Chollian GRE Study Group Kaplan Vocabulary List

[Kap. Voc. 1/30] abase-adulterate

abase (v.)cast down, bring low, humble, degrade (applied to the passions, rank, office, and condition in life); disgrace, lower, abassare (to lower)

abash (v.) dismay, confound, disconcert, discomfit, make ashamed, chasten.

(OFr) estbahir (to make ashamed)

abate (v.)(a) decrease, become less in strength or violence, subside, diminish, delcline.

(b) beat down, put an end to; lessen, diminish or moderate.

(Fr) abattre (to beat down)

abdicate (v.)renounce, abandon or relinguish a position, right, power or trust.

ab (from, away) + dicare (to proclaim)

aberration (n.)wandering, straying from the right way; deviation, esp. from what is right, normal or natural; mental disorder.

ab (from, away) + errare (wander)

abet (v.)foment, aid, support, be an accomplice or accessory to.

(OFr) abeter (to incite, deceive)

abeyance (n.)temporary suppression, suspension, delay, interruption.

abhor (v.)hate extremely; loathe, detest, abominate.

ab (from, away) + horrerre (shrink)

abjure (v.)renounce on oath, reject solemnly, abandon formally, recant, retract, forswear.

ab (from, away) + jurare (swear)

ablution (n.)the washing of one's body or part of it as a religious

abnegation (n.)denial, renuciation, act of abjuring, disclaiming.

ab (from, away) + ominari (regard as an omen)

abominate (v.)hate extremely, abhor, detest, loathe, execrate

ab(from, away) + ominari (regard as an omen)

aboriginal (adj.)primitive, primeval, primal; native, indigenous, original.

ab (from) + origo (origin)

abortive (adj.)interrupted, uncompleted; hence, fruitless, vain, futile, bootless. abortio (a miscarriage)

abrade (v.)wear away by friction, scrape, erode, grate, rasp, scour.

ab (away) + radere (to scrape)

abrogate (v.)annul, repeal, invalidate.

abscond (v.)depart clandestinely, decamp, steal away.

abstemious (adj.)temperate or sparing in appetite or enjoyment of pleasure, sparingly used.

ab (away, from) + temetum (strong drink)

abstract (v.)(a) extract, separate out; think of a quality apart from particular examples or instances.

(b) make a selection, epitomize, reduce to a summary.

(c) draw away the attention or interest of.

(adj.)(a) thought of apart from any particular example or instance; not concrete.

(b) expressing a quality which is apart from any particular example or instance.

(c) hard to understand, abstruse.

(d) (loose usage) theoretical, not practical.

ab (away, from) + trahere (to draw)

abstruse (adj.)difficult to comprehend or understand, opposed to what is obvious; mysterious, obscure, recondite.

abut (v.)border on, touch at end or side, adjoin, neighbor.

(Fr) aboutir (to end)

accede (v.)agree, assent, become a party to, as to a proposition or terms proposed by another; attain, as an office or rank; acquiesce, consent, comply, succeed (to), enter upon.

ad (to) + cedere (to yield)

acclimate (v.)become used to a climate not native, adapt to new environmental or (by extension) social conditions; harden, inure, season.

accolade (n.)honor, distinction, award, reward.

accost (v.)address, approach; make overtures to.

ad(to) + costa (side)

accoutrements (n.)equipment, furishings, accessories, esp.for military service.

accretion (n.)growth (in size) or increase (in amount), esp. by addition or accumulation.

ad (to) + crescre (grow)

accrue (v.)to be added, as increase, profit or damage.

ad (to) + crescere (to grow)

acolyte (n.)one who waits on a person, attendant; in the Roman Catholic Church, the highest of inferior orders of clergy, with duties of assisting in rites; follower, companion, satellite. akolouthos (a follower)

acquiesce (v.)submit, yield; assent, concur, agree.

ad (to) + quiscere (to rest)

acronym (n.)a word formed from the first (or first few) letters of several words. (NOW = National Organization for Women)

actuate (v.)put into action or motion; incite, impel, instigate, induce, prompt. actuare (to act)

acumen (n.)acuteness of mind, judgment, sagacity, perspicacity, shrewdness, discernment.

adage (n.)proverb, axiom, maxim, aphorism, old saying.

adduce (v.)present or offer as reason or proof, cite as an example; cite, quote, advance, bring forward, name, mention.

ad (to) + ducere (to lead)

adjure (v.)charge, bind on command on oath, or under penalty of a curse; entreat earnestly and solemnly; urge, charge.

ad (to) + jurare (swear)

admonish (v.)(a) warn, caution, reprove, rebuke, reprimand.

