AP 4225Course Repetition
Education Code Section 76224;
Title 5 Sections 55040, 55041, 55042, 55253, and 56029
Note: This procedure is legally required. Local practice may be inserted here, which must include the following:
When a student repeats a course that is not designated as repeatable and receives a satisfactory grade, then the student may not repeat the course again unless there is another provision that allows the repetition.
When a student repeats a course to alleviate substandard academic work, the previous grade and credit may be disregarded in the computation of grade point averages as long as the student is not allowed additional repetitions for more than three semesters or five quarters.
When a student with a disability repeats a class, the previous grade and credit shall be disregarded in the computation of grade point averages.
Courses that are repeated shall be recorded on the student’s permanent academic record using an appropriate symbol.
Annotating the permanent academic record shall be done in a manner that all work remains legible, insuring a true and complete academic history.
Nothing can conflict with Education Code Section 76224 pertaining to the finality of grades assigned by instructors, or with Title 5 or district procedures relating to retention and destruction of records.
Note: Inclusion of the following depends on District practice. The elements are optional.
Students may petition for approval to repeat up to a total of [insert number] units in which substandard grades (less than “C,” and including “FW,” “NP,” or “NC”) were awarded as long as the District does not claim apportionment under Title 5 Section 58161. The District may disregard the first two substandard grades if the student repeats the class two or more times.
[Insert local processes for petitioning for approval]
A list of the specific courses or categories of courses, if any, which are exempt from course repetition.
Provisions for repeating a course taken at another accredited college or university for which substandard academic performance is recorded.
Circumstances under which students may repeat courses in which a C or better grade was earned. Such course repetition requires a finding that circumstances exist which justify such repetition. Grades awarded for courses repeated under these provisions shall may be included when calculating a student’s grade point average.
Students are allowed to repeat an occupational work experience course if a college only offers one course in occupational work experience in a given field and that course is not offered as a variable unit open-entry/open-exit course. Where only one work experience course is offered subject to the above conditions, students may be permitted to repeat this course any number of times as long as they do not exceed the limits on the number of units of cooperative work experience set forth in Title 5 Section 55253(a).
Limits on the Number of Times Students May Repeat a Course
Students are allowed to repeat a course without petition when repetition is necessary to enable that student to meet a legally mandated training requirement as a condition of volunteer or paid employment. Students can repeat such courses any number of times, even if they received a grade of C or better, however, the grade received by the student each time will be included in calculations of the student’s grade point average.
Students may repeat activity courses where the course objectives are met by repeating a similar primary educational activity and an expanded educational experience occurs, each time the course is repeated for the following reasons: The student’s skills or proficiencies will be enhanced by supervised repetition and practice within class periods, and active participatory experience in individual study or group assignments is the method to learn the objectives. Examples of activity courses that qualify as repeatable courses include physical education courses and courses in music, fine arts, theater, and dance. Absent substandard academic work courses may not be repeated for more than three semesters or five quarters including summers and intersessions.
Students with disabilities can repeat a special class for students with disabilities any number of times when an individualized determination verifies that such repetition is required as a disability-related accommodation for the student for one of the reasons specified in Title 5 Section 56029.
Revised 7/02, 8/03, 8/06, 8/07, 2/08, 4/09, 7/11 Course Repetition Policy
A. When a substandard grade has been received in a course, that course may be repeated. "Substandard" is defined as course work for which a grade of "D," "F," or "NC" has been received. When a course is repeated, only the most recent grade will be computed in the GPA. However, all substandard grades will remain legible on the student's permanent academic record.
Under special circumstances, repetition of courses in which other than a substandard grade has been received may be permitted with the prior approval of the President/Superintendent or designee. These special circumstances are as follows:
1. Remedial - Basic Skills (Reading, Writing, Math).
2. Recertification - License Renewal (Administration of Justice, Real Estate, Health, Interpreter for the Deaf).
3. Skill Development (Physical Education activity, Typing).
4. College Activities (Band, Chorus, Newspaper, Radio, Forensics, Drama, Student Government).
5. Intercollegiate Activities (Athletics, Forensics).
6. State Regulated (Cooperative Education, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Court and Conference Reporting).
7. Special Projects (content changes).
B. Course Repetition Implementation: The rules governing course repetition are as follows:
1. The earned grade as assigned by the instructor shall be final and shall become a part of the student's permanent record.
2. A course in which a substandard grade was earned at another accredited college or university may be repeated as specified above.
3. Grades earned as a result of course repetition at other accredited colleges or universities are acceptable at Ohlone College.
College Catalog, 2011-12, Page 40
For Credit
Generally, courses are not repeatable for credit. Some specified courses may be repeated for credit. These courses are designated by the word Repeatable in thecatalog course listing. The number after the word Repeatable indicates thenumber of times the course may be repeated for credit. All repeat policies areenforced through WebAdvisor and students will be blocked from registering forcourses when the maximum number of repetitions has already been attained.
Physical Education activity courses are linked by activity, and each activity –regardless of skill level – may be repeated only three times. For example,students may take tennis four times (the original course and threerepeats); they cannot take beginning, intermediate, and advancedtennis four times each.
To Improve a Grade
Any course may be repeated one time to raise a substandard grade (D, F, or NP). If a student earns a substandard grade twice at Ohlone and wants to repeat the course at Ohlone, the student will need to get permission from the Division Dean in order to repeat the class again at Ohlone. The student will need to submit a Student Petition for Academic Action with the dean’s signature to the Office of Admissions and Records on the Fremont campus. Admissions and Records will then take care of registering the student into the class if the Division Dean has approved the petition.
When a course is repeated to raise a substandard grade only the mostrecent grade – whether or not it ishigher than the previous grade – willbe computed in the grade pointaverage. However, all grades, including substandard grades, whether counted inthe grade point average or not, must remain legible on the student’s permanentrecord, per California Education Code. A course in which a substandard grade was earned at another accredited collegeor university may be repeated as specified above. Grades earned as a result ofcourse repetition at other accredited colleges or universities are acceptable atOhlone College.
Under special circumstances repetition of courses in which other than asubstandard grade has been earned may be permitted with the prior approvalof the President of the College or designee.