EDC 317
Introduction to Instructional Media Syllabus

Instructor: Paula Jones, MA, Doctoral Candidate

Contact Information: Phone 622-8459


Office Hours: After class or set by appointment.

Send e-mail to set up time/date.

Supplies Needed: 3 HD Disks

Report Cover with Disk Holder

Course Overview

This course is a prerequisite to the University of Kentucky Teacher Education Program. The purpose of EDC 317 is to give you an opportunity to apply several different computer programs in your educational studies. You will also find that the information shared in this course will benefit you when you begin teaching in the Kentucky school systems.

The objectives of this course include the following:

  1. Create a KTIP lesson plan that includes instructional objectives.
  2. State one definitions of instructional technology based on our discussion in class and describe different forms of instructional technology.
  3. Discuss the relationship between communication, the instructional process and the role of instructional media.
  4. Review the KERA Goals and Academic Expectations of the Kentucky Educational Reform Act.
  5. Review the goals and objectives of the Kentucky Educational Technology System.
  6. Identify how technology has developed in education.
  7. Describe five practical applications for using computers in instruction.
  8. Discuss the implications of copyright laws for users of instructional technology and other instructional materials.
  9. Identify the parts of a personal computer system and describe the function of each major component.
  10. Demonstrate ability to use the computer as a tool to produce instructional materials that can be used to manage and present instruction which includes: creating, saving, retrieving, manipulating, and printing files using an integrated applications program including word-processing, data base and spreadsheet applications.
  11. Use WWW applications, locate web pages to be used in your classroom and describe how they can be used for educational purposes.

AttendanceClass participation is essential for discussion! Students are expected to attend all class

sessions. It is important to understand that students who are absent from class/lab are still responsible for all information presented in class. The student will need to contact a peer within their team to obtain information, handouts, etc. presented in class/lab on any day(s) absent.

Note for University sponsored activities: Advance notification is required for any student who plans to be absent from class due to some University sponsored activity. Students must provide me with a form signed by the instructor/advisor of the activity, dates and reasons of absence noted, along with contact information of the advisor.

Makeup PolicyDue to the time constraints of this course, makeup work will not be allowed. Students need to attend class sessions or submit work on due date in order to receive credit.

Written Format pages (File, Page Setup) with 1” margins. Use Times Roman font in 10-12 point Assignments type. No need to number pages. Set for double spacing (Format, Paragraph, Spacing).

Spell check/grammar check (F7 function key)