(b) inform or remind by way of a warning.

(c) advise, exhort.

ad (to) + monere (to warn).

adroit (adj.)dexterous, skillful, adept with te hands or (fig.) mentally; quick, resourceful.

adulatory (adj.)excessively flattering, servilely praising, obsequious. auduari (to flatter)

adulterrate (v.)corrupt or make impure by adding a poor or improper substance; vitiate, contaminate.

ad (to) + alter (another)

[Kap.Voc. 2/30] adumbrate - anomall

adumbrate (v.)~의 윤곽을 드러내다. outline in a shadow way, sketch foreshadow vaguely.

ad (to) + umbra (shadow)

advent (n.)comming, approach, vasitation.

ad (to) + venire (to come)

adventitious (adj.)우연의~, added from without, accidental not inherent, casual.

advocate (v.)plead in favor of, support, defend.

(n.)one who defends a cause : one who pleads the cause of another, counselor, lawyer.

ad (to) + vacare (to call)

aegis (n.)protection, any power or influence that protects(originally applied to the shield of Zeus); patronage, sponsorship, auspices.

affinity (n.)(a) relation by marriage (as distinguished from relation by blood consanguinity).

(b) close relationship, conformity, resemblance, connection.

(c) mutual attraction between individuals. affinis (realted by marriage)

affluence (n.)abundance, specifically of riches ; wealth, opulence, plenty, prosperity.

aggrandize (v.)make great of greater in power, wealth or influence exalt, promote, advance.

ad (to) + grandire (increase)

aggravate (v.)make worse, more severe, less tolerable as a physical condition ; make more inexcusable, aas a crime. (NOTE : Ofter misused in the sense of annoy)

ad (to) + gravis (heavy)

aggregation (n.)collection, cluster, combination.

ad (to) + gregare (to herd)

alabaster (n.)설화석고, a compact mineral, somewhat translucent and usually white; anything having these qualities.

alacrity (n.)기민, eagerness, cheerful willingness, promptness enthusiasm, readiness.

aleatory (adj.)사행적인, of or depending on chance or luck; in law, depending upon a contingency. alea (a game with dice)

allay (v.)lessen, ease, assuage, mitigate, alleviate mollify, soothe, clam.

alleviate (v.)remove in part, lessen, pacify, appease, allay.

allude (v.)refer indirectly (to), hint, suggest, intimate.

allusion (n.)an indirect reference to something; casual mention.

alluvial (adj.)충적의, deposited by the actions of waves or water.

ad (to) + luere (to wash)

altercation (n.)dispute, conflict, quarrel, struggle, contention. altercari (to dispute)

altruism (n.)unselfish concern for the welfare of other; charity, philanthrophy, humanitarianism.

ambient (adj.)completely surrounding, all-encompassing. ambire (to go around)

ambiguity (n.)uncertainty in meaning, display of two or more possible meanings.

ambivalent (adj.)양면가치의, unable to decide between two alternatives; experiencing two opposite emotions at the same time.

ambrosia (n.)foods of gods; anything very pleasing to the taste or smell.

ameliorate (v.)make better, inprove, meliorate.

ad (to) + melior (better) ( ↔ deteriorate)

amenable (adj.)(a) willing to follow advices, open to suggestion responsive, submissive.

(b) able to be tested by.

amenity (n.)(a) pleasantness, attractiveness.

(b) (plural) pleasant or attractive features. as of place, climate, etc.

(c) manner(s) conductive to pleasantness of smoothness of social intercourse; act(s) or form(s) conventionally observed.

amorphous (adj.)having no determination form, shapeless, irregular, vague.

