
Equality Impact Assessment Level 1: Initial screening assessment

Subject of assessment: / Empty Homes Action Plan
Coverage: / This project is being developed for the Economic Development & Communities Service area.
This is a decision relating to: / Strategy / Policy / Service / Function
Process/procedure / Programme / Project / Review
Organisational change / Other (please state)
It is a: / New approach: / Yes / Revision of an existing approach: / No
It is driven by: / Legislation: / No / Local or corporate requirements: / Yes
Description: / Key aims, objectives and activities
The aim of the project is to bring long-term empty properties back into use, which will increase the supply of good quality, affordable housing across the town. This project will also underpin ongoing regeneration activity, and increase revenue through Council Tax and New Homes Bonus for the Council. There will be a number of ways of doing this including: implementing a Housing Regeneration Vehicle in partnership with a registered provider to purchase, refurbish and let properties at an Affordable Rent;offering equity loans to assist owners to refurbish the property to bring it back into use;lease properties, refurbish them and let them at an Affordable Rent;proactively engage with empty property owners and promote methods of returning properties back into use; and,reviewing the Council Tax records to ensure information is accurate.
Statutory drivers
The Empty Homes Action Plan is not a statutory requirement, however, the Council is required to make best use of its housing stock across all tenure, which includes developing strategies/measures to bring empty properties into use including available enforcement options.
Differences from any previous approach
This is a new approach to tackle long-term empty properties. Currently only empty & eyesore properties are dealt with. This will be a proactive approach of contacting owners and offering a suite of options for them to bring their property back into use.
Key stakeholders and intended beneficiaries (internal and external as appropriate)
Key stakeholders are: Middlesbrough Council, empty property owners and Middlesbrough residents.
Intended beneficiaries: People looking for decent, affordable housing and empty property owners to assist them bring their property back into use.
Intended outcomes
  • A reduction in the number of long-term empty properties across the town.
  • An increase in the supply of decent affordable housing.
  • A reduction in anti-social behaviour and vandalism linked with empty properties.
  • A improvement in the appearance of areas with high level of empty properties.

Live date: / The project will be prepared ready for implementation in Quarter 3 2014/15. Some work areas will not commence until the Section 106 funding is received.
Lifespan: / The project will be ongoing and review every three years, unless there are changes to any of the funding streams.
Date of next review: / October 2017.
Screening questions / Response / Evidence
No / Yes / Uncertain
Human Rights
Could the decision impact negatively on individual Human Rights as enshrined in UK legislation? [*] / The project is open all empty property owners to help them bring them back into use. It does not contravene the Human Rights legislation.
Could the decision result in adverse differential impacts on groups or individuals with characteristics protected in UK equality law? Could the decision impact differently on other commonly disadvantaged groups? * / The project is open to all empty property owners, who will be contacted by the Council and offered a range of measures to assist them to bring their property back into use. The properties that are being let at an Affordable Rent will be let through the Compass choice-based lettings system, which has a policy in place to ensure transparent lettings.
The evidence available shows that there would be no disproportionate adverse impact on someone because they hold a protected characteristic.
Community cohesion
Could the decision impact negatively on relationships between different groups, communities of interest or neighbourhoods within the town? * / The project is open all empty property owners and will be offered town-wide, so although some areas have a higher number of empty properties, all areas of the town can benefit.
If we are aware of any specific community cohesion issues within a particular area, a local lettings policy may be implemented to ensure that the lettings are sustainable.
Sustainable Community Strategy objectives
Could the decision impact negatively on the achievement of the vision for Middlesbrough? Does the decision impact on statutory duties associated with these key objectives? * / The project will not impact negatively on the vision for Middlesbrough. It will contribute to enhancing the local economy through improving the town’s housing offer, which in turn will assist with Middlesbrough having a thriving, vibrant community.
Organisational management / transformation
Could the decision impact negatively on organisational management or the transformation of the Council’s services as set out in its transformation programme? * / The Council receives funding from developers, which is negotiated on new sites as part of the planning permission. The Council must use this funding to deliver affordable housing.
Part of this money will be bring long-term empty properties back into use. This can be delivered using existing staff resources, and has the potential to generate income for the Council.
Next steps:
 If the answer to all of the above screening questions is No then the process is completed.
 If the answer of any of the questions is Yes or Uncertain, then a Level 2 Full Impact Assessment must be completed.
Assessment completed by: / Sarah Brannen / Head of Service: / Sharon Thomas
Date: / 21 July 2014 / Date: / 21 July 2014

[*]Consult the Impact Assessment further guidance appendix for details on the issues covered by each of theses broad questions prior to completion.