Ecology Review: Fill in the answers using your notes.

Ecology Test: March 30th

1. An organism that eats other organisms is called a...
/ Consumer
2. An organism that makes its own food is NOT called a heterotroph but an... / Autotroph
3. An organism that eats only meat is called a… / Carnivore
4. An organism that eats only plants is called a…. / Herbivore
5. An organism that eats both meat and plants is called… / Omnivore
6. The energy found in all living things originates from the… / Sun
7. The organism that is harmed in a parasitic relationship…. / Host
8. This biome is where salt water and freshwater mix at the mouth of a river and has animals such as crabs, starfish and beluga whales… / Estuary
9. This biome has cold, dark water and has many creepy fish, sea creatures and archaebacteria… / Deep Ocean (Benthic Zone)
10. The organism that gets hunted and eaten is called…. / Prey
11. This biome has a wet and dry season, few trees and many grasses, is warm and has lions, zebras and giraffes … / Savannah (Tropical Grassland)
12. This biome is cold and dry with frozen subsoil (permafrost) and includes animals such as the polar bear, caribou, and arctic hare… / Tundra
13. A single living thing is known as an… / Organism
14. The organism that benefits in a parasitic relationship… / Parasite
15. These organisms get energy from breaking down dead plants and animals… / Decomposers
16. The organism that hunts and eats the other is called… / Predator
17. This biome has trees that lose their leaves, four distinct seasons and includes animals such as the deer, black bear, and blue jay… / Temperate deciduous forest
18. A relationship where one organism benefits while the other is harmed is called… / Parasitism
19. Many overlapping food chains in an ecosystem is a… / Food Web
20. In the energy pyramid, an organism that eats a producer is called the… / Primary Consumer
21. The largest number of individuals of one species an ecosystem can support over time is… / Carrying Capacity
22. All the populations in an ecosystem are called… / Community
23. Energy resources made from the remains of dead plants and animals… / Fossil fuels
24. A relationship between two or more organisms in the same environment is called…. / Symbiosis
25. This biome has water that covers the soil, and includes organisms such as cattails, lilies, alligators, and turtles (also called swamps or marshes)… / Wetlands
26. A relationship where one organism benefits while the other gets nothing is called…
/ Commensalism
27. A group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time is a… / Population
28. This biome has very little precipitation and is usually hot during the day and cold at night and has the least variety of large organisms… / Desert
29. This type of water environment contains salt and is home to animals like crabs, whales, dolphins, oysters and many fish… / Marine
30. In the energy pyramid, an organism that eats the secondary consumer is called… / Tertiary Consumer
31. A relationship where both species benefit is called… / Mutualism
32. A major type of ecosystem. Ex: rainforest, desert, tundra, deciduous forest, taiga, marine, etc… / Biome
33. Four major resources that affect population density are habitat, food, mates, and ______. / Water
34. The process where energy is released from food is … / Cellular respiration
35. Energy amounts and population size ______as you go up the energy pyramid. / Decrease
36. This biome contains water that moves continuously or stays still and contains less than 1% salt… / Freshwater
37. The process where nitrogen is combined with other elements is … / Nitrogen fixation
38. This biome has coniferous trees, snow and animals such as moose, elk and wolves… / Taiga
39. The first organism in the energy pyramid is always a… / Producer
40. An organism that cannot make its own food… / Heterotroph
41. This biome has a lot of rainfall, tall trees and lush vegetation and brightly colored animals and is located around the equator… / Tropical rainforest
42. All living organisms in an area and all the nonliving features of their environment is called the… / Ecosystem
43. A series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy is called a… / Food chain
44. This biome has grasses, few trees and includes grazing animals like bison, and cattle and is known as the “breadbasket of the world”… / Temperate grassland
45. The amount of energy that gets passed from each organism onto the next organism in the energy pyramid is … / 10%
46. A living part of an ecosystem is called a … / Biotic factor
47. Non-living parts of an ecosystem such as wind, rocks and water are called … / Abiotic factor
48. Anything that restricts the number of individuals in a population … / Limiting factor
49. This is the study of the interactions of living things. / Ecology
50. An organism that feeds on other dead organisms is called a … / Scavenger
51. The process where water is released through plant’s leaves… / Transpiration
52. A diagram which shows the amount of energy at each level of a food chain… / Energy pyramid
53. The process where plants make their own food… / Photosynthesis

*Know how to read a food web. In a food web, where do the arrows point? In the direction of the energy flow (to the animal eating another organism)