Please read this carefully before you begin your grant application

Before you fill in this form please make sure that both your organisation and your activity meet ALL of the generaleligibilitycriteria set out in the Supporting Guidance Notes accompanying this application form. If your organisation or your activity does not meet all of the criteria then it will not be possible for us to consider your application. We have also provided specific question by question guidance in the Help with Completing your Application Form document. Please ensure you take the time to read both documents before you start.

Your activity or project will need to contribute directly to at leastONE of the priorities identified in our Supporting Guidance Notes. You are only eligible to apply for Central Gateway Grants if you are an organisation that is providing significant infrastructure support to other third sector organisations. Please see our definition of 'significant' infrastructure support in the Supporting Guidance Notes.

If one of the main purposes of your organisation is infrastructure support you may want to consider submitting an Expression of Interest Form for Developing a Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme.

Where possible please submit your application electronically, but ensure you also post a signed hard copy of the Agreement Form on page 23-24.

If you would like to talk about your application or require further advice in regard to eligibility please call a member of the grants team on 01772 530818 or email

The deadline for applications is 5.00pm on Friday1 April 2016. Please return your application form via email if possible at and a signed copy of the funding agreement to the address below:

Misbah Mahmood

Grants Programme Manager

Legal and Democratic Services

Lancashire County Council

2nd Floor CCP

County Hall



Central Gateway Grants Application Form 2016/18
Your contact details
Full name of your organisation
Name of the person we should write to when contacting your organisation (Main Contact), please include your title
Their role/position in the organisation, such as Manager, Director
Your organisation’s address
I would like all correspondence to be sent to these details / Main contact’s address (if different)
I would like all correspondence to be sent to these details
Postcode: / Postcode:
Telephone: / Telephone:
Email: / Email:
Mobile: / Mobile:
If your organisation has a website please provide us with the website address.
Lancashire County Council makes payments direct to your organisation's bank account. Please enter your correct bank details and enclose a copy of your organisation's current bank statement. If you are successful, we will pay your grant directly into your bank account.
Name of Bank
Title of Account
Branch Address
Sort Code
Account Number
Ref (if applicable)
About your Organisation
Please tell us which of the following best describes your organisation? Please tick all that apply.
A Voluntary Not for Profit Organisation
A Registered Charity (number )
Awaiting Registered Charity Status
A Company Limited by Guarantee
Community Interest Group
Social Enterprise
Cooperative or Mutual
Other, please specify.
Governance Arrangements
Please enclose the following documents with your application. Please tick all the documents you are enclosing. Documents marked with a star * are essential and must be provided. We will not chase essential documentation, if it has not been provided your application will be deemed ineligible. If you have ticked other boxes to show that you have them, then please ensure you supply a copy of the policy. If you have not ticked a box and not supplied the policy, we will assume your organisation does not have it. Please note, where your application for funding involves work with children/vulnerable adults your organisation mustsupply a child/vulnerable adult protection policy or we will not be able to consider your application
*Copy of the most recent published accounts (audited where appropriate)
*Bank Statement
*Constitution/set of rules/governing document
*Your organisation's business plan
*Child/Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy (essential if working with children/vulnerable adults)
Annual Report for previous year
Equal opportunities policy/strategy Have
Working towards, to be completed by
Environmental policy Have
Working towards, to be completed by
Complaints procedure Have
Working towards, to be completed by
Quality Assurance Scheme Have
Working towards, to be completed by
How does your organisation help to promote equality and inclusion?
Question 1(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 2)
Briefly describe your organisation’s main aims, objectives and activities.
Question 2(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 2)
Please tick which one of the following two statements describes what kind of organisation you are?
Option 1 - An infrastructure organisation where one of the main purposes/objectives is to provide support to other third sector organisations.
Option 2 - An organisation that delivers a service, but provides significant infrastructure support to other third sector organisations.
If you have ticked Option 2 tell us below how long your organisation has been providing significant infrastructure support to other third sector organisations.
Question 3(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 2)
Will your organisation be submitting an Expression of Interest for delivering the Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme?
Please refer to the Supporting Guidance Notes for more information on the Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme.
If you have ticked Yes, please tell us how you have submitted your Interest
Please refer to the Supporting Guidance Notes for more information on the Countywide Infrastructure Model
As an individual organisation
As part of a consortium of bids with other organisations
