Forever Love of the One Self

“Dear heavenly Father, closer to us than our very breathing, nearer than hands and feet, pour out a blessing to whosoever will.I cannot use you, but you can use me, therefore I open my Consciousness to your blessing.Let it be thy Peace, thy Love, and thy Light flowing forth as this message.”

I am sure that all of us know that of ourselves we are nothing; that any human life that we seem to have is but a concept and was not made by God.Therefore, we can forgive God for anything that we see taking place in the human life.We can stop holding a loving Father responsible for those problems and difficulties which we behold with the senses.We can stop blaming God for appearances of evil, for problems of health, or problems in our relationships, or problems in our finances, or problems in our housing.We can stop blaming God for this.God did not create any of this andGod does not permit any of this.

Well, you might ask, why are these things happening?And the answer is that these pictures are concepts in the mind.They are very real as an experience but there is no reality in them.And because there is no Reality in them, there is no God in them.Our loving Father did not create these mishaps.It is also correct to realize that the pictures of good that we see; good health, a perfect body, a beautiful face, an adequate income, a mansion for a house, these things also are concepts and although they appear to be good, God did not create even one of them. So we can stop blaming God for our problems and we can forgive God.We can stop blaming God for the appearance of good.That too was not made by God.

A loving Father can only give us love and love is that which is eternal, immortal and forever. God does not give and then withhold.That too is a concept in the mind.We have been praying to a concept in the mind and no wonder we have not had results, because a concept in the mind is not God.

Anything that can change, that can oscillate between the pairs of opposites is a part of what is called ‘this world’ and will only be overcome when we rise out of these concepts. God cannot give and God cannot withhold.What God has given, is love and love is forever.“Thou art ever with me and all that I- the loving Father have is thine.” And when we know this, we can look at our life and realize that if it is a temporary life, if it is a human life, which has a certain lifespan, born on this date, dying on this date. That is not the life God has given us because love is forever.“Love is of God.”“God is Love,” and love must be forever.

“Neither life nor death can separate us from the love of God.” Most of us look at the second part, “death cannot separate us from the love of God.” Death cannot separate us from the Presence of Divine Love.But now let’s look at the first part.“Life, human life, cannot separate us from Divine Love, the love of God,” the Presence of God. The life that God gave us is forever therefore there is a life that you have right now that is a forever life; one with the loving Father, and if one with the loving Father then your life, your real life, is a forever love.You are a forever love. You must be, for you are made in the image and likeness of your loving Father.Your love is a forever love.Your supply is a forever love; love itself manifesting itself as your supply; as your every need fulfilled.Your relationships, your companionships, also are one with the Divine Father.Therefore, you will always have companions and companionship because it is a forever love appearing as your companions.

Your body, you life, is a forever body.What does that mean?It means that the body you view in the mirror with your senses is a concept about your forever body.You have a forever body which is infinite divine love; forever love manifesting as your body.When we are told that God made us in Its image and likeness, we must realize that what God made is forever.We have a forever life, a forever supply, a forever companionship, a forever body, and a forever mind.This is what God gave us.

Because only God is forever, we can see now that God gave us Its forever Self appearing as us. This is our true identity.For God so loved you that God gave Its forever Self to you - as you.That whoever discovers this forever Self shall never die but shall have everlasting forever life.This loving Father we can love with all our heart mind and soul, because of course this loving Father loved us first.

This is the truth about who you are.This is the truth about who I am.You are the forever loving Presence of God individualized.This is the truth, but how do we gain the conscious awareness of it? How do we get the feel of this Self?

The first step of course is to realize that the pictures that we see with the mind as we look out here are not pictures out here; they are pictures in the mind.Because God never created them, they are not ‘out here.’They are within the mind. In your Consciousness, pictures, concepts are being presented to you.These are not your concepts, so you can forgive yourself as well.These are concepts that are just floating in the atmosphere almost like radio waves. They were here before you manifested and they probably will be here after you are in the invisible, but they were not made by God.So if you see bad pictures, if you see good pictures, neither one are the reality.There is no reality in them.There is no forever love in them; otherwise they could not change.So that’s the first step.

But now, if that is all we have been entertaining in our mind, how do we get out of that sense of the world, universe, and self and how do we enter our forever Self?The way to awaken is with a change of Consciousness, putting off the mortal person and putting on our forever loving Self.And this change of Consciousness is not something you as a human can bring about.Your reading about it will not bring it about.Your talking about it will not bring it about.Only your divine Self can lift you above the sense perception.This is an experience that takes place in your inner Being.Therefore, we must become still. We must drop the sense perception and this we do as we close the eyes, quiet the senses and listen within.

