Edmonton Bicycle and Touring Club
Annual General Meeting
Nisku Recreation Centre, 606 – 18 Avenue
February 11, 2007
Meeting chair: Marvin Bloos
Marvin Bloos called the meeting to order at 17h30. Introductions were made and thank you given to Michel Lamontagne for the food.
Asked for a show of hands for executive members: total of 13
Members of bike club: total of 25
Total attendance: 38 members
A.Approval and additions to the agenda
Maureen Lanuke moved to approve the agenda for the 2007 AGM. Ed Weymouth seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
B.Approval of 2006 AGM meeting minutes
Gary Garrison moved to approve the 2006 AGM minutes. Maureen Lanuke seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
C.Executive reports
1.President – Alan Schietzsch discussed streamlining trip processes. He thanked Marvin Bloos, Jasmine Hohenstein and others for their hard work. Gord Charles, the VP of Touring who passed away in October 2006, is missed. He noted that documents have been revised and are available on the club website, the library has been expanded, and the TDA was very successful. He also thanked Gary Garrison for publishing Spokes newsletter and thanked the membership in general for a very successful year.
- Vice President – Peggy Hurdle took over the position after Gord’s passing away. She had no report to give upon taking the position.
- Membership – Sue Sohnle gave an overview of the membership:
- 319 members this year, up from 293 from last year
- the TDA contributed to the increase with 29 members
- 184 singles = 58%; 45 couples= 28%; 14 household= 14%
- 47% new; 53% returning
- 56% male; 44% female
- 80% are 36-65 years of age
- Treasurer – Cindy Martel present the club financial statements and answered questions from the membership.
- bank account is up $18,000 balance +$40,000; mostly from TDA
- most expenses have been reduced
- insurance costs went down
- most trips broke even
- Question on balance sheet by Peter Nietresta: Change of presentation – previous off set now no value. Cindy Martel moved to approve. Jim Tegler seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
- Question on membership revenues by Maureen Lanuke: If there are more members this year why is the membership revenue down? Maureen asked that this be researched. Brian Gerbrandt offered an opinion about the difference. Marvin offered further discussion. Cindy Martel moved to approve the financial statement as presented. Marie-Andrée Lachapelle seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
- Marvin thanked Maureen and Jasmine for the review of the financial statement.
- Gary Garrison moved to approve the financial statements as presented and to appoint Maureen Lanuke and Jasmine Hohenstein as volunteer auditors of the 2007 financial statement. Susan Gerbrandt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
- Budget review for 2007 fiscal year – Cindy Martel presented a proposed budget for 2007. The membership reviewed it. Maureen Lanuke asked about the category for general supplies. There was some discussion on the category. John Chang asked about clothing and product costs. Maureen Lanuke asked about purchasing a computer and camera for the club. No expenses were reflected for these expenses in the budget. Alan Schietzsch answered their questions.
- Alan Schietzsch moved to approve the proposed budget. Cindy Martel seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
D.Old business - None
E.New business
- Alan Schietzsch requested that any ideas for encouraging membership growth be forwarded to the Board.
- Alan Schietzsch discussed staggering terms for executive positions to maintain continuity. The terms would be one or two years. The proposal is:
- President and VP Touring should not leave the same year.
- Treasurer and Secretary should not leave the same year.
- Newsletter Editor and Webmaster should not leave the same year.
- Membership and Volunteer Coordinators should not leave the same year
- Publicity and Social Coordinators should not leave the same year.
- Supplies, Safety/Education and Librarian should not leave the same year.
- Alan Schietzsch moved that the new executive develop a proposal for the staggering of the election of the executive members at the next AGM. Don Peddie seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
F.Election of officers
- President - Maureen Lanuke nominated Alan Schietzsch. Alan accepted. All in favour.
- Vice-President – Don Peddie nominated Ed Weymouth. Ed accepted. All in favour.
- Secretary – Debbi Kowaliuk nominated Marie-Andrée Lachapelle. Marie-Andrée accepted. All in favour.
- Treasurer – Sue Sohnle nominated Jan Damgaard. Jan accepted. All in favour.
- Membership Coordinator – Marie-Andrée Lachapelle nominated Sue Sohnle. Sue declined. Jan Damgaard nominated Peggy Hurdle. Peggy accepted. All in favour.
- Newsletter Editor – Maureen Lanuke nominated Gary Garrison. Gary accepted. All in favour.
- Publicity Coordinator – Michel Lamontagne offered his nomination for the role. All in favour.
- Supplies & Equipment Coordinator – Marie-Andrée Lachapelle nominated Ernie Mah. Ernie accepted. All in favour.
- Social Coordinator – Don Peddie nominated Brian and Susan Gerbrandt. Brian and Susan accepted. All in favour.
- Education & Safety Coordinator – Alan Schietzsch nominated Don Peddie. Don accepted. All in favour.
- Webmaster - Nadine Leenders nominated Jim Tegler. Jim accepted. All in favour.
- Librarian - Brian and Susan Gerbrandt offered to take on the position. Millie Schietzsch also offered to take on the position. Debbi Kowaliuk asked the candidates to explain why they feel strongly to fill the position. Brian, Susan and Millie explained why they wanted to be librarians. The Chair instructed that the membership vote by ballot. The results were 19 votes for Millie and 13 for Brian and Susan. Don Peddie moved that Millie be the club librarian and that the ballots be destroyed following the adjournment of the meeting. David Williams seconded the motion. Millie accepted to be the librarian. All in favour.
- Volunteer Coordinator – Don Peddie nominated Eileen Hall. Eileen accepted. All in favour.
G.Motion to adjourn
Gary Garrison moved to adjourn the meeting. Alan Carlson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Alan Schietzsch thanked Marvin Bloos for chairing the meeting
Recorder: Jasmine Hohenstein.