HIS 11520th Century US HistorySpring 2008 / Lai
Exam I Preparation 9 amSeattleCentralCommunity College
Exam I will consist of writing two short in-lab essays on Wednesday, May 7. Begin your preparation by choosing two of the following questions and developing outlines to guide your writing. Outlines must be written with key words and phrases only; no full sentences. Support your analysis with specific examples from American Century,Going to the Source, lecture, documentaries and discussion. Each essay must include different examples, i.e. do not rely on the same examples for both essays. Your goal is to demonstrate a synthesis and interpretation of chapters 1-10 (American Century) and chapters 2-9 (Going to the Source) and other course information. You may bring your notes, book and outlines to the exam but NO CREDIT FOR PRE-WRITTEN ESSAYS. OUTLINES WILL BE TURNED IN FOR CREDIT WITH YOUR ESSAYS.
Evaluation of the Essays:
Total Exam Points = 100
Each essay = 50
3 different examples30
BONUS (optional)2 (incorporate information from GTS)
Exam I Questions: time period = 1890-1947
Clearly label which question you are addressing:
- Choose one question from section A.
1.Analyze the changes in the role of corporations in modern America using examples from wartime and also the Great Depression.
2.In what ways does the New Deal reflect the earlier reform efforts of Progressivism? If not, why not?
3.Analyze the ways that American civil liberties are significantly redefined during World War I, the Great Depression and World War II.
4.Explain the crisis of capitalism in the United States, especially evident during the ‘20s and ‘30s and what finally resolves this crisis.
B.Choose one question from section B. (week 5 unit focus on the Holocaust)
5.In the film America and the Holocaust, Peter Bergson addressed the Jewish Conference in NYC with the following statement in regards to the Holocaust. "The killing of Jews is not just a problem that it brings to humanity. It is a challenge that belongs to man." Discuss with at least 3 fully realized examples that demonstrate the ways in which the U.S. played a vital role in the destruction of European Jewry and other victims of Holocaust. Cite examples from the documentary and lecture how the U.S. impacted the long-term outcome of the Holocaust. For bonus: From the film describe one key group of U.S. government personnel that took on that challenge as described by Mr. Bergson. Explain the obstacles that this group was forced to overcome and how familial relationships played a role in their somewhat success.
6.Compare and contrast the differences between policies and actions by the Third Reich towards other victims (Roma/Sinti, T-4, and Pink Triangle Prisoners) to the U.S.'s own foreign and domestic policies towards its own marginalized people (homosexuals, Native Americans, Euthanasia and religious minorities) in the early 20th century. Bonus: Cite one U.S. law from your reading packet and lecture that influenced Nazi policy during the Holocaust and then cite one Nazi law that was used by the U.S. after World War II towards the mosaic of other victims.