ECU Ethnocultural Collective


Table of Contents

1.0 Object

2.0 Membership

3.0 Meetings

4.0 Annual general meeting

5.0 ECU Ethnoclutural Officers

6.0 Suspension or expulsion of members

7.0 Register of club members

8.0 Finance

9.0Changing the constitution

1.0 Object

1.1 The object of theECU Ethnocultural Collective is tobe a platform for culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse students to share their culture, history and stories with likeminded individuals and foster better intercultural relations with the broader community. From market days to cultural events to foreign film screenings and more, enrich your Australian university experience. All culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse people encouraged to join.

2.0 Membership

2.1 The members of the club shall include:

2.1.1All ECU students who identify as culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse

2.2All members who are ECU students have voting rights at all meetings of the CSC.

2.4 Membership shall cease if a member:


2.4.2Is suspended or expelled at the discretion of the club, in accordance with 6.0.

3.0 Meetings

3.1 Officers of the CSC must communicate once a week during the Academic year.

3.2 Meetings of the CSC will be held monthly throughout the Academic year, excluding teaching breaks.

3.3General Meetings of the CSC are open to all members.

3.448 hours’ notice must be given to all general members for all meetings.

3.5CSC meetings must be chaired by an officer of the CSC.

3.6Minutes must be taken all CSC meetings must be and have an attendance record. This must be made available upon request of a club member or an ECU Student Guild Senator.

3.7The CSC will hold an annual general meeting every year.

3.8Quorum for meetings shall be at least three Officers and 2 general members.

4.0 Annual general meeting

4.1The club shall hold an annual general meeting at which club Officers will be elected

4.2The quorum shall consist of the executive of the club plus at least five members.

4.4 Business of the annual general meeting shall include:

4.4.1Confirmation of minutes of previous annual general meeting and minutes arising

4.4.2President’s report

4.4.3Treasurer’s report and statement of account for preceding financial year

4.4.4Election of club officials and members of the committee

4.4.5General business

5.0 ECU Ethnoclutural Officers

5.1The officers of the CSC are elected yearly by the process of CSC vote, consensus decision-making

5.2The Officer positions are:


5.2.2Vice President



5.2.5Guild Liaison

5.3The Officers of the CSC hold the position for one Academic year.

5.4The Officers are responsible for:

5.4.1Being a public figure of the CSC.

5.4.2Organising events for the CSC.

5.4.3Maintaining online presence of the CSC.

5.4.4Attend meetings of the CSC.

5.4.5Monitor CSC email.

5.5A vacant Officer position may be filled by a vote at the next CSC meeting.

6.0 Suspension or expulsion of members

6.1Any member of the club who fails to observe the Constitution of the CSC, or whose conduct, in the interests of the committee, does not observe the objectives of the club may be suspended or expelled from membership of the club.

6.2The CSC must communicate in writing OR orally to the member, notice of the suspension and particulars of the conduct that resulted in the suspension.

6.3The appeal must be heard by the officers of the CSC and the suspended or expelled member must have the opportunity to attend.

7.0 Register of club members

7.1The secretary, on behalf of the CSC, must keep and maintain an up to date register of the members of the association. This register must be made available upon the request of an ECU Student Guild Senator.

7.2The register of members must be updated continuously.

8.0 Finance

8.1The Officers shall ensure true accounts are kept of the monies received and expended.

8.2A balance sheet containing a summary of assets and liabilities of the club, together with a statement of income and expenditure for the preceding year shall be made out and submitted to the next annual general meeting.

8.3The authority to access any bank accounts shall rest with at least two (2) club officers.

8.4A yearly budget must be presented to the CSC for each Academic year.

8.5Change of titles on banks accounts must be maintained with the change of Officers.

8.6The yearly budget shall be provided to the ECU Student Guild

9.0 Changing the constitution

9.1No alteration, addition or amendment of this constitution shall be made unless and until carried by a resolution at any general meeting called for such a purpose. Alternation, addition of adjustment of the constitution may be made by a majority of at least two thirds of the members present.

9.2Notice of the proposed alternation, addition or amendment shall be given.
