PRESENT: Councillors; F Gee (Chair),C Alton (Vice-chair), P Bisset, D Barrow, A Devy, D Sykes, J Abson,B Lyall, A Flanagan (clerk)

Members of the public: H Scrivens

1.APOLOGIES – M Baker.

2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 6th June2016– the minutes had been circulated to members and were agreedby D Barrow, seconded by P Bissettand signed by F Gee. RESOLVED

3.MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES –It was noted that David Nevett is the Civic Mayor not the Mayor as stated in the minutes from 6.6.16.

The planning permission for 400 houses off Hatfield Lane was discussed, Councillor D Nevett has not offered his support in our objections, neither has Armthorpe Parish Council. Their Neighbourhood Development Plan is allowing between 623 and 900 new houses to be built in the period up to 2028. This plot of land was agreed as an appropriate site in conjunction with the land behind Fernbank Drive. This combined Neighbourhood Plan is going to severely impact on all the residents of Edenthorpe.

F Gee and A Flanagan met with D Hodson from the highways department of DMBC on 21.6.16. After discussions he decided that he would fill in the damaged verge and re-seed outside the Community Centre and 1 Cedric Rd. This was a ‘one off gesture’ and it is now up to the public to respect the area. We also had permission to put up some signs on the community centre fencing as a reminder.The work was completed as promised but already some inconsiderate drivers have damaged both verges.

The village is looking unkempt. New machinery has been bought and the schedules for grass cutting has changed to a 7-day rota. Things are looking worse than ever, gutters have weeds growing out of them, the strimming isn’t being done. Hopefully the new 60 strong workforces will be in place very quickly.

4.POLICE AND LOCAL COMMUNITY -There were no representatives from the South Yorkshire Police.The clerk has spoken to our local PCSO Jane Hamill regarding police presence at the Parish meetings. They cover a substantial area and have been advised by their Inspector that they are not to attend meetings. The Inspector himself holds monthly meetings at venues throughout Doncaster. He will be at Armthorpe Community Centre on August 18th at 7.00pm if any member of the public wishes to attend.

Theminutes from the neighbourhood watch meeting held on 10thJune2016 from Mrs S Tate wereread and acknowledged. Our village is still suffering from a spate of thefts from properties and outbuildings. Everyone is urged to keep their properties secure when out and about, even when in the garden.

Speeding vehicles are a problem on many streets. The police are looking for volunteers to be trained using their equipment. Please note that you willnot be assigned to the area in which you live.

A media statement from Samantha Mawson and Fiona Topliss was circulated.

5.CORRESPONDENCE DOCUMENTS RECEIVED AND PLANNING – that the following applications/appeals received from DMBC since the last meeting be noted.

a) See matters arising regarding the proposed 400 dwellings.


16/1459/FUL / Erection of first floor extension to side and above existing garage and ground floor extension to the rear. / 80 Lyndale, Edenthorpe. DN3 2JX
16/01558/PD / Replacement of existing flat roof and conservatory roof with a single pitched tiled roof / 9 Robin Hood Rd, Edenthorpe, DN3 “JQ
16/01549/TPO / Consent to reduce on hose side by 1m and crown thin on house side by 20-30% 1X beech; the tree being subject to G1 of DMBC Tree Preservation Order (No. 334) / 1A Lyndale Ave, Edenthorpe, DN3 2LB
16/01593/PDE / Erection of single storey extension to rear of semi detached house following demolition of existing toilet and coal house. / 117 Church Balk, Edenthorpe, DN3 2PR

No objections were raised.

16/01572/FUL / Erection of detached house and garage (re-submission of 15/02387/FUL refused 18.12.15) / 7 The Crescent, Edenthorpe,

There were concerns that the plan incorporates a public bridleway (as though it is owned by the landowner) as the access route of the proposed house. This footpath has been a public right of way for over 50 years. It joins The Crescent to Eden Grove Road. The DMBC are investigating ownership of the land.

c)The council members were given the details of the Declaration of Compliance regarding auto -enrolment duties for pensions. Our staging date was 1stMarch 2016 - pension provision had to be in place by 1stJune 2016. Documentation had not been received, possibly having been sent to the former clerk. The Edenthorpe Parish Council are now confirmed users of NEST (National Employment Savings Trust) as a pension provider. RESOLVED

d) P Bissett was concerned about the YLCA document- Permitted Development Rights. D Barrow to look for the Neighbourhood plan for Edenthorpe which had been drafted by J Howard. This document was a work in progress and is not complete.

e)The White Rose update for June had previously been e-mailed to members.

