Appendix E


May 2005

Note: Report references are included at the end of each individual report. The references provided below are grouped by topic.

Ecosystem Valuation

Allen, Jeff, et al. “The Value of California Wetlands”, August 1992.

Apogee Research, Inc. Monetary Measurement of Environmental Goods and Services: Framework and Summary of Techniques for Corps Planners. USACE IWR Report 96-R-24 (Evaluation of Environmental Investments Program), November 1996.

Cole, R.A., J.B. Loomis, T.D. Feather, and D.F. Capan. Linkages Between Environmental Outputs and Human Services. USACE IWR Report 96-R-6(Evaluation of Environmental Investments Program), February 1996.

Contra Costa Times, “Plan to revive chinook run carries a price of $475 for each residentand that’s the cost for just one city in the Puget Sound area, “ February 28, 1999.

Feather, Timothy, et al. Review of Monetary and Nonmonetary Valuation of Environmental Investments. USACE IWR Report 95-R-2 (Evaluation of Environmental Investments Program), February 1996.

Freeman, A.M. The Benefits of Environmental Improvement. Resources for the Future, 1979.

Gregerson, Hans, et al. Valuing Forests: Context, Issues, and Guidelines, 1995, pgs.


Hufschmidt, Maynard M.; James, David E.; Meister, Anton D.; Bower, Blair T.; and Dixon, John A. Environment, Natural Systems and Development: An Economic Valuation Guide, East - West Environment and Policy Institute, 1983.

King, Dennis and Mazzotta, Marisa. Ecosystem Valuation (website).


Leschine, Thomas, et al., Washington State Department of Ecology, The Economic Value of Wetlands: Wetlands Role in Flood Protection in Western Washington, October 1997.

Morrison, Jim. “How Much Is Clean Water Worth?” National Wildlife, Feb/Mar 2005, vol. 43 no 2.

NationalAcademies, Valuing Ecosystem Services: Toward Better environmental Decision-Making, 2005.

National Park Service, Economic Impacts of Protecting Rivers, Trails and Greenway Corridors, 1995.

Floodplain Management Policies

CA Department of Water Resources, “Flood warnings: Responding to California’s Flood Crisis”, January 2005.

CA Floodplain Management Task Force, California Floodplain Management Report, December 2002

Galloway, Gerald. Sharing The Challenge: Floodplain Management Into The 21st Century. Interagency Floodplain Management Review Committee, June 1994.

Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force, Protecting Floodplain Resources: A Guidebook for Communities, June 1996

MOM/Watershed Planning

Association of State Floodplain Managers, Inc., Using Multi-Objective Management to Reduce Flood Losses in Your Watershed, 1996.

California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. California General Plan Guidelines, Appendix C: Floodplain Management, November 1998.

Community Coalition for a NapaRiver Flood Management Plan, Goals and Objectives For A “Living” NapaRiver System(DRAFT), July 1992.

Environmental Law Institute. Our National Wetland Heritage: A Protection Guide, 1996

Heimlich, Ralph E., et al. Wetlands and Agriculture: Private Interests and Public Benefits, September 1998.

L.C. Lee & Associates, Inc., A Preliminary Framework for Assessing the Functions of Waters of the U.S., Including Wetlands in the Santa Margarita Watershed, Riverside and San Diego Counties, California, July 1994.

Napa County Resource Conservation District, Napa River Watershed Owners Manual: An Integrated Resource Management Plan, undated.

National Research Council, Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems, 1995.

National Wildlife Federation. Higher Ground: A Report on Voluntary Property Buyouts in the Nation’s Floodplains, July 1998.

Riley, Anne L. Restoring Streams in Cities: A Guide for Planners, Policymakers, and

Citizens, 1998.

Sacramento Bee, “Last-minuteAgreementSavesHeadwatersForest, “ March 2, 1999.

Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basins Comprehensive Study. Administrative Draft InterimReport, January 1999.

Scodari, Paul. Measuring the Benefits from Federal Wetland Programs, 1997.

Smythe, Thomas. Overview of Middle Creek Ecosystem Restoration Project (undated)

Streiner, Carol F. and Loomis, John B. “Estimating the Benefits of Urban Stream Restoration Using the Hedonic Price Method”, Rivers, Vol. 5, Number 4 (pgs 267-278), 1996.

Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Our Changing Nature: Natural Resource Trends in WashingtonState, 1998.


Economics Guidance

Ecosystem Valuation


President’s Office of Management and Budget, Circular A-94: Guidelines and Discount Rates for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Federal Programs, (October 29, 1992)

(Note: this is guidance for federal agencies NOT involved with water and land resources projects)

USACE Planning Manual, Planning Guidance Notebook (ER 1105-2-100) and other Corps planning and economics guidance may be found at:

USACE Institute of Water Resources’ software and research reports available at:

US Bureau of Reclamation, various Planning Instructions (for example, Planning Instruction No 82-03: Recreation, Fish and Wildlife Benefits). USBR guidance is not as centralized and codified as the Corps’; assistance concerning USBR guidance can be obtained through their EconomicsTechnicalSupportCenter:

US Water Resources Council, Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies, March 10, 1983

(Note: this is guidance for federal agencies which are involved with water and land resources projects)

Organization Websites

CA Department of Water Resources Floodplain Management

CA Department of Water Resources Economic Analysis

Governor’s Office of Emergency Services

Governor’s Office of Planning and Research


Natural Resources Conservation Service

National Park Service

US Army Corps of Engineers

US Environmental Protection Agency