Economics & World History

Room 3107

Shawna O’Dell Tutoring: Mon-Fri: 7:00 a.m.

Thurs: 2:45 p.m.

281-641-6539 .

Email: shawna.O’

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian:

Economics is a one-semester course designed for senior students as an overview of microeconomics and macroeconomics. There is an emphasis on consumer economics providing students with a basic understanding of the banking system, credit card industry and the business community as a whole.

World History is a year long course designed to give students an overview of world cultures, the beginning of civilizations, and world history.


Tests: 60%

Quizzes/Daily work: 40%

Projects: Test grade

Students will be given a six-week syllabus to help them prepare for class. This syllabus will include test dates and assignment due dates. I strongly urge students to refer to this schedule. No late projects will be accepted.

Absences and Make-up Work

The make-up policy, as addressed in the student handbook, will be strictly followed. The syllabus will include make-up assignments for students that are absent for any reason. The student is responsible for any missed work,assignments and/or notes. Upon request, I will be available before or after school to help students. Please note that make-up work will be a different assignment from what was given in class. This includes tests. All make-up tests will be essay format. Students have one week to make up a test, after that it will be a 0.


Binder with 4 dividers (daily, tests, vocabulary, notes)

Spiral notebook for journal



The parent/student letter and the syllabus are required to be in the front of the notebook at all times. All returned papers and work will be kept in this notebook. A notebook test grade will be taken at the end of the semester. I will periodically check the notebooks during the semester for a daily grade. Students are required and expected to bring their notebook and book to class every day unless otherwise instructed.

Vocabulary Assignments

Vocabulary terms will be a required assignment for each chapter covered in class unless otherwise instructed. Vocab is due at the beginning of class on Test Day.

The proper format is as follows:

  1. Title-Ex: Chapter 1 Vocabulary
  2. Skip a line between terms
  3. Number consecutively from 1-? down the page
  4. Write the full definition

There will be a 10 point deduction for each infraction of the proper format. Vocabulary terms can be found at the beginning of each chapter section. Knowing and understanding the vocabulary terms is the key to success in this class.

Class assignments and homework

All homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the due date. Any work turned in after I have requested it will be considered late. Late work will be graded as per handbook policy. Class work that is given during class is expected to be turned in by the end of that class period. If a student is present there will be no make-up work in-class assignment.

There are no foods or drinks allowed in class (except bottled water)

No cell phones or other personal electronic equipment allowed in class

I have many fun and interesting activities and projects planned this semester. My goal is to ensure that all students are successful in my class. Please feel free to contact me any time you have questions about your child’s progress. I will be contacting you should the need arise so please fill out the following page and return it as soon as possible. I look forward to working with your child this semester as they prepare for jobs, college, and adult life.


Shawna O’Dell

(Please check the website for updates)


(Keep in your binder/notebook)