(Gr.) a (without) + morphe (form)

amortize (v.)부채를 활부상환하다. liquidate or extinguish an indebtedness or charge.

ad (to) + mors (death)

ampersand (n.)the name of the character &, meaning "and".

amulet (n.)부적, ornament worn as a charm against evil sprits often inscribedwith a magic incation; talisman.

analgegic (n.)something causing insensitivity to pain; painkiller.

(adj.)anesthetic, numbing, dulling, deadening an (without) + algesis (pain).

anachronism (n.)시대착오, the representation of something as occuring at other than its proper time, especially an earier time ; anything out of its prpper time. (Gr.) ana (against) + chronos (time)

anathema (n.)(a) ban, curse, mediction, imprecation.

(b) a person of thing so cursed.

(Gr.) anathema (anything devoted to evil)

anarchy (n.)absence of government or law; lawlessnessm political disorder.

an (without) + archos (ruler)

anchor (n.)a device for keeping a ship fixed in place;

(v.)fig, a source of stability, fasten, hold in place.

ancillary (adj.)보조적인, accesary, assistantm, auxiliary, adjuvant, suborinate, helping.

anneal (v.)단련하다. (a) to heat, then to cool slowly to render less brittle; to temper by gradually diminishing heat.

(b) to strengthen and temper (the mind, will, etc).

(OE) an (on) + aelan (to burn)

annotation (n.)주석, note added in comment or explanation (to a test); remark. commentary, educidation.

ad (to) + notare (to mark)

annuity (n.)an investiment yielding a fixed sum of money payable for a fixed number of years; pension, salary, remuneration. annus (year)

anomaly (n.)예외, 변칙, abnormally, irregularity, deviation from the rule or norm; exception, peculiarity, eccentricity.

(Gr.) an (not) + homalos, from homos (the same).

[Kap.Voc. 3/30] anomie - assuage

anomie, anomy (n.)lack of purpose, identity or ethical values in a person or society

(Gr) a (without) + nomos (law)

antecedent (adj.)coming before in place, order or time; proir, anterior (signifies occurrence immediately before something else; foregoing, preceding, previous are more genernal).

(n.)(a) a person or thing that goes before

(b) in grammer, the word, phrase or clause to which a pronoun refers.

ante (before) + cedere (to go)

antedate (v.)precede in time; date too early.

ante (before) + datum, from date (to give)

antediluvian (adj)prehistoric, very old, ancient, specifically, before Noah's flood.

ante (before) + diluvium (flood)

anterior (adj.)before, prior (to), antecedent (to), preceding, previous. ante (before)

antipathy (n.)aversion, repugnance, revulsion, abhorrence, detestation, dislike, hatred; alse, that toward which antipathy is felt.

(Gr) anti (against) + patheia, from pathein (to feel, suffer)

antipode (n.)(a) anything diametrically or directly opposite; antithesis.

(b) (plur.) any two places directly opposite on the earth.

(c) an opposite or contrary thing.

(Gr) anti (against) + podes (feet)

antithetic (adj.)opposite, contrary, contradictory, counterposed.

(Gr) anti (against) + tithenai (to set)

apathetic (adj.)devoid of feeling, listless, indifferent, impassive.

(Gr) a (without) + pathein (to feel)

aperture (n.)an opening, gap, hole space; the diameter of the opening in a camera, telescope, etc., through with light passes.

aphasia (n.)speech abnormality, loss of understanding and use of words from brain damage.

(Gr) a (without) + phanai (to speak)

aphorism (n.)maxim, short pithy statement, old saying (there's no fool like an old fool).

aplomb (n.)self-possesion, poise, self-confidence, composure.

(Fr.) a plomb (Lit., on plumb, upright; hence, assured)

apocalypse (n.)(a) revelation, discovery, disclosure.

(b) the end of the world.

(c) any greatly catastrophic event or series of events.

(Gr) apo (from, away) + kalyptein (to cover or conceal)

apocryphal (adj.)unauthentic, not genuine, spurious, fictitious.

(Gr) apo (from, away) + kryptein (to hide)

apogee (n.)most distant point in an elliptical orbit; hence, summit, acme, zenith, pinnacle, highest point.