f) Copies of the bus timetables were requested by some members. The clerk will copy the document circulate as necessary. RESOLVED

g) F Gee and P Bissett attended the Waste Transfer meeting on 23 June 2016. They were both appalled at the untidy state of the station already. The buildings and trucks should be cleansed at the end of every day, this is not happening. The company SITA now SUEZ are not fulfilling their obligations regarding the Environmental Agency Permit. There have been complaints from nearby buildings about the smells emitting from the plant. The fast shutting doors should be kept closed at all times and they are not. F Gee and P Bissett are to monitor the situation.

h) The YLCA training course about workplace pensions would not be attended by any members as we already have a pensions provider in place.

i) The clerk requested a replacement water bill for the Howard Pavilion as their estimated bill was incredibly high at £164.08. We now have a new bill for the amount £26.08 thanks to Mr J Burns for keeping regular readings.

Other documents received:

YLCA Annual Review 2015/2016, Developing your skills as a councillor training opportunities, updated editions of publication ‘Being a good employer – A guide for Parish and town councillors, Permitted development rights, Parish Council briefing – Doncaster Youth Offer.

DMBC document – Public Space Protection Order consultation regarding Dog Fouling. The clerk has copied the document along with some feedback sheets. This is on the notice board in the Community Centre and CBC. Any feedback can also be logged on the My Doncaster app.


H Scrivens commented on the poor grass cutting around the village. The new machinery is too big to get close around signposts and everywhere is looking unkempt. The council re-structure has not been at the best time of year.

The triangle near the war memorial has been planted and is looking much better. D Ridge (DMBC) has contacted H Scrivens and A Flanagan about further improvements for the war memorial site. It may be possible to access the section 106 funds. Detailed designs, diagrams and costings are required by D Ridge.HScrivens is liasing with P Docherty and will submit documents to A Flanagan when they are complete.

H Scrivens asked the members to consider a celebration of Edenthorpe day. This was thought to be a great idea. A Gala on the Marian Road playing fields! Thoughts, planning and publicising should start now ready for next year.


a) The clerk notified the members that John Moore Security removed the two CCTV cameras that weren’t working on 1.7.16. They have been sent back to the manufacturers for testing. The warranty is only one year, however, Shaun from John Moore Security is looking at possible replacement free of charge as the cameras were less than two years old.

b) We have had confirmation that the footballers do not require the provision of DMBC refuse bins. The additional expense would not benefit the club. The managers are to set up a weekly rota to dispose of the weekly waste. RESOLVED

c) It was decided that the planters would be filled with pansies and wallflowers for the winter period. D Barrow and F Gee will look into the costs.

d) The allotment holder of plot 12A has worked hard and her allotment is now looking in a much better state. It was agreed that she keep the plot. RESOLVED

F Gee asked if the Parish Council could invest in a petrol strimmer for the allotment shared areas and around the edges of the field off Marian Rd. It was agreed. D Sykes, F Gee and A Flanagan will look into any offers and purchase one for usage as soon as possible.

e) Correspondence has been received from D Ridge regarding provision of a park on the Playing Fields off Marian Rd. Dave has done a site visit and provision is looking highly unlikely as there needs to be a 30 metre buffer zone from any house boundary. This would mean the only position for the park would be in the football pitch areas. The members asked A Flanagan to inform D Ridge that one property is a nursery and not a residence, and whether the residents could be asked if they minded a park within the 30 metre boundary.


a) The income and expenditure spreadsheet for June 2016 was given to all councillors.

b) Cheques 102648 – 102654 totalling £1826.76 were presented, approved and signed.

c) E -mail from BDO (external auditors) read. The outstanding point has now been resolved and the Parish Council’s 2015/2016 annual review has been passed to the next stage.

d) Direct debits for British Gas monthly payments for £71.00 (Howard Pavilion) and £54.00 (CBC) were paid on 14.6.16. as well as Yorkshire water bill for Howard Pavilion £26.08.

e) Contracts for A Flanagan and J Burns were passed to members and agreed. RESOLVED


The clerk has received an e -mail from Clive Alton with the contact details of the company who quoted the solar panel installation costs for Park Social Club. She is to contact the company requesting advice on possible provision, costs and benefits of having solar panels installed on the CBC and/or Howard Pavilion.

It was agreed to make a donation to the Robert Woods Foundation. The clerk will contact Kirk Sandall and Barnby Dun Parish Clerk and match their donation.

The provision of benches on the Marian Road Playing Fields and Mere Lane, Edenthorpe are to be looked at.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – That it is noted that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 5th September 2016 at the Howard Pavilion, Off Marian Rd, Edenthorpe at 18.30.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm

Chair: ______Date: ______


04.07.16 Chairs Initials