Tel. (Cell): + 33 6 13 75 28 00
French, 54 years old, married
Education: GraduatedEngineer fromthe“Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’ARTS et METIERS”
(Electrical, mechanical and industrial engineering, energy) in Paris, France in 1987
Languages: English - French - Spanish
Work Experience:
- Mechanical, Piping, Electrical and Instrumentation Erection in the Machine Hall of the, 1x1650 MW,Flamanville EPR Nuclear Power Station for “Electricité De France”
- Planning the handover of equipment from Erection to the Commissioning
- Delivery and coordination of end of erection plans, closure of quality files
- Communication with customer: priorities, interface with handed over equipment, review of “TOP” certificates
- A Renewable Steam Plant business unit reporting to ALSTOM RENEWABLE at Baden, Switzerland
- Construction of a 1x25 MW Geothermal Power Plant at Los Humeros, for the “Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico). Contract price: 43 M USD
- Takeover the full site responsibilities from defaulting Consortium Partner, 30 Engineers/Techniciansrecruitment to build up new operational team, new Civil and Erection contractors hiring
- Implementation of an ambitious and realistic Project Recovery Program,take control onEngineering and Purchasing resources to handle the delays and secure the milestones
- Response to the Customer’s supervision of Quality, Environment, Hygiene and Safety
- Daily structured reviews of progress, targets, and actions to do. Commitment from supervisors
ALSTOM Power Service, Generator Service for General Turboat BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
- A workshop unit, JVC ALSTOM POWER (51%) andGeneral Turbo (Romania), reporting to Global Service Factory Network of ALSTOM Thermal Service atBaden, Switzerland
- Production of Generator Stator Bars, Rotor Coils, Phase Rings and winding works. 9 M€ Orders intake and 0.35 M€ Net Income in Financial Year 2013
- Administration of 170 Romanian employeesassisted by 10 Department Managers
- Upgrade the Quality and EHSmanagement according to latest initiatives and policy of Thermal Power. Renewal of ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 and ISO 9001:2008 certifications
- 3 yearsinvestment program worth 3 M€, focused on a strategic Air Cooled Stator Bars lead time and cost reduction project (3 months to 3 weeks) including refurbishment of various facilities
- Increase of production (by 40%) and on time delivery rate (97%). Delivery of 13 set of Air Cooled Stator Bars, 3 set of Rotor Coils and 2 set of Phase Rings for Nuclear Unitsof EDF in FY 2013
- Managing problems related to a conflict of interest between domestic and international parties of the JVC
ALSTOM Power Service, Generator Service, at BELFORT, FRANCE
- Responsible for the fulfillment of typical projects constraints: scope, time, budget
- Communication with customers (Electricité De France), coordination of resources
- Major overhauls, emergency repairs and supply of spare parts for large sized Generators
- Top 3 achievements: Stator swap on Nuclear unit of EDF: 3.6 M€, Supply of 3 new Rotors for thermal fleet of EDF: 10.3 M€, Major overhaul on thermal unit of EDF: 2.8 M€
ALSTOM Power Service, Field Service, at CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA
- ALSTOM Representative on the KOEBERG Nuclear Power Station (2x900 MW) of ESKOM
- Coordination with Thermal Service business units and site management of :
-Long Term Contracts: Engineering support, supply of Spare Parts and MaintenanceofSteam Turbines, Generators, HV Electrical and Control equipments, Emergency Diesel Generators (6 Outages)
-Upgrading Projects: Generators, LP Turbine, Turbine and Emergency Diesel Generator Control Systems
-Unplanned Repairs: Generator (major recovery in 2006), Transformers, various troubleshooting
- Significant increase of consolidated Turnover, enhancement of our presence and corporate brand
- Creation of a new legal and tax compliantlocal entitywith staff increase
CEGELEC then ALSTOM Power Service, Field Service, mostly for EXPORT market
- Site Management for construction of Power Plants, Turnkey projects
- Civil Works, Mechanical and Electrical Erection and Commissioning
- Team: European expatriates (up to 20), local Technicians (up to 30) and workers (up to 1200)
- Interfaces with Business units, Customers, Contract Engineer, local Authorities and local suppliers
- Nuclear, Thermal, Hydraulic Power Plants and HV Switchyard
- LV to HV Electrical Equipment, Instrumentation & Control Systems, Steam, Gas and Hydraulic Turbines, Generators, Heat Recovery Steam Generators, Diesel Engines, Mechanical Auxiliaries and Civil Works
