1218 Walnut Street

Suite 803

Philadelphia, PA 19107

(215) 284-8103


Tennis Block Party – We are targeting Sunday, May 17th for our third annual SPTC Tennis Block Party, a ‘tennis party for non-tennis players' that exposes new, lapsed and existing players to the game in a fun manner and to the unparalleled health and social benefits of tennis. The event features four hours of tennis instruction, interactive games and attractions. This event is for children & adults.

Seger Match Page – A web page on our web site which lists players and their skill levels, times available to play, and associated commentary. Local players are prompted to email their details to our webmaster for posting on the page and are encouraged to contact others on the page for tennis-playing purposes. See: .

Challenge Ladder – The purpose of a tennis challenge ladder is to allow all tennis players, from the beginning novice to the serious, experienced player, to meet and play other tennis enthusiasts at their own skill levels. Whether you play only occasionally, "just for fun," or prefer to compete several times a week, you can meet others at your level. You will also have the opportunity to improve your play by challenging others who are slightly more advanced. See: .

2.5 Team Tennis – First started in 2008, this is a modified format of the team tennis played by the WTT. This format is scaled down a bit to accommodate the availability of players & their demanding off-court schedules.