Ector County ISD




DATE ISSUED: 09/10/2018



Ector County ISD




Therecordsmanagement officer,incooperationwithdepartment headsandrecordsliaisonofficers,will preparerecordscontrol schedulesonadepartment-by-departmentbasis,listingallrecords createdorreceivedbythedepartment andtheretentionperiodfor each record. Recordscontrolscheduleswillalsocontainsuch oth- erinformationregardingthedispositionofDistrictrecordsasmay berequiredbytherecordsmanagementplan.

Eachrecordscontrolschedulewillbemonitored andamended, as appropriate,bytherecordsmanagementofficertoensurethatitis incompliance withrecordsretentionschedules issuedbythestate andthatitcontinuestoreflecttherecordkeeping proceduresand needsofthedepartmentandtherecordsmanagement programof theDistrict.

Arecordscontrolschedulethathasbeenapprovedandadopted foradepartmentwillbeimplemented bydepartmentheadsand recordsliaisonofficersaccordingtothepoliciesandprocedures of therecordsmanagementplan.

Therecordsmanagementofficerwilldevelopprocedurestoensure thatappropriate recordcontrolschedulesareappliedtoelectroni- callystoredinformationbasedonthecontentoftheinformation. Forthispurpose,therecordsmanagement officerwillexploresys- temstoefficientlymanageelectronicallystoredinformation, includ- ingsorting,storage,retrieval,anddestruction.

A recordforwhichtheretentionperiodhasexpiredwillbede- stroyedunlessa Public Informationrequestis pendingon the record,thesubjectmatteroftherecordispertinent topendingor reasonably anticipated litigation,thesubjectmatteroftherecordis pertinenttoaninvestigation byafederalagencyordepartmentor anybankruptcycase, orthedepartmenthead requestsinwritingto therecordsmanagementcommitteethattherecordberetainedfor anadditionalperiod.

Therecords centerwillbeunderthedirectcontrolandsupervision oftherecordsmanagement officer. Policiesandproceduresregu- latingtheoperations anduseoftherecordscenterwillbecon- tainedintherecordsmanagementplan.

DATE ISSUED: 09/10/2018



Ector County ISD




The campus principal is ultimately responsible for student records on their campus. The principal may select a Campus Records Designee to act on his behalf.

The following are the guidelines for the Campus Records Designee:

a.Must keep an accurate record of all student records on campus

b.NEVER make a new folder for a student that has previously been in the District. Make sure to request the folder from the last campus. You will need to pick up the file within 7 days of your request

c.Must keep the following items in the students’ cumulative file:

1.Record of Access to Student’s record

2.Permanent Record Card, elementary

3.Student Information Card (original with parent signature)

4.Cumulative Grades Records (CGR) for elementary and middle school

5.Academic Achievement Record (AAR). Print this record as needed from iTCCS (grades 9 – 12)

6.Health/Immunization record

7.Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten and grades 1 – 12 report cards (most current report card for each school year)

8.Copy of student’s birth documentation, social security card, and photo I.D. of parent/guardian. These items are required for PEIMS purposes

9.Home Language Survey card (HLS)

10.Most recent ECISD Notification of Zero Tolerance, Cell Phone Use, Acceptable Use, and other Policies (These documents can be filed outside of the student folder)

11.Ethnicity and Race Data Questionnaire

12.Profile of Students Educational Assessment folder (K-6 test scores)

13.Testing Card (7 – 12) test scores may include STAAR/TAKS, EOC, ACT, SAT, etc.)

14.Legal documents of name change, custody, power of attorney, etc.

15.Leaver documentation from middle school or high school, includes: Student Permanent Record Leaver Documentation (includes final AAR), most recent student information card, student withdrawal/transfer form, withdrawal card

16.Compensatory Education/Federal Program (504)

17.At-Risk Student Profile

18.Personal Graduation Plan (PGP) form for At-Risk 6-12 grade students

19.Personal Graduation Plan (PGP) form for 9th grade students

20.Statement of Protest

21.ECISD Director Information Release Form

22.Yellow Ten Parent Related Services (TPRS) folder

23.Parent Permission and Waiver Form

24.Gifted/Talented Identification Letter (Your campus will receive a letter from Advanced Academics with instructions requiring the letter to be placed in the student file by a specific date each year.)

d.If the student is served by the Bilingual/ESL program, the LPAC orange folder withinthe cumulative folder should contain the list of required documents that can be located on Sharepoint under the Bilingual/ESL department and Forms

e.Must keep a file sign out and in sheet

f.When requesting a file, a campus must request from the previous campus before requesting from the records warehouse

g.Must verify all files that are sent out or that are incoming. This must be signed and dated and a copy must be kept in your records to protect against losing files

h.Must place all loose material that was not previously filed (test scores, etc.) in the file prior to the file leaving your campus. It is your responsibility to make sure that materials are in the file and not left lying at a desk or other places.

i.Must never send a student file through the inter-office mail, as it has a student ID number, name and other identifying factors on it.

j.Must be responsible to pick up files from other locations where you have requested within 7 days or less.

k.Must have requested files ready when other campus personnel come to pick them up

l.The file must remain in order as shown above by the cumulative file list

m.Must send out of district requests within the 7 day mandated period. All Texas districts should be requesting information through T-Rex; please upload the requested documents to T-Rex. If for some reason the folder has been centralized then you need to e-mail the Records Liaison or Records Clerk and let them know to complete it. Do not reject it! If the information is requested via fax from another state then send it back via fax. Keep all fax confirmation forms with your records.

n.High school campus registrars must notify the records department of late graduates that have been updated with a graduation date after state testing

o.Elementary files will stay on their campus until requested by the middle school campus or a new elementary campus. They will not be centralized

p.Middle school files will stay on their campus until requested by the high school campus. They will NOTbe centralized

q.High school graduate files will be sent to the records warehouse two weeks after the summer graduates are added. All files must have all information prior to centralization

r.All campuses will centralize their inactive files to the records warehouse the first week of October of each school year

s.You make keep the student file at the home campus if the student is placed at the Alternative Center for less than 40 days. The Alternative Center may request information or copies out of the file for these short term placements. If the student receives a 40, 80 or 180 day placement, the files must be sent to the AlternativeCenter. If the file is not transferred due to a short term placement, the Alternative Center is responsible for taking all required documents to the home campus and placing the information in the student file

DATE ISSUED: 09/10/2018