RTH 360 Student Intervention

RTH 360 Student Intervention

RTH 360 Brain Fitnessand Ageless Grace Intervention Report Form


Directions: Complete each section of this report form to document the implementation of your Brain Fitness or Ageless Grace intervention at the Hermitage. Use the tab key to move from section to section. Be sure to rate the numerical values (i.e., 1 to 3) and write a narrative comment for each question or area, and be very detailed in your responses. Reflect on what happened to residents during the implementation: how many were engaged and how many were not engaged. Reflect on your skills in implementing this intervention and then write this report. Be sure that each student on the team turns in an individual report in Blackboard for this intervention.

Student Names: / Raegan Black
Date: / 2/4/17
No. of Residents involved:: / 7 / Begin Time: / 1:30 / End Time: / 2:15 ish
Brain Fitness Exercises (list the Lesson Plan used): / Lesson Plan #1
Ageless Grace Exercises (list the Lesson Plan used):
Did you make any modifications or changes did you need to make for residents to engage in this game/activity?What did you change and why? / I made some modifications on the Hand-To-Knee activity. I made modifications on the activity number 4. The original activity for number 4 wasafter slapping the knee, clap both hands together before slapping the opposite knee. I modified this part of the activity by clapping both hands together, each hand slapping each knee, clapping both hands together, each hand slapping each knee. I felt as if this would be easier for the participants because it is easier to clap hands and slap the knees repeatedly than switching hands and knees back and forth.
Rate Resident Interest / Rate Resident Involvement
1 = not at all interested
2 = adequate
3 = excellent interest
/ 1 = frequently needs assistance
2 = adequate gathering of residents
3 = shows resourcefulness and initiative
Rate Student Implementation Skills / Rate Control of Intervention
1 = inadequate, needs a lot of improvement
2 = adequate, kept things going
3 = excellent, no problems, had maximum resident involvement / 1 = residents disengage
2 = adequate engagement of most residents
3 = maximum resident engagement throughout
Narrative/Resident Engagement (write your reflection of how well you engaged the majority of residents in the activity room in your intervention. Be detailed and descriptive): / Team Member 1: I believe I did very well for the first time facilitating the brain fitness activities. In my opinion, I feel as if having positive energry around the residents help them become more engaged in the brain fitness activities. At first, some of the residents were a litte shy on participating in the activities. However, once I kept asking questions to get to know the participants and interacting with them thoughout the breaks between the activities, it seemed as if the residents were wanting to get more involved. Also, I would make sure every participant understood the different brain fitness activities by repeating the activities before starting them. I felt as if this was a good idea for the residents incase some of the residents had lack of hearing or prevent confusion on the activity.
What was the most positive aspect of this intervention (be descriptive)? / Team Member 1: The most positive aspect of this intervention was seeing all the residents laugh and enjoy the brain fitness activities. Even when some of them would mess up spelling their name, they would laugh with everyone in the group about it and continue trying. Also, seeing the residents work as a team when one resident in a group was confused, other residents would help them figure it out. It was an awesome experience to observe.
What was the most negative situation you experienced in implementing this intervention? / Team Member 1: The were not many negative situations that I experienced when implementing this intervention. However, there was a male resident who was not in the group, but, he wanted to keep the tv volume up while we were implementing the brain fitness activities. Therefore, it was challenging at first to compromise. However, the group was able to continue the activities successfully.
What would you do differently if you implemented this intervention again? / Team Member 1: One thing that I would do differently if I were to implement this intervention again would be to make sure I provided enough breaks in between the activities sessions. I feel as if this is important because as RT's, we would not want any activity to be overwhelming or too hard for them to complete because of no breaks in the activities or between them.Also, as RT's, we do not want the activities to be too challenging on their muscles. Therefore, providing breaks for these things would benefit the patients.
Add any additional comments or additional observations you have here: / Team Member 1:
Rate your overall performance at implementing this intervention: / Poor, below average
Good, but could be improved in the future
Excellent, flawless and perfect implementation

RTH 360Brain Fitness Intervention ReportPage 1