Lago Vista Independent School District
Kindergarten Social StudiesSnapshot 2016-2017
/ Revision Date: June 2016Unit Name / We Follow Rules and Routines / Geographic Tools Help Me Explain Where I Am / Jobs Help People Meet Their Basic Needs / We Can Make Group Decisions by Voting / Customs and Traditions are Important to our Families / Influential People have made contributions to shape our state.
/ 1st Nine Weeks / 1st Nine Weeks / 1st Nine Weeks / 2ndNine Weeks / 2ndNine Weeks / 2nd Nine WeeksDuration
/ 4 Weeks / 1 Week / 4 Weeks / 2 Weeks / 6 Weeks / 1 WeeksTEKS
/ K4ab, K8ab, 9ab,10ABHEALTH TEKS: 6ABCD 8ABC / K4ABC
Health Teks: K2B, K4A, K5A / K2A, K6ABC, K7AB, K13AB
Health Teks: K2FG, K3A / K10D K.16AB
Health Teks: K2CD, K9A / K3AB, K11AB, K12AB,
K.14ABC, K.15A / K2AB,
Health Teks: K10ABCD
/- Use and describe terms including over, under, near, far, left and right
- Describe relative locations
- Locate places on the school campus
- Describe relative locations
- Identify purposes for having rules
- Identify rules that provide order, security, ad safety at home and school
- Identify authority figures in the home, school and community
- Explain how authority figures make and enforce rules
- Identify the US and Texas flags
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the US and Texas flags
- Tell how germs cause illness
- Name symptoms of common illnesses and diseases
- Explain how to control spread of germs
- Discuss the body’s defense system
- Recognize and describe individual differences
- Communicate respectfully
- Explain importance of consideration and respect
- Recognize and explain the importance of manners and rules for communication
- Use terms to describe relative location
- Locate places on the school campus and describe their relative location
- Identify tools that aid in determining location
- Identify safe places to play
- Identify unsafe places to play
- Name the 5 senses
- Name people who provide health information
- Identify contributions of historical figures who shaped our nation, including Christopher Columbus
- Identify basic needs of food, clothing and shelter
- Differences between needs and wants
- Explain how basic human needs can be met through self-producing, purchasing and trading
- Identify jobs in the home, school and community
- Explain why people have jobs
- Identify examples of technology used in the home and school
- Describe how technology helps accomplish specific tasks and meets people’s needs
- Identify how to get help
- Demonstrate response to emergencies
- Demonstrate how to seek help
- Use voting as a method of group decision making
- Name harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
- Identify harming oneself
- Identify refusal skills
- Use refusal skills
- Use a problem solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options.
- Use a decision making process to identify a situation that requires a decision.
- Place events in chronological order
- Use vocabulary related to time and chronology, including: before, after, next, first, last, yesterday, today and tomorrow
- Identify similarities and differences among people such as kinship, laws religion, music, clothing and food
- Describe/explain importance of family customs and traditions
- Compare family customs and traditions
- Identify the 5 senses
- Demonstrate the 5 senses
- Identify healthy foods
- Identify healthy types of exercise
- Describe decision making process and ways to solve problems
- Express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences
- Obtain information using a variety or oral sources
- Obtain information using a variety of visual sources
- Identify the contributions of historical figures who helped shape the state and nation, including: Stephen F. Austin, George Washington Christopher Columbus, Jose Antonio Navarro
- Identify contributions of patriots and good citizens who have shaped the community
- Identify bullying behaviors
- Identify bullying replacement behaviors
- Demonstrate how to obtain help
- Describe responding to bullying
Priority Standards
/- K.6B
Lago Vista Independent School District
Kindergarten Social Studies Snapshot 2016-2017
/ Revision Date: June 2016Unit Name / Weather can help us to identify a place and impact our food, clothing, and activities
Landforms / Seasons are chronological and vary based on geographic location. / Our state identity is demonstrated in symbols and customs / Geographic Features are impacted by the climate / We can identify a place by its physical characteristics / Geographic characteristics of our location impact our movement
/ 3st Nine Weeks / 3rd Nine Weeks / 3rd Nine Weeks / 4th Nine Weeks / 4th Nine Weeks / 4th Nine WeeksDuration
/ 3 Weeks / 2 Weeks / 4 Weeks / 3 Weeks / 2 Weeks / 3 WeeksTEKS
/ K5ABHealth TEKS: K2A,E K7A / Health Teks: 6D, 4B
Spiraled: K1A, K3A, K4B, K5A, K6D / 13C
Spiraled: K2AB / K11B
Health Teks:4B
Spiraled: K5A, K5B, / Spiraled: K4C, K.5A / K. 15B
Spiraled: K.4A,K4B,K4C
/- Physical characteristics of place such as landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather
- Human characteristics of place such as ways of earning a living, shelter, clothing, food, and activities are based upon geographic location
- Purposes of protective equipment
- Safety rules for water and bikes
- Weather affects individual health
- Reasons for national patriotic holidays such as President’s Day.