We are listening to our own divine loving Self.We are listening to that which God made; our true Self, so that it may awaken us to the Self that God made; to our forever life, to our forever supply, and to our forever companionship.We are listening because only our forever Self can awaken us out of the dream of the senses.“We live and move and have our being” in that forever loving Self.But to become aware of It, we must go within, in our inner chamber, and listen for that voice.

We started this message today with a short prayer that God use us and this is the same principle we practice when we go within ourselves.We may use any words that we like so long as they remind us that we are letting God take over.And after we have declared our one desire that is permitted; which is that God awaken us to ourselves that God awaken us to Itself in us, then we rest back.We become quiet and we “wait upon the Lord.”We feel within ourselves a quickening, a movement, God Itself revealing Itself.

Sometimes there is just a feeling of a Presence.Sometimes there is an actual voice.Sometimes it is an impression which says, “Thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine.” And sometimes there is a moment, a few seconds of Silence.In this Silence is where your forever Self reveals Itself.It reveals Itself on a level above the mind.It reveals Itself invisibly, intuitively, quietly, and silently.

When you complete your meditation and open your eyes, some part of the sense perception is dissolved.You may not discover it at first. You may go a couple of days and then realize, “Wow, I wonder where that problem went?”Some part of your human span is dissolved each time you enter the Silence and some part of that harmony called your forever Self, the loving God Self is revealed.

I say again, you live move and have your being in God’s forever Love, in your forever Self, but in the Silence, that forever Self dissolves a part of the false self.Now, you may ask, why does it seem to take so long?I have asked myself the same question.“Self, why does it take so long to have a complete realization of your Presence at all times?” And the answer is that if you suddenly had the awareness of yourself, as Infinite,Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscience, it would be too much to handle all at once.Probably you would be no earthly good for awhile.Therefore, it appears to come to us in states and stages.Gradually, gradually, we are awakening to our forever loving Self; our forever loving Creator, and our forever loving Oneness.

Each time we enter the Silence, we awaken a little more to that which IS.We do not ask God to change or repair our physical sense, our material sense of life.God is not aware of that sense perception. God is aware of Itself forever.Andyou are that God individualized.Surely you must recognize that you are on the way to the awareness of yourself everywhere at all times? We catch glimpses of our everywhere loving Self.We catch them in our meditation.Sometimes we see It while we are walking around; we sense It while we are attending a meeting or taking care of business.We catch little glimpses and each one of these is awakening us and preparing us for that day when the mountain top experience will be our permanentdwelling place.

You will reach the place where you dwell in your forever love most of the time while still appearing to have form and appearing to have a life right here.God, your forever Self, seeks to manifest right where you are, and in fact, is manifesting right where you are.

The other day or the night, not too long ago, in a dream, I experienced struggling with a problem and it appeared as two weasels which were nipping at my feet. My immediate reaction was to grab one of them and try to destroy it, but then I suddenly remembered God. And even though I felt one of them breathing on my neck and had the other one in my hands, in the dream I stopped and I recognized that I needed a realization of God’s Presence right where this problem appeared to be.So I rested back as if in anticipation and I felt a flood of Spirit. And as that Spirit flooded into me that problem that I had in my hands dissolved and my hands came together as if in prayer and I woke up in my bed.Then I said,“Thank you Father.” because the principles were being practiced even in a sleep state.

What this dream pointed out to me was that the problems that we are struggling with are not to be fought.The problems we are struggling with are not even to be understood.There is no truth about the problems we are struggling with.And so in the very midst of trouble,when we find ourselves struggling with the problem, all that we really need to do is to stop; to pause, turn within ourselves, and get a sense of that forever Self.Get a sense of that Infinite Spirit which you are, and in feeling that, in sensing that, that which we have been struggling with will dissolve.

God does not destroy our problems.God does not repair our problems.God reveals your every where Self and in waking up to that, the problem dissolves and God reveals Itself everywhere. Get a sense of that, get a feeling for that.If someone comes to you for prayer, for healing, you are not to work on anything out there, because again it is a concept.You are to recognize this as a concept.It is not my concept. It’s a concept being presented to me by ‘world thought’.Therefore, there is no truth about it.

I am not going to work on the concept.Let me turn within now and get a sense of my forever Self; of Thee forever Self, of God’s forever Self, because there is one forever Self. Let me be still now and let that forever Self reveal Itself everywhere and in the stillness, that forever Self speaks, and you get a sense, a release; a feeling that, “I” am here, “I” am there, and “I” am everywhere. Let Me live myself.

