Southborough Hub consultationfeedback – “You Said, We Did”

Following the completion of the Southborough Hub consultation, feedback from members of the public and planners has been considered and used to revise the final scheme that is to be put forward for planning.

The following document has been completed to set out what actions you put forward during the consultation and whether these have been taken forward with the reasoning for this.

All responses relate to the option of the completely new build community centre which was the option the majority of people who responded to the consultation supported and which was then agreed by the project board to progress.

Comments / Response upon consideration
Not enough parking/need dedicated parking for the medical centre / Following further detailed work to the plan the parking provision has been increased for both the residential element and the public spaces. Final figures are still subject to change and will be confirmed following final agreement with planners.
The plan has been revised to double the amount of dedicated parking to medical staff. Patients will continue to use the communal car park which has also been expanded. Separate disabled parking bays for the GP surgery will remain adjacent to the staff car parking area and have also been increased.
Avoid cheap cladding / The planning application will put forward indicative images of cladding, however we anticipate that as this will be a critical element to ensuring the building looks good for years to come, the final decision on the material will become a planning condition and this will allow Southborough Town Council to have a further discussion about what this element will finally look like. Subject to the amount of funding for the scheme and or partners wishing to put additional funds in, the final cladding type has yet to be chosen.
Include other services e.g. post office / Numerous responses requested that the Post Office be moved to be Hub. Discussions will be had with potential retailers which could include the post office, but this is of course down to them and dependent on the space available
The front of the Hub facing onto the A26 needs to have an active frontage and the GP surgery is no longer considered to be an active frontage / The revised proposals now include retail space along the frontage of the A26 as part of the Hub and this follows a request by planners who did not support the General Practice (GP) surgery being at the front. As a consequence the Theatre and GP buildings have been switched around, with retail in front of the theatre.
Not in favour of the modern design / Love the modern design / Numerous responses reflected the fact that both options were modern and that it should fit with the character of Southborough. What design will be the best fit for Southborough is a very subjective issue and the challenge is to ensure that despite being modern, it still sits comfortably within its surroundings. Further work will be undertaken with planners and Southborough Town Council to develop the external look of the building as we progress the project.
Keep it green / We have worked with the architects to maximise the green spaces within the development wherever possible. In addition to minimising the impact on the fields we have worked with the arboriculture officer to minimise the impact on as many of the trees as possible. The revised plan sees many more of the trees now being retained around the proposed pavilion area. We are also working to ensure that the building is as environmentally friendly as possible and minimises its impact. The building will look to include as many green measures as possible such as PIR and LED lighting and rain water recycling for example.
Inadequate dressing room facilities that would not accommodate a large cast / The dressing rooms have been revised to allow them to be multi purpose rooms with access to natural day light so they can be used all year round rather than just for changing rooms. We have put in partition walls between them to accommodate larger groups while also putting in further partition walls with the larger community room to further maximise the changing room capacity as and when it is needed.
The library should be a separate entity for security and safety reasons / There are many examples of libraries co-located with other services in Kent where there are no security or safety issues. The design of the library space will be carefully developed in order to fit with the other building uses and consider how people can get around the building at different times. The library service hopes that by being part of the community centre more people will use not just the library but the other services as well. If people do for example want to borrow a book outside of the opening hours we hope that we can have ways this can happen through for example our self-service machines.
Toilets, are too remote from the theatre / hall / Access to toilets has been improved with toilets much closer to the theatre space.
The café/bar area looks too small and tucked away. Would it be better to make this area the quiet space and move the cafe/bar into the library/main hub? / The revised plan looks to bring the café / bar into the centre of the hub ensuring easy access to it with minimal number of doors obstructing access to it.
There appears to be no provision for a band pit / The revised option does not currently allow for a band pit due to significant costs associated with this element.
Include a water feature / The costs of providing and running a water feature means it is not viable to include at this point. This does not preclude such an option coming forward as part of future works.
Excellent design, can we afford it? / Capital: Everything is being done to ensure that the capital costs of the development can be met by the enabling development which comprises both the residential units and the GP surgery.
Revenue: The design has been revised to take account of viability by making spaces more flexible so that they can be used by a multitude of users and maximise the potential for income generation.
Let us try to preserve something for future generations in the development of the hub / Subject to final designs coming forward we will look to see what elements of the past can be integrated in to the new.
Is it possible to ensure that there is no downsizing in the library? / The final dimensions are yet to be finalised but currently the library is expanding from its current 164sqm to the proposed 180sqm.
Housing for first time buyers and families, rather than flats or apartments please / This is still subject to discussion with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council planners, however the proposed housing has been changed to allow for a wider mix of residential units coming forward.
As much public space as possible / Several responses suggested larger public spaces were desirable and the revised plan has looked to increase this by removing the toilet block that was on the front of the building and incorporating it within the remainder of the building, to further open up the public space.
A flexible outdoor space that can be used for farmers markets, local fetes and exhibitions should be allowed for / The outside space will permit for farmers markets, local fetes and exhibitions to take place.
The medical centre needs to be separate / The buildings will no longer share rooms in the revised plan. The medical centre will also have a separate entrance, but with easy access into the hub for those who wish. Final designs on this access are subject to further discussions with the GP.
It is important to minimise destruction of open fields / We have sought to minimise land take on the fields wherever possible and following discussions with the football club, we were able to slightly reduce the impact on the fields by setting the pavilion further back than previously proposed.
The library area should include a room which could be used for registration services / At the present time birth and death registration is offered from Tunbridge Wells’ library and there are no current plans to introduce this service at Southborough.
