) organized by University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India during February 13-15, 2006.

High Impact Factor Journal Award by The Chemical Society, Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi for the academic year of 2009.

High Cumulative Impact Factor of the Publications Award by The Chemical Society, Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi for the academic year of 2010.

Activity Contribution Award towards the Chemical Society, Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi, India.

Potential Reviewer of various journals including: Materials Letters, Bulletin of Material Science, RSC Advances, Dalton Transactions, Arabian Journal of Chemistry etc.

Selected Conferences:

Nationalconferenceon“Advancedcharacterizationtechniquesonnanomaterials”heldatInstituteInstrumentationCentre,IITRoorkee,RoorkeeduringAugust24-26, 2005.

XIthsymposiumonModernTrendsinInorganicChemistry(MTIC)organizedby Departmentof Chemistry,IndianInstitute of Technology,Delhi,Indiaduring December8-10,2005(presentedapostertitled:“SnO2nanoparticlessynthesized usingthe reversemicellar route”).

MRSI,17thAnnualGeneralMeetingorganizedbyMaterialsResearchSocietyofIndia-LucknowChapterUniversity ofLucknowduringFebruary13-15,2006 (presentedapostertitled: “Stabilization ofhigh temperatureform of orthorhombic CaCO3 usingreversemicelles:sourceofcalciumoxidenanoparticles”).Poster was awardedfirstprize.

InternationalConferenceonNanoscienceandTechnology (ICONSAT2006) organizedbyIndianInstituteofTechnology,DelhiandDepartmentofScience andTechnology,IndiaheldatIndiaHabitateCentre,NewDelhiduringMarch16-18, 2006 (presented a poster titled: “Size and Morphological control of calcium oxalatenanoparticles usingleaves as natural templates”).

InternationalWorkshoponAdvancedMaterialsandTechnologiesforNanoandOxideElectronicsorganizedbyIndian InstituteofTechnology,held at IndiaHabitateCentre,NewDelhiduringFeb19-22,2007(presentedapostertitled: “Tin dioxide nanomaterials: Reverse micellar synthesis and gas sensing properties”).

Workshopon“NanotechnologyCurrentStatusandChallenges”heldatIITDelhi undertheaegisoftheFoundationforInnovationandTechnology Transferduring March17-18, 2007

I2Tech.April21,2007,IndianInstituteofTechnology,Delhi(Presentedapostertitled: “Synthesisof Nanomaterials usingsurfactant aggregates”).

InternationalConferenceonNanoscienceandTechnology(ICONSAT2008) organized by IGCAR, Kalpakkam,Tamilnadu, duringFeb27-29, 2008(presented a poster titled: Synthesis and characterization of metal and bimetallic nanoparticles usingreversemicelles).

Nationalconferenceon“FutureDirectionsinAdvancedMaterialsResearch”organized by IIT Delhi,held at Shimla duringApril16-19, 2008

India – Brazil – SouthAfrica(IBSA)NanotechnologySchool on Advanced Materials,organizedbyIndira GandhiCentre forAtomic Research,Kalpakkam, India,February22–26,2010(presentedapostertitled:Role ofconcentrationin controllingthe shapeof vateritenanoparticles).

Book Chapter:

American Chemical Society (ACS) Book chapter in Nanomaterials for Energy (2015): “Delafossite CuAlO2 Nanoparticles with Electrocatalytic Activity toward Oxygen and Hydrogen Evolution Reactions” by Jahangeer Ahmed and Yuanbing Mao.Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy, ACS Symposium Series, Chapter 4, Vol. 1213, pp 57–72


Research Publications:

Total Citations: 867; h-index: 17; i10 – index:20

1.Ahmed, J.,and Mao, Y.(2016):Synthesis, characterization and electrocatalytic properties of Delafossite CuGaO2. Journal of Solid State Chemistry,vol. 242, pp. 77.[IF = 2.26].

2.Ahmed, J.,and Mao, Y.(2016): Ultrafine Nano-Rods (NRs) of Iridium Oxides for Enhanced Electro-Catalytic Properties.Electrochimica Acta, vol. 212, pp. 686. [IF = 4.8].

3.Ahmed, J., Poltavets, V. V., Prakash, J., Alshehri, S.M., and Ahamad, T.(2016):Sol – Gel Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Bifunctional Catalytic Activity of Nanocrystalline Delafossite CuGaO2 Particles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 688, pp. 1157. [IF = 3.02].

4.Ahmed, J. (2015): Intermetallic Nanocatalysts For Gas Evolution Reactions. Current Organic Chemistry, in Print [IF = 2.4].