- Assignments in West Europe, LatinAmerica, Africa and Asia, (SEE THE LIST on page 3), including:
-Combined Cycle, DUNKERQUE, FRANCE for GDF-ARCELOR in 2004: 13 Supervisors and 200 workers
-400 kV open Switchyard, CHANDRAPUR, INDIA in 1995-98: 15 expatriates, 30 technicians, 1200workers Final year as Resident Engineer for COMELEX, INDIA-PAKISTAN area, position basedat NEW DELHI
-Combined Cycle, ATACAMA, CHILE for ENDESA in 1998-99: 20 Expatriates, 15 Technicians, 250workers
Latest training:
- 2015: EHS ALSTOM International Passport, in Spanish
- 2013: EHS Safety Leadership Program – Senior, in English
- 2012: Integrated Quality for Senior Management, in English
- 2012: Thermal Manufacturing System - Management training, (Lean awareness), in English
- 2011: Finance for non financial manager, in French
- Highly experienced in the Energy sector and in the construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Electrical Power Plants
- Management skills: plan, organize and coordinate
- Leadership orientated in results: inspire and motivate
- Administration of largeorganizations of people, representation, reporting to high level of management
- Execution of complex Turnkey Contracts, flexible to changes and resilient to challenging environment
- Communication and negotiation
- Decision taking
- Familiarized with tools and standards for cost control, budget forecast, planning of resources and for management of Quality, Environment, Hygiene and Safety
- Used to communicate, behave, perform works, conduct business and interact with people from different cultures, assess the risks and comply with rules
See back-up page 3:List of all achievements as CONSTRUCTION SITE MANAGER from 1988 to 2005
Back-up Page
List of all achievements as CONSTRUCTION SITE MANAGER from 1988to 2005
09/88 to 02/89: Site Manager Training in several Nuclear Power Stations construction sites inFRANCE
03/89 to 12/89: Assistant to the Site Manager then Site Manager(erection and commissioning)
NOUAKCHOTT – MAURITANIA. 4x7 MW Diesel Thermal Power Station
Customer:SONELEC (IRM)
01/90 to 12/90: SitePreparationandmember ofthe technical sales teamof Maanshan, Taiwan project:
Coordination of suppliers andpartners from Head Office at LEVALLOIS, FRANCE
02/91 to 06/91: Assistant to the Commissioning Manager
PEHUENCHE – CHILE. 2x500 MW Hydraulic Power Station
Private Customer represented by BECHTEL, USA
08/91 to 07/92: Site Manager (erection and commissioning)
MAANSHAN – TAIWAN. 1x9 MW Emergency Diesel Generator Set (in a Nuclear Power Station)
Customer: Taiwan Power Company (ROC)
09/92 to 05/93: Site Manager (erection and commissioning of Instrumentation lot 17 of Balance of Plant)
DAYABAY – CHINA. A French designed 2x900 MWNuclear Power Station
Customer: Guangdong Nuclear Power J.V.C. represented by Electricité de France
06/93 to 04/94: Electrical Manager (erection and commissioning)
SHANTOU 2 – CHINA: 1 VEGA 206 Combined Cycle Power Station
05/94 to 12/94: Electrical Manager (erection and commissioning).
LITTLE BARFORD – ENGLAND. 2 VEGA 209 Combined Cycle Power Station
Customer: British Energy (UK)
02/95 to 04/97: Overall Site Manager (Civil works, erection and commissioning)
15 expatriates, 30 local technicians, 1200 subcontracted workers
CHANDRAPUR – INDIA. 400 kV open Switchyard
Customer: Power Grid (India)
05/97 to 02/98: Resident Engineerfor COMELEX, INDIA and PAKISTAN area, based at NEW DELHI - INDIA.
05/98 to 06/99:Electrical Manager (erection and commissioning)
20 Expatriates, 15 local technicians, 250 subcontracted workers
ATACAMA – CHILE. 2 VEGA 209 Combined Cycle Power Station
Customer: ENDESA
07/99 to 11/01:Site Manager (Civil works, erection and commissioning)
EL LAHOUN – EGYPT. 2x400 kW Hydraulic Power Station
Position based in the sales offices at CAIRO, for communication with customer and coordination of
Partner and local suppliers
02/02 to 02/03:Electrical Manager (erection and commissioning)
7 Expatriates, 100 subcontracted workers, integration of customer staff.
MOIN – COSTA RICA. 2 Gas Turbines and extension of 220 kV Switchyard
Customer represented by MARUBENI, Japan, as Consulting Engineer
03/03 to 04/03:Contract Engineer (development and follow-up of financial claims)
GONFREVILLE – FRANCE. 2 VEGA 109 + cogeneration Power Station
Customer: TOTAL
05/03 to 06/04:Electrical Manager, (erection and commissioning).13 Supervisors et 200 subcontracted workers
DUNKERQUE – FRANCE. 2x400 MW Combined Cycle Power Station
02/05 to 10/05: Site Manager (erection and commissioning including a Gas Compressor from MAN)
CHEMERY – FRANCE. Site of natural Gas underground storage
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