Make it as flexible as possible and accessible to all ages and abilities / The proposed revisions have been developed to ensure that the Hub can be accessible to all. As a new building it will meet all the latest legal requirements with regard to accessibility. The internal layout will also be developed to be as flexible as possible and the aim is that the spaces will be able to be used by everyone and for multiple events.
Rather than a theatre please I would like to see a hall/large meeting place that could be used for various activities. More versatility than static theatre. / The large hall/theatre can be used for both purposes and minor changes have been made to further improve this offer including the addition of a kitchen on the ground floor adjacent to the hall area.
The library should be in a quiet and secluded space, not open plan to the rest of the public space / The modern library is a place that meets a wide variety of uses and is at times a busy and active place where for example children’s activities take place. The design of the library will be developed to include spaces that can work for quieter study, plus any activities will be advertised so that people can take account of when the building is busy and likely to be noisy and plan their visits.
I believe that any development needs to keep or improve the access that current residents have to the field / The public right of way to the field will remain and the plans will look to strengthen the links by creating green corridors through the development as you approach them.
Concerns that it should not impact the privacy or social make up of the current residential area such as Crendon Park and Yew Tree Road / Designs will seek to ensure the privacy of residential areas are maintained in line with planning guidelines. Tunbridge Wells Borough Council has a policy requiring 35% of residential units to be affordable homes.
An outside area should be included for skateboard activities / Designs do not include for a skateboard park as this was not a requirement of the councils
I strongly object to the proposal for four storey buildings. Just because Hythe Close is four storeys, it is not a justification to build higher rise housing. / The height of buildings is subject to further consultation with planners.
Has the energy efficiency of the building been considered and to what degree will renewable energy sources be incorporated? / The project seeks to hit the highest energy efficiency standards possible in order to lower future running costs and bearing in mind the funds available to pay for them. Final elements will be confirmed following costed designs and income from the enabling development.
Maintain public toilet facilities in high street during construction period / Phasing of the public toilets has not been possible as part of the development given numerous issues including provision of ongoing utility services to the site.
Is it possible to include a playground? / Proposals do not include a playground as this was not part of the requirements of the scheme.
The library is providing a space for children which needs to be easily accessible but with low risk of children being able to get out onto London road unattended. / The library space will be carefully designed to ensure it is accessible to all. The Children’s library will be a key part of the space and where it is located will be carefully considered to ensure that children can not just run out the front doors and this may well be possible to do through the arrangement of the bookshelves.
The idea of plenty of natural light as proposed is good. / The revised scheme has increased the amount of natural light in the building by further incorporating glass into the spaces to allow light to diffuse further within the building.
Will there be local police support to maintain a suitable environment for all ages? / The designs will take account of “secured by design[1]” and we will ensure that aspects of the design including lighting and visibility, lead to a safe open public space. We are not able to comment on actions by the police.
We need houses at all prices not just executive homes / The proposed scheme will see a mix of houses and prices coming forward.
Also need a smaller affordable hall for public use i.e., clubs, societies etc. / The proposal maintains a smaller hall that is now more versatile than the previous one allowing it to grow and expand as necessary.
The hall as a cinema from time to time / The hall could be used as a cinema subject to whoever operates the facility.
Bicycle sheds would be a good option / Further discussions with planners will help to identify possible locations where this can be included
A commemorative plaque should be facilitated in the new build marking the location of the original RVH / Further enhancements such as these can be considered and would fall part of the detailed furniture fit out element of the project which will follow in due course.
Road layout - one way only to the lorries might well cause problems / The revised designs now include a turning area away from the A26 to allow lorries to turn without obstructing traffic flows on the main road.
Please do not make the building too futuristic with flat roofs and too much glass.
I like the modern twist and open space design. / Glass has been incorporated into the building to ensure people are able to see activity taking place in the facility and help draw people in. The final external materials to be sued on the building will need to be approved by planners and STC before they are decided upon.
Places for commercial business? / Additional retail units have been included as part of the Hub and as part of the wider scheme subject to further discussions with planners.
Please help the football club with any application it wants to make to the F.A. to get extra funding for the pavilion / The revised plan sees a larger football pavilion coming forward but in order to deliver it we will be looking to do a joint application to the FA foundation for additional grant funding.
Improved road crossing along high street / The original proposals all included a crossing on the high street adjacent to the Hub. This has not changed as part of this latest proposal.
Has the proposed supermarket been dropped? / There is no intention to include Tesco as part of this development.
Southborough deserves a museum / The library collection includes local studies material which will be developed as part of the new library layout and we welcome discussion on how this can be developed for the hub. The project will look to work with local history groups about things the hub can do such as for example a history wall.
Cover it in solar panels! / Subject to costs the project will seek to include solar panels where possible but not to detract from the look of the building or High Street.
Light, airy atrium which could be used to show paintings and set up exhibitions / The current proposals allow for a flexible space within the atrium that could be used to show paintings and local exhibitions.
Please keep the bus stop nearby / The revised proposals do not intend to move the location of the bus stop.
Benches that are comfortable to sit on and face south (sunshine) / The scheme will look to incorporate street furniture as part of the final proposals but this element will be dealt with at a later stage of the project and subject to funding.
The football clubs are well established - their views should be foremost / We have undertaken further consultation with the football clubs and as a consequence the location and layout of the proposed pavilion has been completely changed to better suit their needs.
Efforts should be made to obtain removal of the Chinese restaurant building, thereby allowing road-widening and better access / Work has been undertaken to look into the Water Margin which is a listed building directly adjacent the southern boundary of the development. No decision has been taken on any action at this time and discussions are continuing with the planning department.
Catering facilities for local club use of the theatre hall will be needed outside cafe opening hours / Catering facilities for clubs will now be available outside of the café opening hours.


[1]Secured by Design is the official UK Police initiative combining the principles of 'designing out crime' with physical security