Provide brief details of your Expression of Interest
Question 4(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 2)
Explain how your organisation meets our definition of 'strategic funding' as defined in our Supporting Guidance Notes?
Your organisation must be able to meet our definition of strategic in order to be eligible to apply for Central Gateway Grants.
Question 5(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 3)
Explain what your organisation does to provide infrastructure support to other third sector organisations across Lancashire or in your surrounding area?
Please refer to the definition of infrastructure organisation (as defined in the Glossary section) or significant infrastructure support in the Supporting Guidance Notes.
Question 6(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 4)
Provide a list of all the third sector organisations that your organisation provides infrastructure support to.
If this list is too long, or you are an infrastructure organisation please attach a copy of your membership list in the supporting documentation. Note – we may contact any of these organisations to confirm the level of support your organisation has provided to them.
Question 7(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 4)
Which district(s) area will directly benefit from this funding?
Only tick those districts where there will be DIRECT benefit to other third sector organisations and residents of Lancashire.
Burnley Chorley Fylde Hyndburn
Lancaster Pendle Preston Ribble Valley
Rossendale South Ribble West Lancashire Wyre
What is your proposed activity for each of the districts you have ticked above?
Detail information for each of the districts you have ticked above, use additional paper if necessary.
Question 8(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 4)
Tell us the start and end date of your project or activity?
If your activity is an ongoing project or has no specific start or end date please provide details
Intended Start Date:
Intended End Date:
Question 9(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 5)
How would you describe the activity that you are requesting funding for?
New activity/project
Ongoing activity/project
One off activity/project
Assistance towards staff salaries
Assistance towards core costs
Other, Please specify:
Question 10(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 5)
How much money are you asking Lancashire County Council for?
Please specify how much money you are asking from the County Council. You may either apply for a one off amount if your application is for a one off project, or if you are applying for core costs or ongoing costs you can apply for funding for up to 2 years. You may only apply for a maximum of 75% of project costs.
One off request for funding for 2016/17 / £
One off request for funding for 2017/18 / £
OR Request for 2 year funding
Amount requested for 2016/17 / £
Amount requested for 2017/18 / £
What is the total cost of your activity? £
How much of the total cost (in % figure) are you requesting from LCC (Max 75%)?
If you are not asking the County Council for the full cost of the activity, where is the rest of your funding coming from? Tell us about any match funding you will receive for this project and whether it is anticipated or confirmed
How much? / Funding period / Funder/Applied or Confirmed?
If you are receiving any contribution to this activity In Kind, please detail this below:
How much? / Funding period / Details of In Kind Support
Question 11(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 5)
What will you spend the funding on?
Please be clear and specific about what the funding will be used for.
Question 12(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 6)
Please provide a financial breakdown of the total funding you are applying for to show how much you intend to spend in each of the following broad areas (please state £0 if not applicable)
Funding Area / Amount
Staff salaries or support costs. / £
Towards your organisation's core running costs e.g.
Other (specify) Click here to enter text. / £
Consumable resources (including materials for projects and stationery) / £
Equipment / £
Publicity material and other printing / £
Training / £
Management charges / £
Miscellaneous other costs, please specify: / £
Total Cost / £
Question 13(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 6)
If this application for funding is not supported, what impact will this have on the third sector organisations you aim to support and in turn what impact will this have on the residents of Lancashire?
Question 14(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 6)
If this application for funding is awarded less than, or for only a percentage of, what you have requested, will the project still continue as intended?
It is possible, that your application could be supported, but not for the full amount of funds that you have requested. If this happens, we need to know if you can continue with your project.
Question 15(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 6)
Are you a member of a consortium of organisations?
Please refer to the Supporting Guidance Notes for a definition of consortium.
If so, provide details of which consortium you are a member of, and the support you already receive from the consortium:
If you are part of a consortium, are you awaiting the results of a bid by the consortium?
Not applicable
If so, provide details and the anticipated level of support you expect to receive if the bid is successful?
Is your organisation anticipating any other support for your infrastructure work? Give details.
For example other funding/resources or support in any other form.
Question 16(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 7)
Please tick at least ONE of the following key priorities your project or activity will meet.
Please refer to the Supporting Guidance Notes; your application must meet a minimum of one of our priorities.
