Edinbane Community Company

Directors’ Meeting Minutes

Thursday 29th November 2012, 7.30pm, Edinbane Village Hall


Stuart Whatley, Alistair Danter, Roddy Gillies, Roxanne Nelson, Izzy Nelson, Billy Shanks (for part of meeting), Lisa Lamont, Ian Brown, Peter MacRae & Roddy MacFarlane

1. Apologies


2. Welcome new directors

AD opened the meeting by welcoming the new directors. They were directed to the ECC website for information about the company’s rules; grant and tendering procedures.

It was agreed that directors’ details will be updated online. ACTION: LL

3. Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes proposed by SW, seconded by RG.

Signed copies of the minutes must now be kept after every meeting. LL to file these.

4. Matters Arising from Minutes

All covered by agenda.

5. Treasurer’s Report

Invoice received from the Scottish Community Foundation (SCF) for the apprenticeship grant for Calum MacRae, their due diligence fees and an annual donation (total £4,650).

The SCF will provide feedback on how the ECC dealt with this grant award and will recommend process for future grant awards.

The band has been paid for the AGM.

Certificates for the long-term maintenance investments have been received.

A cheque for £158.23 issued to LL for administration costs.

6. Playpark

The Cooperative Community Fund has awarded the project £2,000.

The dates for completion of the project as per the terms of the Postcode

Lottery Trust grant to be checked. ACTION: LL

AD to be sent copy of the layout drawings. ACTION: IB

An application will be submitted to the Active Spaces Fund. It was noted that

this fund may also be relevant to the footpath network in future. ACTION: LL

Louise Kerr at Highland Council to be contacted for details of field drains.


(BS left the meeting at this point.)

7. War Memorial

A vote was taken on which quote to accept for engraved stones for the

memorial. The majority of directors present votes to accept the quote from

Alistair Stewart Memorials. They will be contacted and asked for a quote for

delivery / installation. All other suppliers to be contacted and thanked for

their quotes. ACTION: LL

The site plans will be sent to Hector Nicolson. ACTION: RG/IB

The files to be checked for a hard copy of Hector’s original quote. ACTION: LL

A copy of Hector’s insurance has been received.

The application to the Ward Discretionary Budget for the memorial (£1,000) is

due for consideration next week.

8. Footpaths

Still awaiting the completed agreement being drawn up by solicitors. Public liability insurance will have to be sorted out before this is completed.

The letter from the Grazings Committee is still awaited.

It was agreed that ECC will approach Donald Kennedy (Footpaths Officer) to request a feasibility study for creating a footpath link from Flashadder to the old road (as discussed at the AGM). ACTION: AD

9. Grant applications

Dunvegan Community Minibus Association has applied for support to replace

their minibus, which is made available at minimum cost to local community

groups. It was agreed that the ECC is supportive of this application in

principle, and a representative from the association should be invited to attend

the next ECC meeting, so that community benefits for the Edinbane area can

be clarified. ACTION: LL

(IB left the meeting before the following application was discussed, due to his

involvement in the project.)

The Edinbane Hall Association has applied for an additional £2,000 towards

the costs of the hall upgrade consultation. This would bring their revised grant

total from ECC to £3,760. It was agreed that this would be supported.

10. Correspondence


11. AOCB

A welcome email has been sent to all new members of the ECC.

It was agreed that those who expressed interest at the AGM in getting involved in projects will be contacted. Potential activities they could undertake were identified: footpath; Gifted Pairc; defibrillator maintenance / training sessions; event management, stewarding, cleaning & catering; newsletter / what’s on leaflet. ACTION: IB

A copy of a letter received from Ewan Thomson will be sent to IB for inclusion in the newsletter. ACTION: BS

It was agreed that local school pupils should be involved in the war memorial project and that this could feature in the newsletter.

PM has been unable to open documents sent as Word files. They will be re-sent as .pdf files. ACTION: LL

12. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 24th January 2013 at 7.30pm.