Gregg Schwendner
1441 Payne St.
Wichita, KS 67203
University of Michigan, Classical Studies, PhD., 1988, MA, 1978, BA, 1977
Areas of Specialization
Greek and Roman Poetry, Greek and Roman Cultural History, Papyrology
Teaching Experience (post-PhD)
2006 Lecturer Wichita State University
1998-present High School Teacher, Wichita Independent, Upper School
Latin and German
1998-2002, 2005 Adjunct Lecturer Wichita State University
1996-1997 Sessional Instructor York University (Toronto, Ontario)
1993-1994 Sessional Instructor University of Windsor
1994 (Fall) Lecturer Wayne State University
1992-1993 Lecturer University of California, Santa Cruz
1990-1991 Visiting Assistant Professor University of Utah
1989-1990 CLTA (=Visiting Asst. Prof.) McMaster University
1988-1989 Lecturer University of Pennsylvania
1) Chapter, Conference proceeding: “Under Homer’s Spell: Bilingualism, Oracular Magic, and the Michigan Excavation of Dimê” in Leda Ciraolo and Jonathan Seidel edd., Magic and Divination in the Ancient World (Ancient Magic and Divination II; Leiden: Brill, 2002) pp. 107-118;
2) Contibrution to a mongraph A new text and translation of NT P46 (Mich.): The Epistles of St Paul in The Evolution of the English Bible: from Papyri to King James, Supplemental Transcriptions and Translations (Univ. of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor 1997) pp. 30-59,78-79, 136-167.
3) Journal Article, co-authored “Seneca’s Medea in Egypt (663-704),” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 117 (1997), 73-80, with D. Markus;
Contributions to a Monograph, co-authored: The Dossier of a Minor Ptolemaic Official: Peteminis alias Ptolemaios in T. Gagos and C. Römer edd., Michigan Papyri, volume XVIII (Studia Amstelodamensia XXXVI, Amsterdam: J.C Gieben, 1996), with A. Loftus:
4) Overview of 769-81, Papyri Recovered from Cartonnage (pp. 89-97)
5) 776. Report of Violence (pp. 139-43)
6) 777. Bid to Sell Beer at Mouchis (pp. 145-49)
7) 778. Petition to the Dioiketes (pp. 151-57)
8) 779. Petition to the Sub-Dioiketes (pp. 159-61) 111
9) 780 A. Official Notice of Non-Payment (pp. 163-5)
10) 780 B. Fragment of an Petition to the King? (pp. 166);
11) Journal Article, co-authored: “An Enteuxis from the Zenon Archive from a Female Plaintiff,” Ancient Society 25 (1994), 141-149 with P.J. Sijpesteijn;
12) “Book Review: L. Lehnus, Bibliografia Callimachea, 1489-1989,” Phoenix XLVII.3 (1993) 159-61;
13) Note“P.Duke G 1984.5: A Ghost Name and A New Date,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 72 (1988).
Contribution to Congress Proceedings: “Literature and Literacy at Karanis: Maps of Reading” submitted to Proceedings of the XXIVth International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki Finland.
Review Article: John Lundon, The Scholia Minora in Homerum: An Alphabetical List; Helmut van Thiel, Scholia D in Iliadem secundem manu scriptos Pp. 583; Helmut van Thiel, ΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΟΜΕΡΙΚΑΙ proecdosis correctior (2005) Pp. 145; Ursula Hagedorn, Das sogenannte „Kyrill“-Lexikon in der Fassung der Handschrift E (Codex Bremensis G 11) 1. Fassung, 2005. Pp. 491, (Bryn Mawr Classical Review)
Book Projects
co-editor with T MacKay, Daniel Graham, James L Siebach, Didymus the Blind, Commentary on Psalms found at Tura, quire 8 (PsT BYU)
An Archaeological Guide to Published Texts from Karanis.
Public Lectures
· "An Applied Linguistics Apporach to Dioscosrus' Homeric Glossary" (Les Archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodite cent ans apres leur decouverte" - Colloque international, Strasbourg, 8-10 décembre 2005)
· "Christianity at Karanis" (Society for Biblical Literature, 2005)
· “Didactic Strategy and Effect in a Homeric Glossary: P.Mich. inv.2720, American Philological Association, Boston, January 7 2005.)
· “Bilingual Literature and Literacy in Third Century Karanis” (XXIVth International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, Finland August 3, 2004).
· “Why War? Kosovo and Oral Epic” (Phi Alpha Theta guest lecture, Wichita, April, 23, 1999);
· “Literacy and Memory: Learning to Read in Traditional Greek Culture “ (Classical Studies Student Association, York University, Feb. 21, 1996).
