Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges
Executive Board Meeting
August 17, 2017
CCC Confer Meeting at 6:30pm
Latina Leadership Executive Board / Present / Absent1 / President / Dolores / Cornejo / X
2 / VP North / Melina / Rodriguez / X
3 / VP Central/President Elect / Dr. Ana / Gomez de Torres / X
4 / VP South/Conference Co-Chair / Michelle / Garcia / X
5 / Recording Secretary / Stephanie / Ramos / X
6 / Treasurer / Margarita / Baez / X
7 / Student VP North / Veronica / Blanco / X
8 / Student VP Central / Brenda / Villa / X
9 / Student VP South / Monica / Aguilar Avalos / X
10 / Regional Area Rep- North / Carla / Rosas / X
11 / Regional Area Rep- Central / Cynthia / Diaz / X
12 / Regional Area Rep- South / Dr. Olivia / Veloz / X
13 / Conference Co-Chair / Beatriz “Betty” / Resendiz / X
14 / Database & Listserv Specialist / Vacant / Vacant
15 / Esperanza Newsletter Editor / Adela / Kimball / X
16 / Webjefita / Jazmin / Zuniga / X
17 / Member-at-Large – North / Dr. Maria Angélica / Garcia / X
18 / Member-at-Large - Central / Glenda / Moscoso / X
19 / Member-at-Large - South / Dr. Martha / Garcia / X
Ground Rules:
1. Start and end on time
2. We will stay on task
3. No side conversations or talking over someone else
4. Posted agenda – timed agenda with timekeeper
5. Attack the problem not the person
6. Be prepared and ready to participate
7. President: Record meeting *22
8. Roll Call
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. President’s Report – Dolores Cornejo
a. Review and Approval July 2017 Meeting Minutes
i. Moved to approve minutes
b. LLN Letters to Campus Administrators (Stephanie, Cynthia, Adela and Glenda)
i. Dolores has only received only 4 people who have provided administrator information.
ii. By Friday, August 25, 2017 is when all administrator names should be submitted
iii. Administrators are informed that their faculty and staff are part of this organization
c. Well Fargo Approved Account Holders Update
i. Added Maggie on to the account
ii. Will need to remove Geri from the account
iii. Ana recalls that we requested to remove Geri
iv. The Banker gave us a name of the broker to have the name changes updated
v. The name of the broker was given to Dolores, but will also be on the paperwork handed over by Ana.
d. Revised LLN Policy and Procedures
i. These were sent out twice and to be reviewed and note the changes
ii. Should there be wording that is more gender inclusive
1. Under the Executive Board and vacancies, a suggestion to use the wording from her to “their”
2. Dolores gave examples and Maggie prefers not to make any changes
3. Carla mentioned that she was okay to change the pronoun
4. If changed, we could change it back
5. Student VPs were asked for their transcripts
6. Do we want more policies about their academics
7. A 3.0 gpa is required for a leadership role on Los Medanos. Do we have a guideline gpa?
8. We should check in with the student VPs to see if they need extra support.
9. Motion was made by Maggie to make updates to the Policies and Procedures. Seconded by Carla. Student VPs must be enrolled pt (6 units) a semester and maintain a 2.5gpa at a California Community College. Approved by all.
e. Online Forms/Database Options
i. Cynthia thought that G-suite has the easiest form
ii. Discussion of Basecamp
iii. Does g-suite have storage? It does create forms
iv. G-suite, videos and invoicing, calendar, 24/7 support online, 1TB per user, can set parameters for members $10 a month
v. This will be helpful in keeping track of old forms and in kind donations
vi. Motion by Maggie to start with the $5 version of g-suite and upgrade if we need to. Seconded by Betty. Approved by all.
f. Email/Phish Scam
i. A Phishing scam was done and wire transfer was requested to be done by Maggie.
ii. Maggie did complete the transfer per “Dolores” request but Wells Fargo was helpful in blocking the transfer
iii. is the culprit.
g. Request for New LLN Logo from MJC
i. The professional LLN chapter at Modesto Junior College would like to use the updated logo. Do we want to share that logo, and if so, how?
ii. The logo cannot be overlapped or modified, and we should have guidelines that are clear when a chapter is using the logo
iii. Carla suggested using a style guide
iv. Jazmin will put up the rules for using the brand.
IV. Vice Presidents’ Reports
a. Vice President South – Michelle Garcia
i. absent
b. Vice President North – Melina Rodriguez
i. 2017 Conference Updates
1. Just compliments and comments
c. Vice President Central/President Elect - Dr. Ana Gomez de Torres
i. No report at this time
ii. Waiting for a response on how to move forward with the leadership academy
iii. How would we like to move forward as an organization
iv. Plans to check the PO Box and will send Maggie all of the mail
V. Student VP Reports
a. South, Monica Aguilar Avalos, Riverside City College
i. Update on Chapter Application
b. North, Veronica Blanco, Los Medanos College
i. Has registered for classes
ii. Is helping care for her mom
c. Central, Brenda Villa, Allan Hancock College
i. Cynthia asked Ana if she wanted to be the co-advisors for the student chapter.
