


Cells are made of an intricate system of parts that work together to perform a variety of essential functionsand they enable body systems to operate correctly. To illustrate the complexity of a cell's parts, create a three dimensional model, of a plant or animal cell, that enlarges the microscopic components of a cell. Both plant cells and animal cells can be transformed into interactive or demonstrative models that identify and explain cell parts.

Cell Model

Purpose: To show Ms. Marley what you have learned about cells in a creative and scientific way.

Method: Make a model of a plant or animal cell with all the organelles.

Assigned: Monday, September 12, 2016

Due Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Directions: Choose one of the three projects listed below OR come up with a creative cell project of your own (please get Ms. Marley's approval for your proposed project by Friday, September 16, 2016. No matter which option you chose, you must attach theCell Description and Function Key (see page 4) to describe each organelle and explain its function.

(1) Plastic Bag Cells

Use plastic bags to create three dimensional interactive cell models. Choose a medium bag that has a secure zipping closure. The bag itself represents the cell membrane or, in the case of a plant cell, the cell wall. Select a variety of objects to represent the cell parts: rubber balls, elastics, string and gummy candies can be used to represent the cell nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, mitochondria, etc.

Fill the bag with a thick transparent liquid like vegetable oil, baby oil or corn syrup–the liquid represents the cell's cytoplasm. Seal the bag and then place the cell model into an additional plastic bag for extra protection. Fill in the attached key (page 4)to explain the description and function of each organelle. For example, Organelle: nucleus Description: Little blue bouncy ball. Function: The "brain" of the cell. Stores DNA (genetic information).

(2) Gelatin Cells

Gelatin can be used to create a versatile and edible cell model. Clear gelatin prepared in a clear glass bowl serves as a basic model; a flavored gelatin like lemon or lime creates a more colorful model that still offers some visibility. Before the gelatin sets completely, drop objects into the gelatin to represent the relevant cell parts like the nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondriaetc. To keep the mold fully edible, choose various kinds of candies and gummy treats to represent cell parts. Once the mold is complete, either leave it in the glass bowl or turn it upside down onto a large plate. Use toothpicks and sticker labels to create flags which identify each cell model part. Take pictures or video of the completed cell model and email to . Fill in the attached key (page 4) to explain the description and function of each organelle. For example, Organelle: nucleus Description: Pink jawbreaker. Function: The "brain" of the cell. Stores DNA (genetic information).

(3) Styrofoam Cells

Styrofoam craft balls (animal cell) or Styrofoam rectangles (plant cell) are an ideal material for making three dimensional cell models because they come in a variety of sizes and can be easily carved and painted. Choose a large styrofoam ball or rectangle, at least 10 inches in diameter, to serve as the basic cell structure. Halve the large ball and secure a smaller ball painted in a different color into the center of one flat side to represent the cell nucleus. Carved and painted pieces of scrap Styrofoam can be used to represent each cell part; secure them to the model with tooth picks and label them with markers or stickers. Additional craft mediums such as yarn, buttons, gems and pipe cleaners can also be used in a styrofoam model. Fill in the attached key (page 4) to explain the description and function of each organelle. For example, Organelle: ribosomes Description: Small blue buttons. Function: Produce proteins.

  • If the model is an ANIMAL CELL it must contain the following organelles:
  1. cell membrane
  2. nucleus
  3. vacuoles
  4. mitochondria
  5. lysosome
  6. endoplasmic reticulum
  7. ribosomes
  8. cytoplasm
  9. Golgi apparatus
  • If the model is a PLANT CELL it must contain the following organelles:

1.cell membrane





6.endoplasmic reticulum



9.cell wall

10.Golgi apparatus



Cell Description and Function Key

Organelle / Description / Function
1. Cell Wall
2. Cell membrane
3. Nucleus
4. Ribosomes
5. Lysosomes
6. Vacuole(s)
7. Mitochondria
8. Chloroplasts
9. Endoplasmic reticulum
10. Cytoplasm
11. Golgi Apparatus

Please turn in this paper with your project.
Name: ______Class: ______Date: ______

Cell Rubric

Unacceptable / Developing / Well Done / Exceeds / Score
Features / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Construction / Cell lacks structural design. Many organelles are missing. / Cell has a fair design. Some organelles are missing. / Cell has a good design. All organelles are present. / Cell is outstanding in design. It is evident that the design was thoroughly planned. The cell demonstrates outstanding efforts to match the structure of each organelle.
Appearance / This project appears to have put together with little or no care. / More care could have been taken in preparing this project. / It is apparent that care and time was used in preparing this project. / It is apparent that great care and a substantial amount of time was utilized in preparing this project.
Descriptions / 5 or less organelles are describedon the “Cell Description and Function Key” from page 4. / 6 organelles are described on the “Cell Description and Function Key” from page 4. / 7 to 8 organelles are describedon the “Cell Description and Function Key” from page 4. / All organelles are describedon the “Cell Description and Function Key” from page 4. Nothing is left out of the project.
Functions / For 5 or less organelles the student can demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the functionson the “Cell Description and Function Key” on page 4. / For 6 organelles the student can demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the functionson the “Cell Description and Function Key” on page 4. / For 7 to 8 organelles the student can demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the functionson the “Cell Description and Function Key” on page 4. / Demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of the functions each organelle possesses on the “Cell Description and Function Key” from page 4. Also, demonstrates the relationship between organelle structure and function.

Points earned______

+16 = A+

+15 = A

+14 = A-

+13 = B+

+12 = B

+11 = B-

+10 = C+

+9 = C

+8 = C-

+7 = D+

+6 = D

Exceeds = 16

Meets = 11

Does not Meet=7

Photo Gallery of Past Projects