Support the Further Education sector to improve the employability of Lancashire’sworkforce
Develop an effective economic growthprogramme with an increased emphasis on ourmost deprived communities
Promote the living wage
Support Lancashire Enterprise Partnership toimprove the economy and reduce deprivation
Deliver the Strategic Economic Plan forLancashire
Work with partners to deliver new homes andessential infrastructure
Implement the Preston, South Ribble andLancashire City Deal
Invest in Lancashire’s town and city centres
Implement Lancashire’s five Highways and Transport Masterplans
Invest to improve the condition of our roadsand footways
Invest in green infrastructure to make it easierand safer to cycle and walk to work, schooland local services
Promote and protect Lancashire’s naturalenvironment
Support green energy solutions in Lancashireand reduce the council’s own energy use
Maximise the diversion of waste from landfill Support communities in Lancashire to become self-resilient
Work in partnership with all other agencies to make local communities strong, self-reliant and cohesive
Help people to improve their physical and mental health through early assessment and treatment that enables them to live independently
Provide quality care at home
Support families and carers in their choice of health and social care to help them maintain their independence
Ensure sufficient high quality, affordableresidential care throughout Lancashire
Provide children, families and adults withsupport to prevent the need for crisisinterventions and minimise the number ofchildren and young people in care
Protect our most vulnerable children and adultsfrom avoidable harm
Ensure the children we look after have the beststart in life
Provide enough school places throughoutLancashire
Support all Lancashire schools to be good or outstanding
Work with schools and families to narrow thegap in educational attainment from Key Stage 2to Key Stage 4
Develop a programme to reduce the number ofLancashire citizens aged 16 or over who haveno qualifications
Support the Further Education sector to improve the employability of Lancashire’sworkforce
Develop an effective economic growthprogramme with an increased emphasis on ourmost deprived communities
Promote the living wage
Support Lancashire Enterprise Partnership toimprove the economy and reduce deprivation
Deliver the Strategic Economic Plan forLancashire
Work with partners to deliver new homes andessential infrastructure
Implement the Preston, South Ribble andLancashire City Deal
Invest in Lancashire’s town and city centres
Implement Lancashire’s five Highways and Transport Masterplans
Invest to improve the condition of our roadsand footways
Invest in green infrastructure to make it easierand safer to cycle and walk to work, schooland local services
Promote and protect Lancashire’s naturalenvironment
Support green energy solutions in Lancashireand reduce the council’s own energy use
Maximise the diversion of waste from landfill
Tell us how your work will help to meet the priority(s) you have identified above.
Please refer to the Supporting Guidance Notes for further information. If you have ticked more than one priority please tell us how your work will support each of the priorities you have ticked.
Question 17(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 8)
What is the need for your proposed activity or project and how have you identified that need?
Tell us why there is a need for your project or activity to take place and how you have identified this need for example, by community consultation, user feedback, other factors etc.
Question 18(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 8)
Tell us about the beneficiaries for the project/activity for each district you have said will directly benefit from this project/activity.
If you are unable to provide exact figures then please provide a realistic estimate.
District / No. of organisations that will benefit / No. of people (residents) that will benefit
Ribble Valley
South Ribble
West Lancashire
Provide us with details on how you calculated the figures, i.e. what assumptions have you made if any.
Question 19(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 8)
Please say what you expect the outcomes of the work to be and how you will measure the success of them?
This is important. Provide clear and defined outcomes that can be measured. Please refer to the Help for Completing your Application Form notes.
Question 20(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 9)
How will you monitor and evaluate this project/activity to check you are meeting the desired outcome(s) as detailed above?
Question 21(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 9)
Please summarise the key milestones for your project.
If possible breakdown your project or activity into a number of milestones which are easily identifiable
Question 22(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 10)
What steps will you put in place if the identified outcomes are not achieved or the key milestones are delayed?
Question 23(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 10)
Please detail how you intend to sustain your activity/project once the funding has expired and what steps will you put in place to continue the project if it is on-going?
Question 24(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 10)
Please tell us what activities your organisation is currently involved in that are helping to build the sustainability of the organisation to become more self-resilient. If your organisation isnot currently involved in any activities like this what plans will you put in place to help build the sustainability of the organisation?
Question 25(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 10)
Please tell us how your organisation will publicise and promote this project or activity to other third sector organisations and residents of Lancashire?
Question 26(see Help with completing your Application Form, page 11)