VI. 2018 Conference Co-Chairs: Betty Resendiz & Michelle Garcia
a. Conference Committee Meeting – August 31st
i. Have people sign up early and be leads
ii. Registration
b. Hotel Contract Update
i. Finalized today
ii. Initial payment by August 31st. $1500 the deposit now, the rest in April 2018
iii. 20 rooms before and 20 rooms after the conference.
iv. For the March 16 & 17 meeting we asked for a special rate, along with a walk through tour, up to 10 rooms $119 plus 14%
v. CCC confirm should
vi. 70 rooms were set aside for us for the conference nights
vii. Future meetings, August 31, October 27 1-2:30, November 17, Dec. 1,
c. Conference Art Options
i. Two different sketches
1. Option 1: Carla, Maggie, Jazmin, Melina, - but do not have a red/blue bandana
2. Option 2: not chosen
3. Could the artist take off the bandana?
VII. Treasurer’s Report
a. Maggie Baez
i. Ana had advice to be as detailed as possible with all checks, including returned checks
ii. Well Fargo Monthly Statements
iii. Treasurer Report
1. Organization account $46,476.74
a. Retreat $871 and $3 bank fees
2. Conference account $7,995.61
a. Reimbursement $32
b. $3 bank fees to view
c. $83.52 check was returned, cost was $24
3. Scholarship account $7,409
a. 8 out of 9 checks cashed
b. Silvia, Itzel, Diana, Brenda, Bianca, Maria, Fuentes, and Molly are the students who have cashed their checks
4. Membership Account $9,144
5. Investment account $37,003.67
iv. $10 per person and $50 per person to membership account will need to be transferred to the correct account
1. The board will then have to approve the movement of funds
2. We will also need to revise the plan of what will be done with the Membership funds
3. Los Medanos College did finally send a check to LLN, deposited by Ana
4. $1562.22 was the RegOnline check
5. Ana will find the $4,400 check that LMC
6. Ana directed Maggie to contact the accountant company so that all finances are up to date for taxes
VIII. Regional Reports
a. Regional Area Rep North – Carla Rosas
i. Has a list of the colleges in the Northern area
ii. Plans to connect with groups and people in the area and Puente organizations if possible
iii. Carla will have to develop an outreach letter and will send it to the board for approval
iv. Diablo Valley College will host October 21st, Dreamers Conference
1. Could that be put on the Esperanza Adela?
b. Regional Area Rep Central – Cynthia Diaz
i. AB540 working group and wanted to know about events and activities regarding Dreamers
c. Regional Area Rep South – Dr. Olivia Veloz
i. Not on call
IX. Members-At- Large
a. North – Dr. Angelica Garcia
i. Has scheduling conflicts with LLN and another responsibility
ii. IEPI & Leadership Institute
iii. She may still be able to be a consultant, but will not be able to be on the regular calls
b. Central – Glenda Moscoso (emailed update to Dolores)
i. Webinar Lead for Supporting Student Success for AB540 and Allied Training
ii. Cuesta College LLN Professional Chapter Award
iii. Hosting a workshop/leadership in the central area
1. Custodial, parking
2. Is this a free event?
c. South – Dr. Martha Garcia
i. Updated on contacting Dr. Barns and Dr. Rodriguez
ii. Dolores will check back with Martha to see if there has been any progress
X. Webjefita Report – Jazmin Zuniga
a. Email Services
i. How many contacts are we planning on having? Do we know how many are on the listserv?
ii. Currently 845 subscribed
iii. Benchmark is an email service
iv. Mail Chimp can send 12,000 emails a month
v. Constant Contact is used on Fullerton College campus to send important messages
vi. This would be used for events or gatherings we support as a better marketing tool
vii. Depending on the service used, they are charged by contacts
viii. Mail Chimp is slightly more popular
ix. Betty moved that we use the $10 a month Mail Chimp service. Seconded by Carla. (Role call, no Melina) Approved by all.
x. Dolores and Jazmin will work together
b. Calendar for website
i. Jazmin is working on that
ii. Forward information to Jazmin and Adela to publish on the website and Esperanza
c. Conference App & Count down
i. Dolores is asking for a countdown on our website
ii. NCORE app? Can do a survey, live room updates, send reminders, live feed and pictures, presenters can give their workshop and view it (pre, during, post)
iii. What is a reasonable amount to promote a conference event?
d. Save the date
i. Update the website for 2018 conference information
ii. Can we update the Esperanza newsletter on the website
XI. Esperanza Newsletter Editor – Adela Kimball
a. Fall 2017 Newsletter Idea
i. Campus and/or Regional Highlights
1. Women
2. Events
b. Software or online Program for creating newsletter
i. Need to hear back from Adela on what she could use best
Discussion Item/Updates/Announcements:
Open discussion for any announcements.
Next Meeting: CCCConfer Thursday, September 21, 2017 @ 6:30pm