[Role of Open Distance Learning (ODL) in Women Empowerment in Pakistan: Perceptions of Post graduate Female Students of Allama Iqbal Open University(AIOU)]
For Official Use Only
↓ / PART-1
V1PRVRES / (1) What is your Province of Residence?
i- Punjab ii- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) iii- Sindh iv- Balochistan v- Azad Kashmir (AJK) vi- Gilgit-Baltistan vii- FATA
V2ARERES / (2)What is your area of Residence?
i- Rural ii- Urban
V3SBJECT / Please write down the subject/Programme for which you have been enrolled as a postgraduate student of AIOU? ………………………………………….
V4REGOFC / Write down your AIOU Regional Office/District?
V5AGERSP / (3)What is your Age? (in completed yrs.)
i. Less than 20 yrs. ii. 21 to 30yrs. iii. 31 to 40yrs. iv. 41 to 50yrs. v. 50 yrs. and above
V6MRISTA / (6) What is your Marital Status? (if single go to Q#8)
i. Single ii. Married iii. Divorced iv. Widowed v. Separated
V7AGECHL / (7)What are the ages of children living with you?
Children / None / Up to 5yrs. / 6 to 10yrs. / 11 to 15yrs. / 15yrs.+
Male / AAA / BBB / CCC / DDD / EEE
Female / FFF / GGG / HHH / III / JJJ
V8FMTYPE / (8)What is the type of family you are living in?
i. Nuclear (spouse and children) ii. Joint (spouse, children and husband’s parents) iii. Extended (spouse, children, husband’s parents and other relatives)
V9OCUPTN / (9)What is your occupation? (if v or vi then go to Q# 11)
i. Govt. service ii. Private Service iii. Business iv. Self Employed v. Student vi. House Wife vii. Any Other (specify)…………….
V10RINCM / (10) What is your personal monthly income in Rs…………………?
V11FINCM / (11)What is your family monthly income from all sources (in Rs….)?
i. Less than 20,000 ii. 20,000 to 30,000 iii. more than 30,000 to 40,000 iv. more than 40,000 to 50, 000 v. more than 50,000 to 60,000 vi. more than 60,000
V12RRGST / (12) When you got registered 1st time, for any AIOU educational programme? Please write the semester and year of registration.
V1313CLS / (13)I would like to know that why females seek admission at AIOU?
“Female students take admission in AIOU courses because……
Please state as to what extent you find the following statements to be agreed:

SA= Strongly Agree A= Agree UNC= Uncertain DA= Disagree SDA= Strongly Disagree
STATEMENTS / (1) SA / (2)
A / (3) UNC / (4)
DA / (5)
(i) It is difficult to seek admission in any other university. / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5
(ii) AIOU offers the opportunity of education while staying at home. / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.4 / 2.5
(iii) AIOU charges lesser fee than other universities.
/ 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5
(iv) It provides an opportunity to study while in service. / 4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 / 4.4 / 4.5
(v) AIOU educational system allows continuing of education after a certain period of time.
/ 5.1 / 5.2 / 5.3 / 5.4 / 5.5
(vi) It is comparatively easy to pass AIOU exams.
/ 6.1 / 6.2 / 6.3 / 6.4 / 6.5
(vii) AIOU permits one to extend the completion period of a program.
. / 7.1 / 7.2 / 7.3 / 7.4 / 7.5
(viii) The materials provided in AIOU are self sufficient for their studies.
/ 8.1 / 8.2 / 8.3 / 8.4 / 8.5
(ix) Choices of conventional universities are limited.
/ 9.1 / 9.2 / 9.3 / 9.4 / 9.5
(xi) AIOU offers education with no age restrictions.
/ 10.1 / 10.2 / 10.3 / 10.4 / 10.5
(xii) To get promotion/ improve their employment status.
/ 11.1 / 11.2 / 11.3 / 11.4 / 11.5
(xiii) AIOU offers a wide range of courses/ discipline in contrary with other educational institutions.
/ 12.1 / 12.2 / 12.3 / 12.4 / 12.5
(xiv) They are unable or unwilling to physically attend the classes.
/ 13.1 / 13.2 / 13.3 / 13.4 / 13.5
V14RRSON / (14) Please state the number(s) that, in your own personal case, which of the above stated reasons as quoted in Urdu from i to xiv happened to be strongly true? (Please do mention if there are more than one reasons and specify if there is any other reason)

V34CASSTD / (15) “Has the AIOU system of education been instrumental to the economic empowerment of women in Pakistan?”

