M-FUGEApplication Form: June27 – July 2, 2016

Dear potential missionary,

Thanks for your interest in joining PUMC’s summer mission trip with M-Fuge. This could be an incredible experience for you. You will have a chance to spend time with people who may be from a different culture and background than you. You will be stretched in Bible study and in worship. You will work closely together with Christian teens from all over the country. You’ll come away with a better understanding of serving in Jesus’ name.

Before you fill out the application form, please understand that there are expectations involved in being a part of the M-Fuge Mission team. Our basic assumption is that all team members are active servants on the team. Everyone will be given a specific ministry in Philadelphia based on their gifts and interests. There will be work involved in preparing for the trip. Everyone – youth and adults – will be asked to exercise leadership, discipline and a servant heart. Please review these other specific expectations.

Mission Team Member Requirements

  • Mission Team Building Meetings: All team members must attend the team meetings. These meetings include important spiritual and practical preparation for the mission trips, and help team-members work well together before they leave town.
  • Fund-raising: All team members must be involved in the fund-raisers (such as Candy Making, Super Bowl Sub sale, Flea Marketand others) or else make a comparable financial contribution to the fund-raising pool. It is also highly recommended that you consider sharing your services (e.g. baby-sitting, cleaning, painting etc.) to your neighbors and family in exchange for a donation of their choice.
  • Personal Financial Contribution:All team members will contribute $150 initially to pay for registration, and to demonstrate commitment to being part of the team. Applications and funds are due January 17, 2016. If our fund-raising falls short, in spite of our efforts, team members will be asked to make a further contribution to make up the difference.
  • Christian Attitude: A summer mission trip is not a vacation. It involves fun and travel, but the purpose is to share the love of Christ with others. A Christian attitude includes willingness to sacrifice, grow, be challenged, reach out to others, worship, love others when it’s difficult, and submit to Christian codes of behavior, speech and dress.

The M-Fuge mission is open to youth who have completed 6thup through high school. Graduated high school students may apply to join the team and will be treated as apprentices. Adult leaders will be selected carefully. The team will be selected on the basis of these applications. If the $150 cost of registration is an obstacle to your family, speak with John Marrine, and he will do what we can to make an arrangement to assist you. Please keep in mind, that you are still required to be at meetings and fundraisers.

Please fill out the application attached, sign the Mission Covenant and return these along with the $150 deposit no later than January 17, 2016.

M-FUGEApplication Form:June 27–July 2, 2016

Personal information (please print clearly)

Name: ______Address:______

Phone number: ______

Email: ______

Parents/Guardians: ______

Email: ______Phone number: ______

Gender (circle one): FemaleMale

(If you’re an adult and shy about your age, please just indicate “adult”)

Birthday: ______Age:______Grade (if in school): _____

Profession (if not in school): ______

Mission Related Questions

  1. Describe your current relationship with God. How will this trip help to better this relationship?
  1. Why do you want to go on this Mexico Outreach mission trip? What do you hope to gain?

M-FUGE Mission Team Covenant

I, ______(print your name), have read the expectations for summer mission team members. I feel that I will be able to abide by those expectations. I make a commitment to be part of at least two-thirds of the team meetings and fund-raisers (or, as an adult, I will make a reasonable personal contribution toward my team’s mission budget). I will do my best to have a Christian attitude as I prepare for the trip and as I am on mission during the summer. I am going because I want to know and love Jesus Christ better and to serve others on his behalf.

As a sign of my commitment to be part of the M-Fuge mission team, I include a deposit check for $150 towards the costs of registration(checks should be made out to Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church). Checks will not be deposited until team selections are made.

By God’s grace, I will do all I can to honor Jesus Christ as part of the M-Fuge Team, going to Philadelphia, PA in the summer of 2016.



Sign your nameParent/guardian’s signature (if under 18)