5.Ahmad, T.,Wani, I. A.,Manzoor,N.,Ahmed,J.,Kalam, A.,Asiri,A. M. (2014): Structural Characterization, Antifungal Activity and Optical Properties of Gold Nanoparticles Prepared by Reverse Micelles. Advanced Science Letters,vol. 20, pp. 1631 [IF = 1.25].

6.Ahmed,J.,Blakely,C.K.,Prakash,J.,Bruno,S.R.,Yu,M.,Wu,Y.,Poltavets, V.V.(2014).Scalable Synthesis of Delafossite CuAlO2 Nanoparticles for P-type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.591, pp.275 [IF = 3.02].Cited by 17 times

7.Ahmad, T., Wani,I.A., Ahmed, J.,Al-Hartomy, O.A. (2014): Effect of Gold ion Concentrationon Size and Propertiesof GoldNanoparticlesinTritonX-100 basedInverseMicroemulsions. Applied Nanoscience, vol. 4, pp. 491.Cited by 5 times

8.Khatoon,S.,Wani,I.A.,Ganguly,A.,Ahmed,J.,Magdaleno,T.,Al-Hartomy, O.A.,Ahmad,T.(2013):Effectof HighManganese SubstitutionatZnO Host Latticeusing SolvothermalMethod:StructuralCharacterizationandProperties. Materials Chemistryand Physics, vol. 138, pp. 519 [IF = 2.13].Cited by 4 times

9.Ahmad, T., Wani, I. A., Manzoor, N., Ahmed, J., Asiri, A. M. (2013): Biosynthesis,structuralcharacterizationandantimicrobialactivity ofgoldand silvernanoparticles, Colloids and Surfaces B, Vol.107, pp. 227 [IF = 4.30].Cited by 40 times

10.Wani, I. A., Khatoon, S., Ganguly, A., Ahmed, J., Ahmad, T. (2013). Structural Characterization and Antimicrobial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles Prepared by Inverse Microemulsion Method, Colloid and Surface B,vol. 101, pp. 243 [IF = 4.30].Cited by 18 times

11.Ahmad, T. Wani, I. A., Lone, I. H., Ganguly, A., Manzoor, N., Ahmad, A., Ahmed, J., Al-shihri, A. S. (2013). Antifungal Activity of Gold Nanoparticles Prepared by Solvothermal Method. Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 48, pp. 12 [IF = 1.97].Cited by 13 times

12.Ahmed, J., Blakely, C. K., Bruno, S. R., Poltavets, V. V. (2012). Synthesis of MSnO3 (M=Ba, Sr) nanoparticles by reverse micelle method and particle size distribution analysis by whole powder pattern modeling. Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 47, pp. 2282 [IF = 1.97].Cited by 10 times

13.Ahmed, J.,Ojha, K., Vaidya, S., Ganguli, J., Ganguli, A. K. (2012). Formation of calcium oxalate nanoparticles in leaves: Significant role of
water content and age of leaves. Current Science, vol. 103, pp. 293 [IF = 0.83].Cited by 3 times

14.Ahmed J., Ganguly A., Saha S., Govind, Trinh P., Mugweru A. M., Ramanujachary K. V., Lofland S. E., Ganguli A. K. (2011). Enhanced electrochemical activity of Cu – Co nanostructures. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 115, pp. 14523 [IF = 4.84].Cited by 17 times

15.Ahmed, J.,Trinh, P., Mugweru, A. M., Ganguli, A. K. (2011). Self – assembly of copper nanoparticles (cubes, rods and spherical nanostructures): Significant role of morphology on HER and OER efficiency, Solid State Science, vol. 13, pp. 855 [IF = 1.68].Cited by 10 times

16.Wani, I. A., Ganguly, A., Ahmed, J., Ahmad, T. (2011). Silver Nanoparticles: Ultrasonic Wave Assisted Synthesis, Optical Characterization and Surface Area Studies, Materials Letter, Vol. 65, pp. 520[IF = 2.27].Cited by 79 times

17.Ahmad, T., Ganguly, A., Ahmed,J., Ganguli, A. K. (2011). Nanorods of Transition Metal Oxalates: A Versatile Route to the Oxide Nanoparticles. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 4, pp. 125 [IF = 2.68].Cited by 11 times

18.Ahmed J., Kumar B., Trinh P., Mugweru A. M., Ramanujachary K. V., Lofland S. E., Ganguli A. K. (2010). Binary Fe−Co Alloy Nanoparticles Showing Significant Enhancement in Electrocatalytic Activity Compared with Bulk Alloys.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 114, pp. 18779 [IF = 4.84]. Cited by 25 times

