EDC Denominational Schools – Prayer Workshop P1

October 2013

Think about how you can encourage prayer within your class during the month of November.

Use the following E&Os and core learning to help you.

Hours of God

RERC 0‐17a I have experienced liturgy as a community event.

I have been given opportunities to celebrate liturgy as part of my class, my school and my parish.

Key vocabulary: liturgy

Reign of God

RERC 0‐20a I know that God invites us to show love to others.

I can name the people in my family who love me and to whom I show love.

I am beginning to understand that God loves everybody and wants me to show love to others.

I can show love by being kind and respectful to my friends and family.

KEY VOCABULARY: Family, love, respect, friends

Plan for:

Personal Prayer / Class Prayer
At school level / Parish/community

Plan for:

Personal Prayer / Class Prayer
At school level / Parish/community

Plan for:

Personal Prayer / Class Prayer
At school level / Parish/community

Plan for:

Personal Prayer / Class Prayer
At school level / Parish/community

EDC Denominational Schools – Prayer Workshop P5

October 2013

Think about how you can encourage prayer within your class during the month of November.

Use the following E&Os and core learning to help you.

Hours of God

RERC 2‐19a

I know that the Holy Spirit strengthens my faith and the faith of the saints and I have reflected on how the stories of the Saints can inspire me to live a more Christian life.

I know that we are called to be saints and that God sends us his Holy Spirit to help us.

I have been given opportunities to familiarise myself with images (statues, pictures, icons) of the saints studied in school and I know that they are models of Christian life and that they can intercede to God on my behalf.

Son of God

I know that we too are offered the promise of eternal life and can regularly pray for this. I know that we should pray for those who have died, and especially for those who have died and are awaiting eternal life.

I have reflected on the care shown to Jesus’ body by Joseph of Aramathia and by the women who followed Jesus (Mark 15: 42‐47).

I recognise the respect and care shown in the funeral rites of the Church to the bodies of those who have died.

Plan for:

Personal Prayer / Class Prayer
At school level / Parish/community

EDC Denominational Schools – Prayer Workshop P6

October 2013

Think about how you can encourage prayer within your class during the month of November.

Use the following E&Os and core learning to help you.

Hours of God

RERC 2‐19a

I know that the Holy Spirit strengthens my faith and the faith of the saints and I have reflected on how the stories of the Saints can inspire me to live a more Christian life

I know that we are called to be saints and that God sends us his Holy Spirit to help us to be “the salt of the earth and light of the world” (Matthew 5: 13‐16).

I have been given opportunities to familiarise myself with images of the saints (statues, pictures, icons) studied in school, and know that saints are models of Christian life and that they can intercede to God on my behalf.

I am deepening my understanding of the lives of the Saints I have already learned about, through prayerful reflection on some of their words.

Son of God

RERC 2‐07a
I have explored the events of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus and I have reflected on the Catholic meaning of eternal life.

I know that, at His Ascension, the Risen Christ sent his disciples out on a mission to tell the Good News to the whole world (Matthew 28: 16‐20), and that we share in that mission when we witness to Jesus.

I know that God wills everybody to have eternal life with him in Heaven, and that we can live forever because, now that Jesus is risen, he will never die again.

I have prayed for those who have died and are at the threshold of heaven because I understand that our prayers can help them reach God.

I know that some souls of the departed are purified from all imperfections before seeing God face to face in heaven and I know that this is called the state of Purgatory

Plan for:

Personal Prayer / Class Prayer
At school level / Parish/community

EDC Denominational Schools – Prayer Workshop P7

October 2013

Think about how you can encourage prayer within your class during the month of November.

Use the following E&Os and core learning to help you.

Hours of God

RERC 2‐19a

I know that the Holy Spirit strengthens my faith and the faith of the saints and I have reflected on how the stories of the Saints can inspire me to live a more

Christian life.

I know that we are called to be saints and that God sends us his Holy Spirit to help us.

I have been given opportunities to familiarise myself with images (statues, pictures, icons) of the saints studied in school and know that they are models of Christian life

and that they can intercede to God on my behalf.

I know that the Holy Spirit strengthens the faith of the saints and holy people and helps them follow the call to discipleship and that they can intercede for me in my

journey of discipleship and service. I am learning this through reflection on the lives of some younger saints and holy people, e.g., St Cecilia, St Lucy, St Aloysius,

Blessed KateriTekakwitha, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.

I have reflected on the life of the Saint chosen for Confirmation and appreciate that I follow the example of their life.

KEY VOCABULARY: Saint, Blessed, statues, pictures, icons, intercede to God on my behalf, called to discipleship, called to serve

Son of God

RERC 2‐07a I have explored the events of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus and I have reflected on the Catholic meaning of eternal life.

I know that Christians believe that, while our earthly life comes to an end at death, we believe in eternal life in Heaven, our destination.

I know that heaven is often compared to a banquet (Isaiah 25:6‐9‐ a banquet of rich food; Luke 14: 15‐24 – the feast in the Kingdom of God)

I understand that, because we have free will, a person could choose to live in total estrangement from others and from God forever, and God would not force them into happiness in heaven.

I am familiar with the term “hell” which refers to this choice to be separated for ever from God.

Plan for:

Personal Prayer / Class Prayer
At school level / Parish/community