· “Callimachus in a House of Psalms: Literacy and Literature in Karanis” (American Philological Association, San Diego CA Dec. 27, 1995).
· “Divining by Homer: Bilingualism, Oracular Magic, and the Michigan Excavation at Dimê” (Hellenistic Studies Group - University of Michigan, Feb. 15, 1994) • (Magic and Divination in the Ancient World Conference • UC Berkeley, Feb. 18, 1994).
· “The Virtues of a Roman Woman: CIL I2 1211” (Classical Association of Canada, Ottawa, June 2, 1993).
· “Dreaming Ancient Dreams: Agamemnon's Dream and its Cultural Contexts” (Classical Association of Canada, Charlottetown PEI, May 24, 1992).
· “Infanticide in Antiquity” (University of Windsor, Jan. 22, 1992).
· “Was Cleopatra Black? Gender and Ethnicity in Greco-Roman Egypt” (Michigan State University, Nov. 20, 1991).
· “Divorce, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Jealousy in Ptolemaiac Memphis:” (Classical Association of Canada, May 27, 1991 Kingston, Ontario "Women and the Law in Greek Society" panel).
· “Female Infanticide in Greco-Roman Egypt” (Methodology in Classics Seminar, Sept. 13, 1990 University of Toronto), subsequently revised and given at: • UC Santa Cruz, Oct. 11, 1991. (general lecture), • University of Texas, Austin papyrological seminar) Oct. 16, 1991, • Wayne State University, Nov. 7, 1991.
· The End of the Coma Berenices (McMaster Unviersity 1990)
· Two tragic texts from the Michigan Collection (University of Pennsylvania, Classics Dept. Nov. 1988)
· A Tragic Hypothesis (APA Baltimore 1989)
Courses Taught
Wichita State University, Lecturer 1998-2002, 2005
Fall 2005 Latin 111, Latin 232, Honors: in the Footstpes of Alexander the Great, History 359, The Greek World
Spring 2006 Latin 112, Latin 232; Honors "In Search of Troy"
Ancient Mythology*; Historiography*
Fall 2005 Latin 111, Latin 232; History of the Ancent Near East
Spring 2005 History 103: World Civilizations to 1500
History 101: History of Western Civilization: Origins–1500 (taught at the Independent Upper School for concurrent credit at Wichita State)
Summer 2002 History 101: History of Western Civilization: Origins–1500
History 558: Ancient Near East (Guided Study)
Fall 2001 History 101: History of Western Civilization: Origins–1500
History 559: Ancient Greece
Summer 2001 History 101: History of Western Civilization: Origins–1500
Summer 2000 History 101: History of Western Civilization: Origins–1500
Summer 1999 History 101: History of Western Civilization: Origins–1500
Summer 1998 History 101: History of Western Civilization: Origins–1500
York University
• 1996- 1997 Greek Drama and Culture (HUMA 3100.6.A)
University of Windsor
•Winter 1993 Second Term Latin (Latin 102)
The Romance of Words (Classical Studies 250)
•Fall 1993 First Term Latin (Latin 100)
Third Term Latin (Latin 201)
Wayne State University
•Fall 1993 Classical Origins of Western Thought (Classical Studies 2100)
Third Term Latin (Latin 2020)
University of California, Santa Cruz
•Spring 1993 Ancient Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle (Philosophy 91)
•Winter 1993 First Year Latin (Latin II)
Gender and Mythology (Lit. 61M)
•Fall 1992 First Year Latin (two sections) (Latin I)
The Heroic Epic (Lit. 115)
University of Utah (Salt Lake City)
•Spring 1991 The Social History of Love in Ancient Greek Culture (LibEd 110)
Third Quarter Latin (Latin103)
•Winter 1991 History of Women in Antiquity (LibEd 110)
Second Quarter Greek (Greek 102)
•Fall 1990 First quarter Greek (Greek 101)
Fourth quarter Latin (Latin 201)
McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario)
•Summer 1990 Sources for Roman Social History (History / Classical Studies 2MME)
•Spring 1990 Greek Grammar (Greek 2R3)
Social History of the Greeks in Egypt (History / Classical Studies 3WW3)
•Fall 1989 Greek Reading (2A3)
Greek Grammar (Greek 2R3)
Greek Society (History / Classical Studies 3WW3)
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
•Spring 1989 Greek (SM 202)
Latin 4 (SM 204)
•Fall 1988 Greek (SM 201)
Ancient Theater (Classics 141)
Willy Clarysse, Senior Academic Staff, Department of Classical Studies, KU Leuven
Michael Haslam, Professor, Department of Classics, UCLA
Ludwig Koenen, Professor Emeritus, Department of Classical Studies, University of Michigan
Judith R. Johnson, Associate Professor, History Department, Wichita State University