19.Rao, G. K., Kumar, A., Ahmed, J., Singh, A. K. (2010). Palladacycle containing nitrogen and selenium; highly active pre-catalyst for Suzuki - Miyaura coupling reaction converted to Pd17Se15. Chemical Communications, vol. 46, pp. 5954 [IF = 6.72].Cited by 52 times

20.Wani, I. A., Khatoon, S., Ganguly, A., Ahmed, J., Ganguli, Ak. K., Ahmad, T. (2010). Silver Nanoparticles: Large Scale Solvothermal Synthesis and Optical Properties. Material Research Bulletin, Vol. 45, pp. 1033[IF = 1.97].Cited by 49 times

21.Ahmed J., Sharma S., Ramanujachary K. V., Lofland S. E., Ganguli A. K. (2009):Microemulsion – mediated synthesis of cobalt (pure fcc and hexagonal phases) and cobalt – nickel alloy nanoparticles. Journal of Colloid Interface Science, vol. 336, pp. 814[IF = 3.55].Cited by 51 times

22.Ahmed, J.,Menka, Ganguli, A. K. (2009). Controlled growth of nanocrystalline rods, hexagonal plates and spherical particles of the vaterite form of calcium carbonate. Crystal Engineering Communications, vol. 11, pp. 927 [IF = 3.86]. Cited by 24 times

23.Ranjan, R., Vaidya, S., Thaplyal, P., Azmi, Q., Ahmed, J., Ganguli, A. K. (2009). Controlling the size, morphology and aspect ratio of nanostructures using reverse micelles: A case study of copper oxalate monohydrate. Langmuir, vol. 25, pp. 6469[IF = 4.38]. Cited by 54 times

24.Prakash, J., Singh, S. J., Ahmed, J.,Patnaik, S., Ganguli, A.K. (2009). Compositionally controlled semimetal to superconducting transition in NaF doped LaOFeAs: Enhancement in Tc due to Na-doping. Physica C, vol. 469, pp. 300[IF = 1.28].Cited by 4 times

25.Ahmed J., Ramanujachary K. V., Lofland S. E., Govind, Shivaprasad, S. M., Ganguli A. K. (2008). Bimetallic Cu-Ni nanoparticles of varying compositions (CuNi3, CuNi, and Cu3Ni). Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 331, pp. 206 [IF = 2.35].Cited by 62 times

26.Ahmed, J.,Ahmad, T., Ramanujachary, K. V., Lofland, S. E., Ganguli, A. K. (2008). Development of microemulsion-based process for pure cobalt (Co) and cobalt oxide (Co3O4) nanoparticles from sub-micron rods of cobalt oxalate.Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, vol. 321, pp. 434[IF = 3.55].Cited by 58 times

27.Ahmed, J.,Vaidya, S., Ahmad T., Ganguli, A. K. (2008). Tin dioxide nanoparticles: Reverse micellar synthesis and gas sensing properties. Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 43, pp. 264 [IF = 1.97].Cited by 27 times

28.Ganguli, A. K., Ahmad, T., Vaidya, S.,Ahmed, J. (2008). Microemulsion route to the synthesis of nanoparticles, Pure and Applied Chemistry, vol. 80, pp. 2451[IF = 3.11].Cited by 49 times

29.Vaidya, S., Ahmed, J.,Ganguli, A. K. (2008). Controlled synthesis of nanomaterials using reverse micelles.Defense Science Journal, vol. 58, pp. 531 [IF = 0.31].Cited by 5 times

30.Ganguli, A. K., Ahmed, J.,Vaidya, S., Ahmad, T. (2007). Mimicking the biomineralization of aragonite (calcium carbonate) using reverse-micelles under ambient conditions. Journal of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, vol. 7, pp. 1760 [IF = 1.34].Cited by 10 times

31.Ali, S. R., Ahmed,J., Kamaluddin (2004). Interaction of ribose nucleotides with metal ferrocyanides and its relevance in chemical evolution. Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 236, pp. 165 [IF = 2.35].Cited by 6 times

Conference Proceeding Article:

1.Ahmad, T., Ganguli, A. K., Ganguly, A., Ahmed, J.,Wani, I. A., Khatoon, S. (2008). Chemistry of Reverse Micelles: A Versatile Route to the Synthesis of Nanorods and Nanoparticles. Materials Research Society Symposium proceeding Vol. 1142.

Personal Information:

Name:Dr. Jahangeer Ahmed


Date of Birth: August 7, 1981



Language Known: English, Hindi, Urdu

