Education Minutes 8/9/2016
Education Commission Members:
M. Moran (chair)J. Bennett / S. Bresler
A. Jost / A. Fisher / D. Staigers
J. Cheek / G. Rosengarten
Opening Prayer and Discussion
Approval of June minutes: Amy Jost motioned, Sharon Bresler seconded.
Guest Derrick Rahe- Athletic Boosters- Derrick discussed the state of the Boosters. He was asking for guidance on the new bylaws and Archdiocese charter. Discussion of tournament play. Good and supportive conversation
Principal Report
Faith formation
There is a Teacher Spiritual Day set for 11/1/16. Other neighboring schools have been invited. Guest speaker is Fr Nuzzy.
New Catholic identity version of the religion textbook which includes Theology of the Body. St Veronica is piloting the program for Ruah Woods
We purchased new reading series for grades K-5
We purchased new science books for grades 2-8. Science fusion for grades 2 and 3 and Pierson for 4 to 8.
New Staff and Faculty
Ms Kelsey Lovell for middle school math
Mrs Carissa Schnell for 4th Grade LA
Ms Sarah Stevenot for middle school science
Mrs Kathy Stinz aide
Mrs Kelly Moning aide
Mrs Sarah Eiser aide
School them for 2016-2017 Many Families- One in Christ
We are at 497
We will be in the October Open House issue of Cincinnati Magazine
We are having a fall Open House on Nov 3 from 530 to 730
Specialist Schedule
The schedule has been revamped to allow full time specialist teachers to work in the cafeteria 1 day each week. Ms Eggemeyer and Mrs Schneel will be working along with Mr Keithley. We will not have to hire any cafeteria aide and keep down cost.
Some specials have increased instruction time per feedback from the specials teachers.
We added Pre K into the specialist schedule to differentiate it from 3 to 4 year old preschool.
Children's Faith Formation Report
VBA was a rousing success with an increase in both participation and volunteers. There were 127 students from 4 yrs to entering 4th grade. 128 volunteers, ranging from incoming 5th graters through high schoolers, college students and adults. An evaluation was given to assess which changes need to be done. Received feedback and confirmed all segments were enjoyable. We will have additional training for leaders as well. Currently we are looking at different areas and looking for ways for improvement and efficiency
Registration is 80 as of 8/9. This will increase as approach of new year
2 families have expressed need to for home schooling students for part of the upcoming year
All catechists returned for this year. There are some moves. Also, we have added 2 volunteer aides.
Sacramental Preparation
Currently, 58 students from both school and REP have registered for Confirmation. 64 students have registered for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Old Business:
1. Parish Leadership meeting on 9/24
New business:
1. What have you heard? Open conversation- next meeting will be combined with the PTO meeting to get more reach.
Discussion of the Many Families… One in Christ for this year.
Discussion of Fr Nuzzy meeting
Cub Scouts- discussion of need for a Cub Scout Advocate.
2. Resignation of Sarah Farmer and replacement, many names were passed around.
3. Laisions for the next school year- we will schedule for this coming year. Assigned members for each group.
4. Focus/Direction for the next year
Adjournment- Joan B made the motion, Amy F seconded.