—1. Yes
—2. No
Please state as to what extent you find the following statements to be true?

To Some Extent / 2.
To a Great Extent / 3.
Not At All
i. Education through AIOU enhances women’s access/control over family resources (i.e. income, household budget).
/ 001 / 002 / 003
ii. Education through AIOU enhances women’s access to employment opportunities.
/ 004 / 005 / 006
iii. Education through AIOU enhances women’s economic contribution to family support.
/ 007 / 008 / 009
iv. Education through AIOU enhances women’s ownership of family assets/land.
/ 010 / 011 / 012
v. AIOU education enhances women’s ability to make small or large purchases independently.
/ 013 / 014 / 015
(16) Please state that, in your own personal case, which of the above statement(s) in main question # 15 above happened to be true?

—1. None
—2. Statement number ……(i.e. i-v just write the statement number(s)
—3. Any other
(17) “Is there any influence of AIOU educational system on political empowerment of women?”

—1. Yes
—2. No
Please state as to what extent you find the following statements to be true?

Statements / 1.
To Some Extent / 2.
To a Great Extent / 3.
Not At All
i. AIOU education enhances women’s knowledge of political systems.
/ 016 / 017 / 018
ii. AIOU education enhances women’s domestic support for their political participation.
. / 019 / 020 / 021
iii. AIOU education helps women to exercise their right to vote.
/ 022 / 023 / 024
iv. Education through AIOU enhances women’s participation in community level decision making process.
/ 025 / 026 / 027
v. Education through AIOU enhances women’s chance of getting affiliated with some political party/group.
/ 028 / 029 / 030
(18) Please state that, in your own personal case, which of the above statement(s) given in the above table (Q#17) happened to be true?

—1. None
—2. Statement number ……(i.e. i-v just write the statement number(s)
—3. Any other
(19) “Is there AIOU educational system has effects on social empowerment of women?”

1. Yes
2. No
Please state as to what extent you find the following statements to be true?

Statements / 1.
To Some Extent / 2.
To a Great Extent / 3.
Not At All
i. Through AIOU education women become prestigious and receive attention/ respect from others.
/ 031 / 032 / 033
ii. Education through AIOU enhances women’s freedom of mobility/ movement (i.e. access to market).
/ 034 / 035 / 036
iii. Education through AIOU enhances women’s positive image in society.
. / 037 / 038 / 039
iv. AIOU education enhances women’s participation in social activities at community level (i.e. marriages, eid, mela etc).
/ 040 / 041 / 042
v. Education through AIOU enhances women’s ability to avail basic facilities of life (i.e. health care, education etc).
/ 043 / 044 / 045
(20) Please state that, in your own personal case, which of the above statement(s) in Q# 19 happened to be true?

—1. None
—2. Statement number ……(i.e. i-v just write the statement number(s)
—3. Any other
(21) “I would like to know your opinion whether AIOU educational system enhances women autonomy?”

—1. Yes
—2. No
Please state as to what extent you find the following statements to be true?

Statements / 1.
To Some Extent / 2.
To a Great Extent / 3.
Not At All
  1. Education through AIOU gives women their own identity as an independent individual.
/ 046 / 047 / 048
ii. Education through AIOU enhances women’s self confidence.
/ 049 / 050 / 051
iii. Education through AIOU enhances women’s self esteem (i.e. feeling & expression of pride & value in their work).
/ 052 / 053 / 054
iv. Education through AIOU enhances women’s self-efficiency (i.e. improvement in outcome of different tasks).
/ 055 / 056 / 057
v. Education through AIOU enhances women’s ability to better perform different social roles (i.e. mother, sister, daughter, wife, community member etc)
. / 058 / 059 / 060
(22) Please state that, in your own personal case, which of the above statement(s) in the table (Q#21) happened to be true?

