Ecumenical Center for Religion and Health

Medical Center Location: 8310 Ewing Halsell Drive, San Antonio, TX 78229

Downtown Location: 403 Avenue E., San Antonio, TX 78229

Fee Subsidy Policy

Please Read Entire Form Before Signing

The Ecumenical Center is a not-for-profit agency. While all persons are expected to personally provide a portion of the fee, fee subsidies may be possible through the financial support of individuals, local churches, and foundations.

Fee subsidies reflect the family’s gross income, the number of people whom that income supports and special factors unique to your situation. To appropriately establish a fee it is important that you think through your current situation and discuss it with your counselor.

In establishing the fee your counselor will balance three factors:

1.  Responsibility to you. The Ecumenical Center is committed to service.

2.  Responsibility to our contributors. We are charged with the responsibility of serving as many persons as possible with the fee subsidy resources provided.

3.  Responsibility for continued service. In order to continue serving the people of our community we must operate in a financially responsible manner.

Once you and your counselor agree on the fee, it will remain in effect until you or your counselor raises the issue again. The fee adjustment will be re-examined under these circumstances:

1.  A change in your financial situation. If your income changes, either by increasing or decreasing, the fee adjustment is to be re-examined. Your counselor will rely on you to inform him/her of such changes.

2.  The semi-annual evaluation. Twice a year, in January and June, your counselor will review your fee adjustment with you.

3.  The annual rate adjustment. In July, at the beginning of the fiscal year, the Ecumenical Center overall rate structure is evaluated by the Center’s Board of Directors. You will be informed a month in advance if there is a rate adjustment which affects you.

4.  A change in ECRH’s financial situation. Initial and continued Subsidy availability is dependent upon funds received from individuals, churches, foundations and fund raising activities.

In all other cases your fee will remain constant.

Please raise any questions regarding this document with your counselor.

I have read the information above and accept the Ecumenical Center’s policy on fee adjustments as stated above


Signature Date

C:\Documents and Settings\paul\My Documents\@Clinical stats and info\form 15 fee subsidy policy.doc