- Events in chronological order
- Physical characteristics of place such as landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather
- Basic parts of the body's defense system against germs
- Major body parts and their functions
- Contributions of historical figures, including Stephen F. Austin, George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and Jose Antonio Navarro, who helped to shape the state and nation
- Contributions of patriots and good citizens who have shaped the community
- How technology helps accomplish specific tasks and meet people’s needs
- Identify the physical characteristics of place such as landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather.
- Identify how the human characteristics of places such as ways of earning a living, shelter, clothing, food, and activities are based upon geographic location
- Identify similarities and differences among people such as music, clothing, and food.
- Name major body parts and their functions
- Identify tools that aid in determining location, including maps and globes
- Identify the physical characteristics of place such as landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather.
- Use terms including over, under, near, far, left, and right, to describe relative location
- Locate places on the school
- campus and describe their relative locations
- Identify tools that aid in determining location including maps and globes.
- Create and interpret visual including pictures,maps etc.
Priority Standards
/- K2A
Unit 1: ELPS
2C learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions
3D Speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency
Unit 2: ELPS
1E internalize new basic and academic language by using and reusing it in meaningful ways in speaking and writing activities that build concept and language attainment
2C learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions
3D Speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency
Unit 3: ELPS
3B expand and internalize initial English vocabulary by learning and using high-frequency English words necessary for identifying and describing people, places, and objects, and by learning and using routine language needed for classroom communication.
2C learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions
3C speak using a variety of grammatical structures, sentence lengths, sentence types, and connecting words with increasing accuracy and ease as more English is acquired
5B write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and contentbased grade-level vocabulary
Unit 4: ELPS
3D speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency
1A use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English
5B write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary
Unit 5: ELPS
1F use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process
3H narrate, describe, and explain with increasing specificity and detail as more English is acquired
2I demonstrate listening comprehension of increasingly complex spoken English by following directions.
5B write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary
3B expand and internalize initial English vocabulary by learning and using highfrequency English words necessary for identifying and describing people, places, and objects, and by learning and using routine language needed for classroom communication.
Unit 6:ELPS
3B expand and internalize initial English vocabulary by learning and using highfrequency English words necessary for identifying and describing people, places, and objects, and by learning and using routine language needed for classroom communication.
3C Speak using a variety of grammatical structures, sentence lengths and types, and connecting words.
5G Explain using content area writing
2D Monitor understanding of spoken language and seek clarification
Unit 7:ELPS
5C Spell familiar English words using spelling patterns and rules
3A Practice producing sounds of newly acquired vocabulary
3J: Respond orally to information presented in a wide variety of print, electronic,
audio, and visual media.
2C Learn new language and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction
Unit 8: ELPS
5C Spell familiar English words using spelling patterns and rules
3A Practice producing sounds of newly acquired vocabulary
Unit 9:ELPS
3E Share information in cooperative learning interactions.
2E Use linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of spoken language
1C Use strategies to acquire vocabulary
3F Ask and give information in social and academic settings
Unit 10: ELPS
2C Learn new language and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction.
1F: Use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process.
Unit 11:ELPS
3F Ask and give information in social and academic settings
Unit 12: ELPS
3C Speak using a variety of grammatical structures.
1F use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process
3H narrate, describe, and explain with increasing specificity and detail as more English is acquired
2I demonstrate listening comprehension of increasingly complex spoken English by following directions.
5B write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary