Eden Estuary LNR Annual Report
Eden Estuary Annual Report2
Ranger Service Report3
Wildfowl Annual Report12
Bird Records 200620
Work Plan 1 April 07-31 March 0831
Ranald Strachan
Fife Ranger Service
Eden Estuary Annual Report
The most influential reportable management issue during 2006-2007 has been the change in personnel covering the Eden Estuary LNR and the secondment of the Fife Ranger Service from Fife Council to the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust.
This secondment started in July 2006 and runs primarily as a pilot until July 2008, the future prospects for the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust appear favourable, however there has been no definite indication as yet to the position of the ranger service after this pilot period.
The ranger service will update the EELNR Advisory Group on this secondment and any relevant changes that affect the Eden Estuary ranger position.
The Fife Coast and Countryside Trust (FCCT) have expressed great interest and support for the management of the LNR and wish to see the high standards of management in previous yearscontinue. FCCT appreciate that the success of the Eden Estuary LNR has been mainly due to landowner support, excellent partnership working practices, an effective management group, professional management from Fife Ranger Service and highly supportive volunteer input.
Les Hatton left the EELNR post in September 2006, unfortunately the post was left unfilled until Ranald Strachan was appointed in January 2007. This has provided some real challenges for the new ranger and the lack of a ‘hand over’ was a very real handicap to the position and when added to the ranger service being seconded, the senior ranger leaving post and the EELNR rangers office being re-located to Fairmont, it has proved to be a difficult transition.
The ranger would like to personally thank the volunteers and Les Hatton for their very helpful support during this period.
Report Compilation
This reporting year covers the period 1st April 06- 31st March 07. This year is an integration of records left by Les Hatton (April-Sept 06) and those of Ranald Strachan from his appointment (Jan –April 07). Every effort has been made to synchronise the report and to cover the period when there was no ranger in post. This has been possible to a greater extent with the Bird Report and Wildfowl Report, but there are gaps in the Ranger Service Report.
The ranger service would very much like to thank the volunteers for their input. They have been meticulous in their recording and generous with their support.
They include Mike Ramage, Rob Armstrong, Ian Cumming, Harry Bell, George Adams, George Evans, Tom Grieve and Alec Watt. Without their input the management of the reserve would be a significantly more difficult undertaking.
Particular appreciation is passed to Alec Watt for his effective running of the Eden Estuary Centre, the only way the centre can operate in the way it does at present is due to his commitment and support.
Eden Estuary LNR Ranger Service Report 2006/2007
National Bird Census : RA10/01
- Heronry Census was carried out by ground survey at Reres Wood reporting 16 confirmed nests.
Breeding Bird Monitoring: RA12/01
- Waterway Bird Survey conducted April-June. Breeding notes included in Bird Report.
- Shelduck territory count gave total of 127 territories.
Non-Breeding Birds Monitoring: RA13/01
- Wetland Bird Surveys carried out each month along with seaduck counts.
- Monthly summary of bird records from throughout the reserve courtesy of the LNR’s volunteer recorders. These summaries along with the WeBS counts contribute significant data to the Bird Report.
- Monthly Swan count. Results forwarded to Fife Swan Study Group
- Monthly Goose count.
Guided Walks/ Visits: M110/01
- 45 delegates from the International Rangers Federation visited West Sands on the 18th June. Presentations were given by Gordon Moir (Links Trust) and Bob Mitchell (Scottish Traction Kites) both to rapturous applause.
General Enquiries: M110/02
- Enquiries were made on a fairly regular basis and a broad spectrum of topics from Eden Centre opening times, tide states, best places to access the reserve, queries on the route of the coastal path in relation to the reserve, Avian Flu and information on seals. The bulk of the enquiries tended to be bird related, avian flu after the April 06 incident and ‘when is the best time to visit the reserve’.
Eden Estuary Centre: M110/03
- The centre continues its main function of providing a visitor focus for the reserve and acting as a key source of recording information. The centre contains a log book of all bird recordings made from there and a visitor record log, the visitor log has recorded 1318 visitors from July 06-Apr 07, the book mysteriously disappeared between Apr and July 06.
- Concerns were raised about the need to re-decorate and requests were made for a wider window sill to accommodate clamps and clearer signage to centre.
- The primary concern for the ranger service is the security of the centres future management. The centre is run on a daily basis by Alec Watt and the need to investigate possibilities for the centre after his eventual retirement from this voluntary position is imperative. This should be a future priority of the ranger service.
- The centre now has an informal donation box to allow for tea/coffee, and more importantly bird seed during the winter.
Maintain Infrastructure: ME40/01
- Pallets were kindly donated by the Links Trust to mend the Ian Cummings hide.
- Fencing for the sand dune stabilisation sites on West Sands were put in place in July. These fences are important to keep these sensitive dunes from erosion. This project was generated through the West Sands Liaison Group network.
- Path clearance was done throughout the reserve, mainly Balgove Hide and the Tip Point path.
- Steps at Outhead were dug out.
- Wooden signs were removed for renovating at Coble Shore and Inner Bridge.
- Repairs were made to the boardwalk crossing on Earlshall Muir, this had several struts missing and was dangerous. This is included in the Health and Safety Inspections made by the ranger on the Coastal Path.
Educational Visits to Reserve: M120/02
- Dunnikier Primary School visited Outhead with 30 P5 pupils to carry out ‘Living Things’ studies.
- Regular visits were made to the Eden Estuary Centre by Biology students from St Andrews University studying diving duck behaviour.
- Local schools that the EELNR ranger works with: Leuchars, Dairsie, Balmerino, Newport, Balmullo and Guardbridge.
Information and Interpretation: M150/01
- Twice monthly newsletters up to August.
- Monthly newsletter started in March 07.
Liase with Police and Local Communities: ML30/02
- The main point of contact with the police has been over the Byelaws revision and through the West Sands Liaison Group.
Liase with SEPA/Environmental Health: ML40/01
- Steve Archibald resolved problem with overflowing septic tank at Guardbridge.
- Discussions with Linda James reference sewage outfalls into the Eden where she stated that under the Water Framework Directive, any discharge that is not specifically consented is illegal.
Liase with SNH: ML40/02
- In May, Caroline Gallacher advised putting byelaws report to Scottish executive.
- Ranger assisted SNH staff in site condition monitoring of the saltmarsh.
- New ranger Ranald Strachan had meeting with Caroline Gallacher to discuss issues of broad management and to start the liasing process between SNH and the new ranger. Topics were management plan, Spartina, SNH and ranger roles, Byelaw update.
Research Liaison: ML80/01
- In February the ranger was invited to a presentation of ongoing research projects relevant to the Eden Estuary by Dr Jeff Graves, St Andrews University. The presentation was given by several researchers from the Sediment Ecology Research Group within the GATTY Marine Centre. This was extremely informative and allowed for discussion on projects and practical management issues such as Research Permits and access.
- Site meeting was held with Clare Maynard (St Andrews University) to visit one of her test plots for saltmarsh regeneration in Balgove Bay. This visit was very informative and demonstrated a real net gain in sediment level rise due to the presence of her test plantings.
Site Protection, Patrols: MP00/01
Regular site visits are made throughout the reserve and in the main these visits are usually combined with survey or other works, however patrols offer a snapshot visit and one can never tell what may turn up. The main issues have been:
- Kite surfers in Balgove bay. Usually on a strong NW wind. A rash of surfers were picked up and asked to leave in March, thankfully most were ignorant of the situation and left without issue. Canoeists were also present on 2 occasions using the Eden Estuary without permits. The first were a team of 2 boats from the ranger service whom had failed to gain permission from the EELNR ranger, in part from ignorance and part from over enthusiasm. The second incident was reported but with no contact found.
- Quad bikes: Both at Outhead and Tip Point (inner bridge). The use of the path out to the papermill tip (Tip Point) requires management, the current situation is unsustainable and leaves the papermill and reserve open to irresponsible access, especially by quad/motorbikes.
- Excessive bait digging in Balgove bay with man attempting to dig a 12inch wide, 3m trench and also collecting bags of mussels. Ranger approached him and discussed the byelaws and the history of bait digging with him. Informed him that this type of bait digging is extremely harmful and unsustainable and that commercial bait digging is not suitable for the EELNR. He was escorted from the mudflats by ranger. Subsequently 2 more bait diggers have been escorted off the mudflats for similar reasons.
- Irresponsible camping at Outhead: Two parties of teenagers were warned and asked to move their campsite onto more suitable terrain as they had placed their tents on the eroded sand ‘cliff’ on the Balgove side of Outhead dunes. This was at low tide and they had no idea that at high tide the water would be virtually underneath their tent. This was dangerous and possibly damaging.
- Area of reed 10mx30m was burned at Motray.
EU Directive Implementation: AN10/02
- Note: Reserve declared part of TAY-Eden SAC on 17th March 2005.
Byelaws Revision: AN10/01
- The EELNR Byelaws are subject to the Land Reform Act and the component legislative framework of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC). The status of byelaws in the light of this new legislation is unclear, however assumption is that byelaws are suspended as a legislative tool. Although when byelaws and criminal activity converge they still stand, and arguably are still an effective management tool.
The EELNR byelaws have been placed under revision in the light of SOAC and have been re-drafted and this re-draft has been commented on and approved by the Fife Access Forum and the Fife Constabulary. The byelaws are currently with Fife Council for approval before being presented before the Scottish Executive for final approval and hopefully re-instatement in the new SOAC supported form. Fife Council Law and Admin Dept have been very helpful in this process. Helen Forbes from Fife Council informed the ranger that the EELNR byelaws stand until 2009 in their current form but would not be SOAC compatible, however as approval for the byelaws was given by Fife Constabulary, they are still applicable as management tools for dealing with issues that contravene the Nature Conservation Act and the designations covering the site.
It is felt that the byelaws have been very useful to supporting the ranger service in their management of the site. This has been re-iterated by Fife Constabulary and the Fife Access Forum. Every effort should be made to support this revision and in the mean time assume that the byelaws still stand on a ‘better safe than sorry’ basis.
Research Project Records: RV50/01
Current live research permits issued in 06/07 reporting year.
- Prof. David Paterson. SERG, St Andrews: Sediment Ecology.
- Dr Jeff Graves. Gatty Institute, St Andrews: Behavioural Studies on Feeding Waders(mainly redshank).
- Claire Maynard. Gatty Institute, St Andrews: Saltmarsh Regeneration.
- Les Hatton. Tay Ringing Group: Ringing Shelduck.
- EELNR Ringing Studies: Total of 467 birds ringed during the reporting period including 82 Shelduck, 336 Linnets and 1 Peregrine (a full list of species ringed is on record and available on request).
An interesting recovery was a Sandwich Tern found dead in July 06 at Coquet Island, Amble, Northumberland. This bird was ringed in August 1991 at Edenmouth, some 14 years before recovery.(All ringingInformation courtesy of the Tay Ringing Group.)
Plant Survey: RF02/02
- A Zostera survey was carried out in July at Coble Shore. Only 8 plants found.
- 32 spikes of field Gentian were found in August south of Track 16, Tentsmuir. Lesley Cunningham from St Andrews Botanical Gardens was given permission from Pat Laird and SNH to collect seed heads for a captive plant breeding programme.
- 110+ flowering field gentian spikes located at NO 4976222578.
Liase with Riding Stables: ML00/02
- Landowner informed ranger that he had used his JCB to clear drainage ditch in eastern corner of saltmarsh. Ranger needed to assess extent of damage.
- The electric fencing to prevent over grazing and disturbance to the lower (seaward) marsh was completed in May.
- Monthly visual checks were carried out to assess grazing and poaching extents.
Liase with Neighbours, General: ML30
- The new ranger has had meetings with local landowners and organisations to establish contact and to reassure that the management of the LNR is a high priority of the Fife Ranger Service and Fife Coast and Countryside Trust. This is an ongoing process and will remain a priority for the ranger to encourage transparent partnership working practices throughout the reserve.
- The Eden Estuary LNR is a model of good practice in terms of landowner liaison and support and every effort will be made to continue these relationships.
- The ranger started renovation work on the Guardbridge PS garden in February 07. It is hoped that the garden will become a community resource that promotes wildlife and well being and also acts as a ‘gateway’ to the estuary for school children.
Liase with Forestry Commission: ML30/06
- The new ranger was involved with meetings for the final draft of the Tentsmuir Interpretation Plan. The Eden Estuary features strongly in this plan and should funding be attained the reserve should benefit directly and indirectly, from inclusion in a very ambitious and forward thinking revisiting of the notion of interpreting the Tentsmuir/Eden estuary as a single geomorphologic area.
- The ranger attended regular meetings of the Tentsmuir Management Group.
- John Montgomery (Forest Wildlife Ranger) has been extremely helpful in giving support to the new ranger and providing him with a swipe card for access through the new automated barrier.
- John was also helpful in dealing with an access violation by wildfowlers in January, when the gates had been left open whilst valuable harvesting equipment was being held in the forest. The combination locks were removed and the ranger re-configured and replaced the locks.
Liase with Fife Council: ML40/03
- Regular updates on planning issues were forwarded to the ranger service for perusal.
- The ranger attended and gave updates regularly at the West Sands Liaison Group meetings. This group has been useful forum for dealing with related issues with other relevant council departments.
- The ranger service agreed to a request to raise the profile of the service through vehicle patrolling at West Sands when possible.
- Iain Barbour from Parks was contacted to replace the dog bin and improve the bin emptying schedule at Outhead, this was done the very next day.
- Law and Admin have been very helpful to the ranger service in dealing with the Byelaws revision, this is an ongoing process.
- The ranger service contacted the local dog warden to place new signs and carry out a patrol at the Eden Estuary Gardens, the dog fouling situation has dramatically improved.
Liase with MoD(RAF): ML00/03
- Meetings were held with Wg Cdr Keetley, David Bond and SHSO RAF Leuchars concerning the sewage outfall onto the north shore. Tests revealed that a septic tank that was designed to serve this outfall was empty and that information on where this sewage was coming from was not given.
- Aquitrine were contacted and were keen to resolve the issue, they conducted a desktop analysis and deferred to carry out a further dye test should they not source the outflow from this analysis. They believed the problem was connection to a rogue building that was used intermittently.
- Ranger was called out to relocate Oystercatcher nest and chicks for safety reasons.
- Ranger ringed Oystercatcher chicks with SEPO and station photographer for inclusion in MoD conservation magazine ‘Sanctuary’.
- Meetings were held with OC Engineers reference reloading and repairing gabion, coastal protection and ship to shore refuelling.
- Ranger advised that the gabion repair would be suitable, however the method statement should be discussed with SNH.
He also advised that there would be implications relating to the designations of the Eden Estuary for any coastal defence scheme, and further advised that maybe it would be easier to relocate road back from affected area.