The Faith Bible Study

  1. People are able to have faith in many different things but there is only one faith that lasts. The Bible reveals what faith is and what is the basis of lasting faith.
  2. According to 1 Corinthians 2:2-5 what must our faith rest upon?______. What must our faith not rest upon?______.
  3. According to Galatians 3:6 what did Abraham do in order to have faith and be counted righteous?______.
  4. According to Hebrews 11:1 what are the two elements of the definition of faith?______. How does this go beyond simply believing something exists?______.
  5. According to 1 John 3:23 in whom are we to believe and rest our faith upon?______.
  1. We must also consider God’s view of those who lack faith.
  2. According to Matthew 17:18-20 what were the disciples unable to do because of their lack of faith?______.
  3. According to Romans 14:23 if something does not come from faith what is it in God’s view?______.
  4. According to Hebrews 11:6 what is the consequence if we do not have faith?______.
  5. According to James 1:5-8 what is a person called who does not have faith when petitioning God?______. What can he expect from his prayers?______.
  6. According to James 2:17-18 what should faith produce in people?______. What is faith without this?______.
  1. There also needs to be an understanding of how we obtain faith.
  2. According to Luke 17:5 how did the apostles go about obtaining faith?______.
  3. According to John 5:45-47 what can we do to increase our faith in Jesus (Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible)?______.
  4. According to John 6:28-29 what can we do in order to increase our faith? ______.
  5. According to Acts 20:21 what is the thing that we need to do before we have faith in Jesus?______.
  6. According to Romans 10:9-10 what is the part of us that believes and, therefore, receives faith?______.
  7. According to Romans 10:17 how does faith come to us from God?______.
  8. According to Hebrews 12:2 where must we have our eyes if we are going to develop faith?______.
  1. It is important to consider what faith does in and through us.
  2. According to 2 Chronicles 20:20 what are two things that will happen for us when we have faith?______.
  3. According to Matthew 9:29-30 what happened to the two blind men when they had faith in Jesus?______.
  4. According to Mark 9:23 what did Jesus say about people that believe (in him completely)?______.
  5. According to Luke 18:8 what is the one thing Jesus will be looking for when he returns to the earth?______. Why do you think this is the case?______.
  6. According to John 5:24 what are two things that happen for the person who has faith in Jesus?______. Has this happened for you?______.
  7. According to John 12:46 what will happen for people who put their faith in Jesus?______.
  8. According to Romans 1:17 what comes to us through faith?______. How are Christians to live?______. What does this mean?______.
  9. According to Galatians 5:6 what is the only thing that counts to God?______. How does this happen?______.
  10. According to Ephesians 2:8-9 what is accomplished for us by faith?______. How is this not accomplished?______.
  11. According to Ephesians 3:12 when we have faith in the Lord what can we do?______. What does that mean to you?______.
  12. According to Ephesians 6:16 what are we able to do when we have faith as a protective shield in our lives?______.
  13. According to Hebrews 11:33-38 list at least 12 amazing things that people were able to do because of their immovable faith in Jesus?______. What does that tell us about the strength of faith in Jesus?______.
  14. According to Hebrews 11:39-40 what is the end result for all those who have faith in the Lord?______.
  15. According to 1 John 5:4-5 what is the result of having faith in Jesus?______. Can you list some things that you would like to overcome in your life through faith in Jesus?______. Now pray for the Lord to give you faith so that these things can be overcome.