Education Council Minutes

11th of Nov, 2016















In Attendance:


Note: Actions are highlighted in red

Agenda & Notes:

1.  Introductions

2.  Apologies

3.  Explanations of VP Education Council officer

Update and recap from Ellie

4.  Re-cap from Training

Ellie: difference between education and democracy recap

5.  How Education Council will run

How are we running the meetings


Being proactive or reactive: how we come to discuss stuff we want to work on; ideas thing on SUBU website, info from senior rep forum, reps etc. – bring it up in ed council and decide if we want to work on it

Katie: can we go to senior rep forum if not exec? – maybe, exec can keep you informed on that

Getting to know senior reps

Ideas: message Iv, Anniek or Ellie with background detail, we will put it on the agenda and then discuss it => figure out if it’s a problem ed council can work on => take action

Making some changes

Being respectful to people on the council and listening to each other, getting everyone a voice

Quick changes vs. long term changes => speed boats vs. cruise ship => other councils vs. education

6.  Officer Updates

Jamie: have a go at representing SciTech, socials

Drusilla: Masters students don’t take advantage of SUBU, change that

Anh: wants to represent and make ideas happen

Dinuka: to get more PGR students involved with SUBU and understand its benefits

Katie: help the SciTech department, wants to work with the Tech side – getting them more listened to and involved, complaints about science, help them at getting a better education experience

Iv: being with SUBU since first year, can’t picture doing anything else, hope to leave something behind and make a positive change to the student experience

Anniek: passion about education, likes being able to have a voice and make changes for the better

Issues from SOS:

Assessment and feedback

Organisation and management: timetables, lecturers replying to emails

Quality of teaching: reading from powerpoints, not being engaging – students’ expectations for what they’re going to get, assignment briefs

Personal development – ties in closely with education

Katie: Students complaining about printing and having to pay for it

Any ideas for the Big Student Meeting agenda: send to exec (Iv, Anniek, Ellie etc.)

Katie to meet with Peter Hills Re: students slagging off lecturers on social media; social media awareness campaign? Being professional

Ellie to provide a list of Deputy Deans of Education

Everyone: look at Speak Week signup sheet, look at the Vice Chancellor talk out eventbryte

7.  Dates for Diary

Speak Week: 23rd of Nov, 2015 – 27th of Nov, 2015; SUBU wide campaign aiming to get feedback and increase awareness of representation and democratic structures; officers expected to help out during the week

Vice Chancellor Talk Out: 24th of Nov, 2015 9am to 10am, 5th floor Student Centre, chance for students to ask questions; officers expected to be there

The Big Student Meeting: 27th of Nov, 2015 Marconi

Socials: a lot, but first one – This Friday – Inferno and Lollipop; socials every month

8.  Date for next Ed Council + Doodle Poll

Wednesday the 25th of Nov, 2015 5pm – 7pm

To do a doodle poll for a consistent slot

9.  Capping at 70%

Everyone: talk to students and see if they think it’s an issue

Talk about it in next council meeting

10.  TEL Champions

Technology Enhanced Learning: anything that helps education through using technology

The TEL department is looking for student champions – assist staff in using technology to make learning better

Message Ellie if interested

11.  Tasks: get info for Senior Reps (speak to Kerry or Gillie, 1st floor of Student Centre) as well as FAB dates (speak to programme administrators)

12.  AOB

Being tested on Harvard Referencing: in Media & SciTech

Everyone: Talk to people and see if testing on Harvard Referencing is a wider issue

Iv & Anniek: Put it on next meeting’s agenda

Katie: students being told they can use Wikipedia and reference anything which might not be true; a matter for reps