And behold, the problem is dissolved and we are left in a state of prayer.

Prayer of course, is listening.Prayer takes place when that forever Self reveals Itself.This is the Consciousness we want.This is the Consciousness which we are awakening to.This is the Consciousness that we already have, but now we are awakening to It.That of being consciously aware of the everywhere and forever Love called Self.

The other way that we can facilitate our own awakening is when there are no problems, no difficulties of your own or someone else’s that you are meditating to come out of.When there are no problems of your own or someone else’s, then you turn within simply to open the door so that your forever Self, which knows what things you have need of before you do, before you even ask, your forever Self can reveal Itself in a way that awakens you the fastest.

So we turn within and we simply ask that our divine loving Father express Itself as our Self - everywhere. And we become still so that our everywhere Self can flow through.More and more we come to the alter within not to get, we come to let our everywhere Self manifest, and this It does; from the invisible right out into the visible, from the invisible It flows through as love of course, as service, as an uplifting message, as doing something for someone anonymously and not getting found out, as helping, sharing, and giving.

We can be a part of the circle of Christhood in the world today and help lift up humanity simply by knowing, by having the inner realization that where these concepts appear to be, the one forever Self is and resting in that.And your forever Self will go forward and flow out touchingwhomsoever will.You may not ever know in this life who you have helped to awaken.But that is what God is: forever loving and forever present.And that is what you are and what you are becoming aware that you are. The conscious awareness of your forever loving Self is your inheritance; is what makes you not just brother to Jesus Christ, not just sister to Jesus Christ, but One with Jesus Christ.

That forever loving Self manifesting through him also will manifest through you.I am certain that Jesus never wanted to be worshiped in any way.I am certain that when he said, “Why callest thou, me good?There is only one good and that is the forever Father.” I am certain when he said, “I of myself can do nothing, it is the Father within me that doeth the works,” that he did not want to be worshipped.He wanted you to go within and find the Father within which we are now doing consciously.Therefore, he said, “Forevermore, I will nolonger call you students or servants, I will call you friends,” because we are one; the forever love of God manifest right where he is and right where you are. It is the same Presence. Therefore, recognize that he is your friend. You are his friend.You two are one.And the same life of service that manifested as his life will manifest as your life as you let it.

Most of us know that our brother St. Francis knew about this forever love and it is so obvious in his prayer - the prayer that has been attributed to him.The reason why he was called a saint is because he had that forever Presence of the loving Father flowing through him.And in his meditations, this is what he said, “Lord make me an instrument of Thy Peace.” Obviously he is asking that the forever Self flow out through him as Peace, because what is a saint anyway?A saint is someone that makes himself an instrument for the forever love of God to flow through and this should also be your meditation. You are a saint if that Presence flows and when that Presence flows through you. That’s what makes you a saint not a board of directors in a Catholic Church.What makes you a saint is this Presence of the forever Self.Saint Francis says, “Where there is hatred let me sow love.” Let that forever love flow through me.“Where there is injury, forgiveness.”When forgiveness flows through you it does not mean that you see someone’s faults and forgive them.That’s not what he is asking for here. He is asking that the love of the forever Divine Being flow through him and that he be able to see through the appearance, because true love is seeing through the appearance of duality.That and that alone, is what heals.And then no forgiveness is necessary, because, “Today shalt thou be with me in Paradise.”“Where there is doubt, faith; where there isdespair, hope; where there is darkness, light.” Francis is asking that forever divine love of the one Self to flow through him and out into expression.He goes on with his meditation and asks, “Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console,to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.” Because he has discovered that in order to be that forever Self, you must pour out from the Infinite; that you have to, in order to be the Christ, you must, let instead of having to get.Then he says, “For it is in giving, that we receive.” Why, because there is only one forever Self and that which you give to yourself, you give to yourself.Any giving that flows out through you is to the one Self.“It is in forgiving that we are forgiven.” Yes, when you see through the appearance where someone seems to be, not only are they healed, but in reality your concept is healed.And so you are really healing yourself.And finally, he says, “It is in dying to self to the false self that we awaken to our eternal life,” our eternal Self.We see here that what makes Francis divine is in his turning within to the one Divine forever loving Self and asking that it manifest. In your meditation what makes you Divine is exactly the same thing. Francis is your brother.He is part of the circle of Christ and so are you if you are meditating in this fashion.