Edinbane Community Company

Directors’ Meeting Minutes

Thursday 24th April 2014, 7.30pm, Edinbane Pottery


Stuart Whatley, Peter MacRae, Roddy Gillies, Roxanne Nelson, Roddy MacFarlane, Lisa Lamont & Billy Shanks (for part of meeting).

1. Apologies

Alistair Danter, Ian Brown, John MacRae & Issie Nelson.

2. Approval of Minutes

Proposed PM, seconded SW.

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

Online booking system for the NW Skye Minibus – ongoing.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Grants for a school trip have been paid to Chris Whatley and Adam Gillies (£225 each).

A grant of £9,981.36 issued to Hall Committee for the new heat pump and associated works. £10,000 of the £15,000 loan to the committee has been repaid, with the remainder pending.

SW suggested that £30,000 be transferred from the Clydesdale Bond account into the Fidelity account which is yielding much better returns (13%). The remaining £20,000 in the Clydesdale Bond account would be transferred to the current account. All agreed. ACTION: SW

5. Hall Project Update

Work on the hall is now complete.

A local resident has complained about the size of the new notice board currently being constructed in the play-park. This matter to be addressed by hall committee.

6. Footpaths Meeting

SW, AD and RM to meet with the German landowners on Tuesday 29th April at 1pm at the hall.

Ross Cant (Vattenfall) has been sent another map of the footpath and will sign off and return his agreement to SW tomorrow (Fri 25th).

7. Play-park management

The need to clarify management of the play-park was discussed – to prevent ECC board being contacted with issues.

BS is getting a sign made which will have his contact details on it and warn that dogs are not allowed in the park (this sign to go beneath the existing playpark funding sign). It was suggested that a small ‘No Dogs Allowed’ notice should also go up by the smaller entrance to the park. ACTION: BS

There is an issue with the new climbing frame as it is not fixed securely enough. BS dealing with this and Russell Play have confirmed they will foot the bill for any work required.

8. Village Maintenance

Lusan Landscapes have started their annual village maintenance.

Need to check what was agreed re. maintaining the cemetery road and it was agreed that the area around the hall should be tidied on each visit.


9. Funding Awareness Leaflet


10. NWSRA – Dunvegan Hub

It has been agreed that the membership should be consulted re. this project to assess level of local support for it. There are still concerns about the lack of solid information re. costs / levels of use.

It would be useful to circulate the info / survey beyond just the membership. However as this is a company decision it was agreed that only the membership need be consulted on it at present.

The wording of the draft info for members was checked and a couple of amendments agreed. This to be circulated to members, along with a link to an online survey. ACTION: LL / IB

11. Grant Applications received by ECC

An application received from Ceol on the Croft (operating as part of SEALL Events) for £600 towards ‘Ceol Beag’ – a concert for children from North Skye being held as part of a two-day traditional music festival in Kilmuir.

As Edinbane Primary is one of six schools participating, it was agreed that a pro rata grant of £100 be offered, along with suggestions for other funding sources (Dunvegan and Struan windfarm funds and the schools’ funds).

12. Correspondence


13. AOCB


14. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 29th May at 7.30pm in Edinbane Hall (TBC).