(Gr) apo (away) + ge (earth)

apostasy (n.)abandonment of one's beliefs; total desertion of principles or faith; renunciation, recantation, disavowal.

(Gr) apostasis (defection)

apothegm (n.)saying, dictum; a short, instructive remark.

(Gr) apo (from) + phtheggesthai (cry out, utter)

apotheosis (n.)deification; glorification; a glorified ideal.

(Gr) apo (from) + theos (god)

appellation (n.)designation, name, title, appellare (to call upon)

appendage (n.)(a) an adjunct; something added to a principal or greater thing.

(b) extremity or limb of the body, as arms, fingers, flippers, antennai, etc.

ad (to) + pendere (to hang)

apposite (adj)suitable, fitting, pertinent, appropriate, apt.

apprehension (n.)(a) fearful anticipation, dread, misgiving.

(b) seizure, capture, arrest

(c) understanding, cmprehension, grasp.

ad (to) + prehendere (to take hold)

appraise (v.)set a value on, valuate, estimate the worth of; also, estimate or judge the quantity of. appretiare (to value, esteem)

approbation (n.)approval, commendation, santion, acceptance. approbare (to approve)

appropriation (n.)(a) money, property or resources set at the aside for a given purpose.

(b) taking of exclusive possession.

ad (to) + proptus (one's own)

appurtenance (n.)accessory, appendage, adjunct.

apropos (adj.)opportune, appropriate, ocurring at the right time, seasonable. by the way (used to introduce a remark appropriate to the occasion but not directly related to the previous subject).

(Fr) a propos (to the purpose)

aquiline (adj.)eaglelike, hooked, breaked (an ------nose). aquila (eagle)

arbitrate (v.)act as judge in a dispute between two parties.

arcane (adj.)secret, known only to the initiated, esoteric. arcere (to shut up)

argot (n.)slang, jargon or cant used by persons in the same work or way of life, often to conceal meaning from outsiders; often appllied to criminal or "lower-class" speech. (Fr)

arrant (adj.)notorious, infamous, vile, flagrant.

arrogate (v.)claim or demand unduly, appropriate arrogantly.

ad (to, for) + rogare (to ask)

ascertain (v.)make certain of, determine, discover, detect.

ascribe (v.)attribute to, assign, impute, accredit.

askance (adv.)(a) with a side glance, obliquely, from the corner of the eye.

(b) with disapproval or distrust, suspiciously, questiongly.

asocial (adj.)not social, withdrawn from society or social intercourse; inconsiderate or selfish

asperity (n.)harshness, rigor, sharpness, inclemency. asper (rough)

aspersion (n.)spreading of disparaging or damaging reports or charges; such charges themselves; slander, calumny, innuendo, false rumors.

assay (v.)make an examination of, analyze, test.

assonance (n.)(a) rough or inexact correspondence in sound

(b) a partial rhyme in which the stressed vowel sounds are the same but the consonant sounds differ (as make, late). assonare (to sound, respond to)

assuage (v.)appease, pacify, mitigate, ease, lessen, alleviate, ally.

ad (to) + sauvis (sweet)

[Kap. Voc. 4/30] astute - benign

astute (adj.)wise, shrewd, clever, sagacious, perspicacious astut(craft, cunning)

atavism (n.)reversion to an earlier type : reappearance in an individual of characteristics of an ancestor that have been absent in intervening generations; loosely, any throwback to primitive feelings or behaviours. atavus (the father of a great-grandfather), from avus (grandfather)

atrophy (n.)a wasting away or failure to grow, esp. of a body tissue, because of insufficient nourishment or use.

(v.)to waste away from this cause.

(Gr) a (negational) + trephein (to nourish)

attenuate (v.)make thin or slender; make less dense or viscid, rarefy; lessen the amount, force or value of; weaken.

ad (to) + tenuare, from tenuis (thin)

attest (v.)bear witness to, testify, authenticate, stand as proof of.

ad (to) + testis (a witness)

attrition (n.)(a) abrasion, wearing away by friction or rubbing.

(b) the state or process of being gradually worn; any gradual wearing away, weakening, or lessening; specifically, lessening the numbers of workers, soldiers, etc. , by not replacing those who die or retire.