—1. None
—2. Statement number ……(i.e. i-v just write the statement number(s)
—3. Any other
(23) “Up to what extent do you agree that AIOU educational system enhance female status within family?”

—1. Yes
—2. No
Please state as to what extent you find the following statements to be true?

Statements / 1.
To Some Extent / 2.
To a Great Extent / 3.
Not At All
i. AIOU education enhances women’s participation in domestic decision making.
/ 061 / 062 / 063
ii. AIOU education enhances women’s ability to avoid domestic conflicts.
/ 064 / 065 / 066
iii. Education through AIOU decreases chances of gender based discrimination against women within family.
/ 067 / 068 / 069
iv. Education through AIOU increases chance of right to choice for selection of their spouse as well as of their children.
/ 070 / 071 / 072
v. Education through AIOU enhances women’s ability to deal with routine issues of children (i.e. behavior, health, schooling etc).
/ 073 / 074 / 075
(24) Please state that, in your own personal case, which of the above statement(s) in the given table (Q#23) happened to be true?

—1. None
—2. Statement number ……(i.e. i-v just write the statement number(s)
—3. Any other
(25) In your opinion, to what extent the self learning method of AIOU, which is mostly without the help of a teacher, has equipped you with the skills to independently seek information/ knowledge, utilize the same in your every day life and then to disseminate this information and your experience to others?

—1. To some extent
—2. To a great extent
—3. Not at all
(26) How many other women in your community, if you know, have taken up the AIOU courses? (not necessarily of post graduation level)

—1. None
—2. Just a few
—3. Many
—4. Don’t know
(27) As a student of AIOU self-study courses which of the following personal skills you have been able to learn? Please indicate the extent of their learning: (ignore the alphabets A,B,C etc. These are for data operator.)

Skills / 1.
To some extent / 2.
To great extent / 3.
Not at all
  1. Organizing your own study plans
/ A / B / C
  1. Reading
/ D / E / F
  1. Preparing your own lessons
/ G / H / I
  1. Self assessment of your own written work
/ J / K / L
  1. Communicating with other women class mates who are doing the same course
/ M / N / O
  1. Helping younger school going members of the family to do their home work
/ P / Q / R
  1. More confidently taking part in outdoor community activities if any
/ S / T / U
  1. Using theoretical knowledge learned from books in your work situation (may be in home or in an office where you work)
/ V / W / X
  1. Actively participating in decision making process at family or at community level
/ Y / Z / AB
  1. Advising and guiding others to take up AIOU courses
/ AC / AD / AE
  1. Making your own personal independent judgments about political and other issues concerning the nation
/ AF / AG / AH
  1. Any other
/ AI
(28) How do you rate the study materials received from AIOU?
─ 1. Poor
─ 2. Fair
─ 3. Good
─ 4. Excellent
(29) How do you rate the effectiveness of tutorial meetings?
─ 1. Poor
─ 2. Fair
─ 3. Good
─ 4. Excellent
(30) How do you rate the cooperation from AIOU regional offices/ campuses?
─ 1. Poor
─ 2. Fair
─ 3. Good
─ 4. Excellent
(31) How appropriate is the examination system?
─ 1. To some extent
─ 2. To great extent
─ 3. Not at all
(32) If you had the choice, would you undertake your first degree via AIOU system of education?
─ 1. Yes
─ 2. No
─ 3. Uncertain
(33) What do you suggest the suitable measures to the improvement of AIOU’s teaching learning components/procedures which in your opinion need to be improved?
(34) Please write down on this page, if not about yourself, about any other woman student of AIOU, whom you know (and of course without mentioning her name) and who after having completed some university courses was able to improve her family’s socio-economic status. You can write this brief case study in your own words in Urdu if you like. In case the project finds it as an interesting story of someone’s success in life, after acknowledging your name for this contribution, it would certainly be included it in its final research report.

Thank you again for your cooperation & participation.