A / 90-100 / 450-500
B / 80-89 / 400-449
C / 70-79 / 350-399
D / 60-69 / 300-349
E / 0-59 / 0-299


In Class Assignments / Point Values
MS Word Flyer (BB-Handout) / ---
MS Word Form Letter w Merge (BB-Handout)
Include form letter, database, merged document / ---
MS Word Web Page Design with Links (Syllabus) / ---
MS Excel Grade Sheet (BB-Handout) / ---
Power Point Slide Show (Practice/Application) / ---
Final Exam (Comprehensive) / 100
Out of Class Assignments
Online Discussions (Participation/Deadline Met)- Concept: 1) Demonstration of Using Technology for Discussion Groups. 2) Opportunity to read about research articles on integrating technology in the classroom. The Discussion Board on Blackboard will be used to discuss concepts learned from textbook readings. Post questions to peers or reflections of information learned from your readings. / 40
Final Project (Folder Turned In At the End of Term)
All of the notebook info below must be submitted in hard copy form in folder and must have a file save on a disk in order to earn credit.
1. MS Word - Create a Title Page and Table of Contents for Lesson Plan Project
Include Title of Lesson, EDC 317, Clip Art, Name of Participants, Date / 20
2. MS Word-Summary of Collaboration--Narrative of how two or more disciplines came together to benefit learner. Discuss main objectives of lessons (What is the student suppose to learn?); Explain how did the “teachers” organize and utilize information, technology and activities to help the student achieve the objective. What assessment tools do you plan to use and why did you choose these tools? / 50
3. MS Word Lesson Plan (KTIP)--Include: Academic Expectations; Learning Activity; Assessment Tool, Integrate Technology / 40
4. MW Word/or/Excel - Design one Learning Activity for KTIP Lesson Plan
(Collaboration with 2 of more disciplines) / 40
5. MS Excel Grade Sheet / 40
6. List 5 web pages (URLs) and describe how each site can be used in your classroom for educational purposes / 30
7. MS Word Merge Letter to Parents/Info on grade
Include print outs/disk showing form letter, database and merge document
8. Power Point Slide Show / 40
9. Oral Presentation
Explain: Lesson Plan including: Academic Expectations; Learning Activity; Assessment Tool, Integrate Technology / 50
10. “What did you learn” paper – 2-3 pages (Each student will write their own report) / 50
11. Evaluation of Team Member(s) 1 Page Report for each team member
Write an evaluation of each team member summarizing their contribution on final project/presentation. Turn in separate from final project. Due on 10/30/02.
1. Attended all agreed upon meetings 2. Participation in planning, research and preparation of project 3. Cooperation with team members 4. Participation in Team Presentation (All team members required to participate in oral presentation)
5. Any other information describing member’s efforts to complete final project. / Required
TOTAL / 500
EDC 317 Calendar
M & W 2:30-4:00pm
Subject to Change
Date / Class Activities
Week 1 / 1/15/03
Wednesday / Course overview, Introduction to EDC 317 web site, Review of blackboard, Peer introductions, Discussion groups assigned, Teams Established for final project
Week 2 / 1/22/03
Wednesday / Computer basics and selecting appropriate technology for the teaching environment. Discussion of KERA, KETS, instructional technology and how it affects the teacher as a reflective decision maker. Discuss KTIP Lesson Plan Form on BB
Week 3 / 1/2703
Monday / Microsoft Word skill building for teachers and using Word to develop a KTIP lesson plan.
In class Assignment #1: Design a MS Word Flyer with Clip Art/Watermark
HW: Work with team members on KTIP lesson plan for final presentation; Set up Title Page and Table of Contents Page in MS Word; (On-line reading discussions due on Ch 4 & 6.)
Wednesday / Database development for classroom management and instruction using Microsoft Word to set up database and merge with form letter document.
IC #2: Create a form letter and merge with 3 mailing addresses
HW: Create Merge/Letter for Final Project (Print/Save Database, form letter and Merged Documents)
Week 4 / 2/3/03
Monday / Creating a simple web page in Microsoft Word
Using and integrating web pages for instructional use.
IC #3: Create your own web page in MS Word, save to diskette, print 1 copy.
HW: Research/List/Describe in 1 Page Summary 5 Web Sites that will be beneficial to you or your students to include in Final Project
(On-line reading discussion due on Chapters 9 & 11.)
Wednesday / Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet skill development for classroom management (Gradesheet)
IC #4: Set up a sample grade sheet representing 3-5 assignments, exams, total grades, avg for term for each student, avg for each assignment, etc.
HW: Set up grade sheet for Final Project; Set up/Design Learning Activity to support info in Final Project; Write Summary of Collaboration; (On-line reading discussion due on Chapters 16 & 22.)
Week 5 / 2/10/03
Monday / Microsoft PowerPoint presentation skill building for classroom instructional use.
IC#5: Create a Power Point Slide Show
HW: Design Power Point Slide Show for Final Project Presentation;Write 2-3 Page Paper on What You Have Learned in EDC 317;Write Team Member Evaluation(s); (On-line reading discussion due on Chapters 23 & 25.)
Wednesday / Notebooks due from all students! Reminder: Make 2 copies of presentation information.
Team Member Evaluations Due today (separate from notebooks)
Projects: Lesson Plan Presentations (Day #1)
HW: (On-line reading discussion due on Chapters 26 &34.)
Week 6 / 2/17/02
Monday / Projects: Lesson Plan Presentations (finish today, if needed)
Return Notebooks (graded)
All grades (except Final Exam) will be posted on Blackboard
Final Exam (Comprehensive, Multiple Choice via Blackboard)